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14-04-2015 PEOPLE DATA COWI GROUP Q2 2012 1 People data report Q2 2012 COWI GROUP.

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Presentation on theme: "14-04-2015 PEOPLE DATA COWI GROUP Q2 2012 1 People data report Q2 2012 COWI GROUP."— Presentation transcript:

1 14-04-2015 PEOPLE DATA COWI GROUP Q2 2012 1 People data report Q2 2012 COWI GROUP

2 14-04-2015 PEOPLE DATA COWI GROUP Q2 2012 2 COWI Group at a glance Q2 2012 1) Shared services located in DK is enclosed in the headcount and target for COWI DK See next slide for breakdown on legal subsidiaries in COWI DK 2) Figures for "engineering India" also includes 18 non-billable employees Headcount: Number of employees % ΔYTD: Net growth in headcount as a percentage of headcount 31.12.2011. Included internal movements % ΔM&A: Mergers, acquisitions and sell-offs as a percentage of average headcounts 31.12.2011 to 30.06.2012 Full year turnover rate: Calculated as resignations excluding sell-offs. All leavers in 2011 as percentage of average headcount 31.12.2011 and 30.06.2012 Own resignation: Own resignation in 2012 as a percentage of average headcount 31.12.2011 and 30.06.2012 Joiner rate: Joiners in Q1 2012 as a percentage of average headcount 31.12.2011 and 30.06.2012 extended to 12 months 2)

3 14-04-2015 PEOPLE DATA COWI GROUP Q2 2012 3 COWI DK at a glance Q2 2012 Headcount: Number of employees (division 10 is enclosed in the headcount in COWI DK) %∆YTD: Net growth in headcount as a percentage of headcount 31.12.2011. Included internal movements. %∆M&A: Mergers, acquisitions and sell-offs as a percentage of average headcounts 31.12.2011 to 30.06.2012. Full year turnover rate: Calculated as resignations excluding sell-offs. All leavers in 2011 as percentage of average headcount 31.12.2011 and 30.06.2012. Own resignation: Own resignation in 2012 as a percentage of average headcount 31.12.2011 and 30.06.2012. Joiner rate: Joiners in Q1 2012 as a percentage of average headcount 31.12.2011 and 30.06.2012 extended to 12 months. Subsidiaries with less than 20 employees is not shown as percentage as natural variations in employee turnover (e.g. 1 or 2 per quarter) may lead to grossly misleading extrapolated full year turnover rates.

4 14-04-2015 PEOPLE DATA COWI GROUP Q2 2012 4 Distribution of employees on the five business areas Q2 2012 By 1. january 2012 Africa is placed in COWI DK. This is the main cause to an increased number of employees in COWI DK

5 14-04-2015 PEOPLE DATA COWI GROUP Q2 2012 5 Seniority, age and gender distributions in the regions, Q2 2012 Note: For a number of subsidiaries which has been split between regions, but are still unified subsidiaries, seniority, age and gender distribution is assumed to be the same across the split of the subsidiary.

6 14-04-2015 PEOPLE DATA COWI GROUP Q2 2012 6 Joined, left and net growth, Q2 2012 ›Note: The full year rate for joiners, leavers and net change are not comparable to % YTD in the table, slide 2, because (a) it does not include internal movements, and (b) it is a projection for the full year rates. Percentages are calculated in relation to average headcount in the period from 31.12.2011 to 31.06.2012 and extended to 12 months

7 14-04-2015 PEOPLE DATA COWI GROUP Q2 2012 7 Management and gender, Q2 2012 ›Note: The manager is regional number of (e.g. female) managers divided by regional number of (female) employees. The percentages does not take into account the different composition of the age, seniority, education etc. among all employed men and women.

8 14-04-2015 PEOPLE DATA COWI GROUP Q2 2012 8 Employees by education Q2 2012 Note: Higher education: Master, bachelor Other higher: Ex. human science Other: Other education such as short technical education, draughtsman, administration, service etc. Unknown: No data for external experts with short assignments

9 14-04-2015 PEOPLE DATA COWI GROUP Q2 2012 9 Education by company

10 14-04-2015 PEOPLE DATA COWI GROUP Q2 2012 10 Demography by company

11 14-04-2015 PEOPLE DATA COWI GROUP Q2 2012 11 Employee turnover ›Note: Net change (full year) is the projected percentage change to be expected if the development for the rest of the year is equal to the quarters already observed. The numbers in these tables are presented graphically on slide 6.

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