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Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire: 5th Edition

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1 Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire: 5th Edition
Dale Pietrzak, Ed.D., LPC-MH, CCMHC Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire: 5th Edition

2 Personality Test Types
Trait-Motive Symptom Focus Clinical Normal MMPI-2 MCMI-III BPI Objective 16PF CPI HTP TAT ER’s Projective Rorschach Holtzman

3 3 Domains of of Assessment
Cattell & Johnson, 1986; Leary, 1957 Ability: What the person can do Motive: What the person desires Personality: What the person is like (Character) What on earth is he talking about!?!

4 3 Types of Personality Data
Life Data: Personality as it is revealed in everyday behavior Question Data: Person’s self-report of any type Test Data: Person’s responses to contrived situations, a non-conscious presentation or inferential (Projectives, IQ, Situation) Cattell & Johnson, 1986; Leary, 1957

5 16PF & Related Constructed using factor analysis 16 Primary Scales
Different factors for adults and children 16 Primary Scales 5 Second Order Factors One of most used and researched instruments A great deal of validity data

6 Administration & Scoring
1 hour supervised 6th grade reading level Caution on using “b” 4 published keys (2 can be hand made) Calculation of Secondary Factors (No TV, movies, etc.) This does not seem so bad.

7 Stability of Primary Scales
Scale 2 Week 2 Month A B C E F G H I Scale 2 Week 2 Month L M N O Q Q Q Q Only 1 scale under .75 (B) at 2 weeks.

8 Stability of Secondary Scales
Scale 2 Weeks 2 Months Extraversion Anxiety Tough-Mindedness Independence Self-Control At 2 weeks 84 to 91 percent of variance accounted for! At 2 months only anxiety is below .70!

9 Consistency of Primary Scales
Cronbach’s Alpha Scale Alpha A * B C E * F * G H I Scale Alpha L M N O Q * Q Q * Q * Most heterogeneous

10 16PF Uses Sten Scores Mean is 5.5 and the standard deviation is 2
Sten 3 is the 11 percentile & 8 the 89 percentile Sten 2 is the 4 percentile and 9 the 96 percentile 1 is the 1 percentile and 10 the 99 percentile I think I am Numbered out!

11 Primary Scales Factor A: Reserved-Warm Factor B: Concrete-Abstract
Factor C: Emotionally Reactive-Stable Factor D: Low Activity-High Activity (Child Only) Factor E: Deferential-Dominant Factor F: (Liveliness) Serious-Enthusiastic Factor G: Nonconforming- Dutiful

12 Primary Scales Con’t Factor H: Shy-Socially Bold
Factor I: Objective, Unsentimental-Sensitive Factor J: Low Attention Seeking-Internally Oriented (Child Only) Factor L: Trusting-Suspicious, Skeptical Factor M: Workable Oriented-Idea Oriented Factor N: Forthright- Private, Discreet (Tact)

13 Primary Scales Con’t Factor O: Self-Assured-Apprehensive Factor Q1: Attached to Familiar-Open to Change Factor Q2: Group Oriented-Self Reliant Factor Q3: Tolerates Disorder-Self Disciplined, Perfectionistic Factor Q4: Relaxed, Placid-Tense (Muscle), High Energy, Impatient

14 Secondary Factor Equations 1
Extravertion: (.3A+.3F+.2H-.3N-.3Q2+4.4) Anxiety: (-.4C+.3L+.4O+.4Q4+1.65) Self-Control: (-.2F+.4G-.3M+.4Q3+3.85) Independence: (.6E+.3H+.2L+.3Q1-2.2) Tough-Mindedness: (-.2A-.5I-.3M-.5Q ) Take me to your numbers 1 Use the STEN Scores from Primary Scales.

15 Scoring Example Extraversion
Extravertion: (.3A+.3F+.2H-.3N-.3Q2+4.4) Scale Sten Weight Total A F H N Q Constant Sten Rounded: 8.0

16 Secondary Factor Meanings
EX: Introverted-Extraverted (Socially participating) AX: Little Anxiety-High Anxiety TM: Open-minded, Intuitive-Tough-Minded, Unempatetic IN: Accommodating, Selfless-Independent, Willful SC: Unrestrained, Self-Controlled, Inhibited

17 Response Style Scales Impression Management: 95 percentile call Fake Good; 5th percentile call fake bad Infrequency: 95 percentile call invalid Hand scoring you must make your own key Acquiescence: 95 percentile invalid “true response set”; 5 percentile call invalid “false response set”

18 Interpretation Process
Assess Validity (Impression Management, Infrequency, Acquiescence) Extreme Scale for Broad Factors (1, 2, 3 and 8, 9, 10) Extreme Scales Primary Factors (1, 2, 3 and 8, 9, 10) Scale Interactions (Clinical Judgment)

19 16PF Example A 10 B 7 C 3 E 2 F 4 G 7 H 9 I 8 L 8 M 6 N 4 O 7 Q1 5
Extremes Ranked EX+ -- AX+ -- TM- -- A+ A+ C- E- E- H+ H+ C- I+ I+ L+ L+ Q2- Q2- 36 Year Old Male EX: 8 AX: 8 SC: 6 IN: 5 TM: 3

20 16PF Example Con’t A+ = Needs Others E- = Adaptable (passive)
H+ = Socially Bold C- = Emotionally Reactive I+ = Sensitive L+ = Suspicious Q2- = Group-Oriented White Male, Age EX: Extraverted AX: Anxious TM: Hypersensitive


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