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Middle School Quarter 2 Mathematics Overview 2010 – 2011.

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1 Middle School Quarter 2 Mathematics Overview 2010 – 2011

2 Session Ground Rules Respect the value of each individual’s contribution No sidebars Share the air Honor time limits Participate and take ownership Turn cell phones on vibrate & close computers No texting Parking Lot 2

3 Session Goals Review Insight Benchmark Data. Access resources available to support teaching and learning Quarter 2 GPS standards. Provide a broad content overview of the major Georgia Performance Standards in Quarter 2. Discuss the rigor of knowledge and skills expected in each GPS unit. 3 Unit 3: Fractions, Decimals, Ratios, &Percents Unit 4: One Step Equations Unit 3: Rational Reasoning Unit 4: Flip, Slide & Turn Unit 3: Slippery Slope Unit 4: Transversing Congruency

4 Agenda Opening (Norms, Goals, & Focus Areas) Review District 2009-2010 CRCT Data APS Benchmark Discussion Learning Village Quarter Two Model Lesson Closing 4

5 5 Our Five Focus Areas 5

6 6 adapted from Silicon Valley Mathematics Initiative

7 APS 2010 CRCT Grades 5-8

8 APS 2010 CRCT Grade 6

9 APS 2010 CRCT Grade 7

10 APS 2010 CRCT Grade 8

11 11 Insight Fall Benchmark Data Using the Standards Alignment document and APS Fall Benchmark Assessment, highlight Q1 and Q2 standards/questions in two different colors. Take a few moments to review your standards mastery and item analysis report… – How did students perform on the standards/questions related to the content for Units 1 & 2 (Q1)? – How did students perform on the standards/questions related to the content for Units 3 & 4 (Q2)? – How can this data be used formatively? – What other data are you using to inform instruction?

12 12 Research Misconceptions and Errors Bell, A.: 1993 “Some experiments in diagnostic teaching”, Educational Studies in Mathematics. 24: 115-137

13 13 Student Misconception Discussion One of the benchmark questions is shown below. Look at the possible answer choices Why are they good possible answers? What misconceptions are highlighted? What information can you tell about the graph? A.Terri saved about the same amount of money as Corbin between January and April B.Terri spent about the same amount of money as Corbin between January and April C.Terri has saved more money than Corbin during the months of January through April D.Terri has spent more money than Corbin during the months of January through April

14 Actual Answers 14

15 Learning Village What is Learning Village Log into the Learning Village at the GaDOE website. – aspx aspx 15

16 Model Lessons 6 th 7 th 8 th GPS Task Using the Equation GPS Task Sums and Products GPS Task Number Tricks 16

17 Closing Give One Get One Redelivery Materials Evaluation 17

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