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Ivan DeLoatch FGDC OS Executive Director

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Presentation on theme: "Ivan DeLoatch FGDC OS Executive Director"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ivan DeLoatch FGDC OS Executive Director
September 23, 2014 National Geospatial Advisory Committee FGDC Update Ivan DeLoatch FGDC OS Executive Director

2 FGDC Update Topics GAO Engagement Update National Boundaries Group
Spatial Data Transfer Standard NGDA Management Plan Activities

3 2012 GAO Actions Update Actions in response to November 2102 GAO Report (GAO-13-94) GAO is monitoring on-going actions Action 1) Steering Committee to: Develop a plan with timeframe to facilitate the implementation of OMB’s portfolio management guidance National Geospatial Asset Management (NGDA) Management Plan – GAO monitoring implementation Action 2) Steering Committee to: Develop and implement guidance and timeframe for identifying planned geospatial investments using the Geospatial Platform (Marketplace) This action is completed. Action 3) Steering Committee to: Create and update a strategic plan with timeframe and implement the plan within the established time frame. NSDI Strategic Plan – GAO monitoring implementation

4 2014 GAO Engagement Background
GAO engagement on Geospatial data (311299) - letter received January 6, 2014 Issues under review/Objective(s)/Key questions(s): Determine the implementation status of prior recommendations Engagement Describe the types of geospatial data that selected federal agencies and States are acquiring. Looking for use cases and maps to show the pervasive use across the government Determine the extent to which selected federal agencies and States invest in potentially duplicative geospatial data Focused primarily on address and imagery data GAO met with States - MD, OH, SC, MT, WA

5 2014 GAO Engagement – Recent Actions
GAO posed follow-up questions to: NOAA, Census, USGS on data theme activities GSA on relationship FGDC OS/DOI met with GAO on 9/15/14 - questions on: The status and reporting of the National Geospatial Data Asset (NGDA) Management Plan’s actions operations Likely the last meeting - minor clarifying questions needed for their report may potentially be asked Continue to look for “evidence” of implementation of 2012 actions

6 2014 GAO Engagement – Next Steps
GAO is currently drafting their report Projected timeline of actions November GAO will provide their statement-of-facts to the interviewed agencies for their review and response December GAO provides draft report to interviewed agencies with a 30-day comment and response period January 2015 – Responses to draft report due to GAO February 2015 – GAO anticipates releasing their final report

7 National Boundaries Group (NBG)
In July 2014, the Steering Committee approved the NBG as a working group of the FGDC Established in 2011 Supports activities of several National Geospatial Data Asset (NGDA) data themes Purpose: to ensure federal boundary sources are nationally consistent, accurate, and integrated. Members: federal agencies, which as part of their mission, collect or finance the collection of boundary data, and those federal agencies that are legislatively mandated to directly apply these data in support of their missions Non-federal representation may be added with consensus from members Co-chaired by U.S. Census and U.S. Geological Survey

8 Spatial Data Transfer Standard (SDTS)
Conceptual model and detailed specifications for the content, structure, and format for exchange of spatial data (7 parts/profiles) Dates back to the 1990s Public comment period resulted in 1 comment on its past use with no response to FGDC follow-up SDTS Parts 1-7 have been voted to be withdrawn by the FGDC Information will remain on the FGDC website for reference only

9 National Geospatial Data Asset Management Plan (NGDAMP)
National Geospatial Data Asset (NGDA) portfolio management process optimizing investments in Federal geospatial assets For effective sharing, collaboration, and use of core geospatial data across Federal agencies and with partners / stakeholders Support efficient and effective decisionmaking Approved by the FGDC March 2014 3-year implementation plan Good progress is being made by the agencies

10 Status of 27 NGDA Plan Actions
All actions on target Implementation roles and responsibilities at SC, CG, agency, program levels Theme leads meeting regularly GAO monitoring implementation progress As of September 25, 2014

11 NGDA Management Plan Actions
Completed Actions Action from the NGDA Management Plan Start Date Completion Date Lead Progress Action 2C.3: Establish and Maintain Coordination Mechanism across NGDA Themes FY13 Q2 FY14 Q2  Theme Lead Complete 5/13/14 Action 1B.1: Identify Initial Baseline of NGDA Datasets FY12 Q1 FY14 Q3 Theme Lead Complete 7/2/14 Action 1C.1: Activate NGDA Theme Lead Collaboration Community on  GeoPlatform Team Complete 4/23/2014 Action 2C.1: Manage and Maintain Content for each NGDA Theme Public Website on Complete 9/3/2014

12 NGDA Management Plan Actions
Action from the NGDA Management Plan Start Date Completion Date Lead Progress Action 1A.1: Develop a Process for Selecting and Maintaining Executive NGDA Theme Champions, NGDA Theme Leads, and NGDA Dataset Managers FY12 Q1 FY14 Q4 Theme Lead Agency  FY13 goal complete. Roles filled. In progress Action 1D.1: Develop NGDA Dataset Maturity Annual Assessment Survey and Tool FY13 Q2 Dataset Manager Action 1D.3: Develop NGDA Theme Administrative Maturity Assessment Survey and Tool FY14 Q1  Theme Lead Action 1B.2: Register Baseline NGDA Datasets and Services Metadata on the Catalog with Appropriate NGDA and Theme “tags” FY15 Q1 FY14 Q2 target complete. 25% NGDA registered. In progress. Metadata Focus Group. Action 1D.2: Develop NGDA Dataset Report Template and Tool FY14 Q3 Theme Lead Action 1E.1: Review/Revise the Definition of Geospatial Investment and Budget Reporting Codes Steering Committee  In progress. Team to meet Sept 19. Action 1B.3: Develop an Process for Nomination/Removal of NGDA Datasets FY15 Q2 SC, Exec Theme Champions, Theme Leads In progress. Initial template in use. Action 1D.4: Develop Support Theme Strategic Plan Template and Tool Theme Leads, GeoPlatform Team In progress. Identified example plans. Action 1D.5: Develop Annual Theme Report Template and Tool FY15 Q3 Action 2A.1: Complete and Submit NGDA Dataset Maturity Annual Assessment Dataset Managers Not initiated

13 NGDA Management Plan Actions
Action from the NGDA Management Plan Start Date Completion Date Lead Progress Action 2A.2: Complete and Submit NGDA Theme Administrative Maturity Annual Assessment FY15 Q1 FY15 Q4 Theme Leads Not initiated Action 2D.1: Complete and Submit Annual NGDA Dataset Report FY15 Q2 Dataset Managers Action 2E.1: Develop the A–16 NGDA Portfolio-level Processes, Reporting Requirements, and Roles and Responsibility Requirements for Federal Geospatial Portfolio Management FY14 Q3 SC, Exec Theme Champions In process Action 2C.2: Establish and Engage the NGDA Theme Committees and Communities to Further Strategic Planning Efforts FY13 Q2 FY16 Q1 Action 1D.6: Develop NGDA Services/Applications Investment Report Template, Tool, and Report FY15 Q3 FY16 Q2 Exec Theme Champions, Theme Leads, GeoPlatform Team, Action 1D.7: Develop NGDA Portfolio Summary Report Template and Tool SC, Exec Theme Champions, Theme Leads, GeoPlatform Team Action 1C.2:Develop A–16 Theme Collaboration Community Templates and Tools on FY13 Q4 FY16 Q3 Theme Leads, GeoPlatform Team

14 NGDA Management Plan Actions
Action from the NGDA Management Plan Start Date Completion Date Lead Progress Action 2B.1: Complete and Submit NGDA Theme Strategic Plan FY15 Q3 FY16 Q3 Theme Leads Not initiated Action 2D.2: Complete and Submit Annual NGDA Theme Reports FY15 Q4 Action 1E.2: Apply the Geospatial Investment Definition and Budget Reporting Codes FY15 Q2 FY16 Q4 OMB, Theme Lead Agency(s) Action 2D.3: Report Theme progress to FGDC Steering Committee and FGDC Coordination Group FY13 Q4 Exec Theme Champions, Theme Leads FY14 Q4 complete. 25% Theme reported to SC. In Progress. Themes reporting to SC. Action 2E.2: Develop a Process for Federal Agencies to Identify Resources Required for Managing Geospatial Data Beyond Their Agency's Mission FY15 Q1 SC, Exec Theme Champions, Theme Lead Agency(s) Action 2D.4: Compile NGDA Theme Reports into A–16 Portfolio Summary FY17 Q3 SC, Exec Theme Champions, GeoPlatform Team

15 Key Actions in Progress
Establishing working groups as needed to address actions and development of processes Assessing data theme administration Assessing dataset maturity for data lifecycle stages Developing assessment surveys and tools Documenting and tracking best practices Established data theme communities on the Geospatial Platform Registering datasets to the Geospatial Platform / shared catalog Establishing budget reporting codes Data Lifecycle

16 Challenges Being Addressed
Working through metadata and services registration challenges Incorporating geospatial and non-geospatial records Synchronizing geo and non-geo metadata requirements Ensuring presentation and persistence of rich geo metadata content Some agencies are still challenged in incorporating the NGDA management practices into current business processes Aligning assessment, reporting, recommendation processes Ensuring appropriate and useful metrics will be captured

17 NGDA Management Plan Current Active Actions
Action 1A.1: Develop a Process for Selecting and Maintaining Executive NGDA Theme Champions, NGDA Theme Leads, and NGDA Dataset Managers Action 1D.1: Develop NGDA Dataset Maturity Annual Assessment Survey Action 1B.2: Register baseline NGDA Datasets and Services metadata Action 1E.1: Review/revise geospatial investment and budget report codes Standard definition of a Geospatial Investment and budget reporting codes that can be cross walked with agencies Ex Com team to draft standard definition (initial meeting 9/19/14) Adrian Gardner (FEMA) Stephen Lowe (David Hoover) – USDA Harvey Simon (Wendy Blake-Coleman) – EPA Tony LaVoi – NOAA Tim Trainor – Census Angela Smith – GSA

18 GeoPlatform Internal Theme Communities
To enable collaboration among Theme Leads and Dataset Managers New technical capabilities to enable content management by theme leads Private community updated in August Page layout changed New documents added NGDA Dataset Inventory Meeting notes Actions Items updated Active documents

19 NGDA Management Plan Actions
Actions that need to be completed in FY 2014 & 2015 Community Collaboration Theme Lead Actions Dataset Manager Actions 1D.1: Develop NGDA Dataset Maturity Annual Assessment Survey (9/30/2014) 2C.1: Populate A–16 Theme Public Community on (9/30/2014) 1B.2: Register baseline NGDA Datasets and Services metadata (12/31/2014) 1D.3: Develop NGDA Theme Administrative Maturity Assessment Survey (9/30/2014) 1D.2: Develop NGDA Dataset Report Template 1B.3: Develop an process for nomination/removal of NGDA Datasets (3/31/2015) 2A.1: Complete administrative baseline assessment (6/30/2015) 2A.2: Complete NGDA baseline assessment (9/30/2015) 1D.4: Develop Support Strategic Theme Plan Template 2B.1: Produce a Theme Strategic Plan (6/30/2016) Part of Lifecycle Assessment: Produce a Dataset Management Plan (Future/Ongoing)

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