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Business Communication Q2 Study Guide. Review This study guide is highlighting the main points of the course. Be sure to review the following carefully:

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Presentation on theme: "Business Communication Q2 Study Guide. Review This study guide is highlighting the main points of the course. Be sure to review the following carefully:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Business Communication Q2 Study Guide

2 Review This study guide is highlighting the main points of the course. Be sure to review the following carefully: previous quizzes & tests o especially questions you missed assignments links

3 Main Concepts Business Writing/Documents Listening Leadership and Conflict Interviewing

4 Business Writing and Documents Electronic Ethics Memo Writing Letter Writing o Differences in memos etters Technology in business Communicating w/ numbers Business documents

5 Listening Following directions Telephone etiquette Listening skills o What prevents good listening Asking questions Overcoming stereotypes

6 Leadership and Conflict Conflict Resolution Leadership skills o Passive, aggressive, and assertive behaviors Chain of command Leadership and ethics o Combatting and preventing controlling, abusive leaders

7 Interviewing Finding a job Interviewing questions and answers Employment law

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