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GROUP III BASE OILS the new European Standard HANS GROEN.

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Presentation on theme: "GROUP III BASE OILS the new European Standard HANS GROEN."— Presentation transcript:

1 GROUP III BASE OILS the new European Standard HANS GROEN

2 Drivers Automotive Engine oil specifications drive the base oil performance Most formulations supporting the new ACEA specifications and OEM specifications are based on group III Fuel economy requirements drive formulations towards lower viscosities

3 Legislation Air Quality Improvement After treatment Low Sulfated Ash Phosphor Sulfur ManufacturerLubrication

4 CO2 Reduction + Fuel Economy LegislationManufacturerLubrication

5 Recycling / Durability Low Volatility Good Stability Extend Oildrains LegislationManufacturerLubrication

6 New Registrations 2008 Western Europe Passenger Car Source: Association Auxiliaire de l'Automobile

7 New Registrations 2008 Western Europe Heavy Duty >3.5t

8 New developments for passenger cars ACEA A/B are group III centered ACEA A/B category Main Viscosity Main base oil(High Saps) A1/B10W-30 5W-30 PAO Group III Fuel economy A3/B310W-40Group I Most common A3/B45W-30 5W-40 Group III High Saps A5/B50W-30 5W-30 PAO Group III Fuel economy

9 New developments for passenger cars ACEA C are group III centered ACEA C category Main Viscosity Main base oil C15W-30Group IIILow Saps C25W-30Group IIIMid Saps C35W-30 5W-40 Group III Mid Saps C45W-30Group IIILow Saps

10 New developments HEAVY DUTY ACEA E are group III centered New developments HEAVY DUTY ACEA E are group III centered ACEA E category Main Viscosity Main base oil E410W-40Group III E610W-40Group IIILow saps E715W-40Group I E915W-40Group IILow saps

11 Global base oil production

12 Global base oil production (Gr.I+II+III+napht / nameplate ) total production approx. 1 million bbls/pd

13 Global base oil production per area

14 Split of 5 % of world production Japan Group 1 80 % Group II 6 % Group III 7 % Naphtenic 7 %

15 Split of 26% of World production North America: Group I 36 % Group II 46 % Group III 1 % Naphtenic 17 %

16 Split of 11 % World production Latin America Group I 89 % Naphtenic 11 %

17 Split of 15 % of World production Western Europe Group I 85 % Group II 2 % Group III 6 % Naphtenic 7 %

18 Split of 12 % of World production Central & Eastern Europe Group I 98 % Group II 1 % Naphtenic 1 %

19 Split of 6 % of world production : Korea Group I 1 % Group II 52 % Group III 47 %

20 Split of 11 % of world production South Asia/Pacific Group I 55 % Group II 33 % Group III 12 %

21 Passenger car engine oil – Western European base oil demand In 2010 split will be approx : Group I : 40 % Group III : 49 % Group IV :10 % Group V : 1 %

22 Diesel engine oil– Western European base oil demand In 2010 will be approx : GROUP I : 75 % GROUP II : 8 % GROUP III : 16 % GROUP IV : 0,5 % GROUP V : 0,5 %

23 Engine oil– Western European base oil demand In 2010 split will be approx Group I: 54 % Group II: 3 % Group III: 35,5 % Group IV: 6,5 % Group V : 1 %

24 High Quality Lubs demand star Base Oil : a beautiful product ………. : A Nice installation …………… produce… coming from this production train :

25 Meeting the highest quality :

26 26 PETRONAS Base Oil Plant PETRONAS Base Oil Marketing Provides product consistency Ensures continuity of supply Life cycle control PETRONAS Tankers Customer PETRONAS Equity Crude VW504//507 MB229.51, ACEA C33 Porsche, BWM LL... PETRONAS Formulations

27 THANK YOU for your attention My thanks for the production of all data go to Technical Department PETRONAS ( PMN ) Mr Mike Pisani


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