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DHHS COE Meeting Agenda □Welcome □Introductions □Contract Compliance Reporting □Questions and Answers □Contract Updates.

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Presentation on theme: "DHHS COE Meeting Agenda □Welcome □Introductions □Contract Compliance Reporting □Questions and Answers □Contract Updates."— Presentation transcript:

1 DHHS COE Meeting Agenda □Welcome □Introductions □Contract Compliance Reporting □Questions and Answers □Contract Updates

2 Office of Procurement & Contract Services SFY 2014 Contract Report for Center of Excellence

3 Contracts & Amendments Reviewed by OPCS 2010 - 2014

4 Average Number of Days Comparison

5 Average Number of Days Contract or Amendment Approvals Q4

6 Average Number of Days Contract or Amendment Approvals by Division Q4 (RFPs not included)

7 Average Number of Days SFY 2014 Q 1 – Q4

8 Average Number of Days to review Contract or Amendments SFY 2014

9 Average Number of Days Contract or Amendment Approvals by Division SFY 2014 (RFPs not included)

10 Total Average Number of Days to Review Contracts SFY 2010 - 2014

11 Timely Approvals Comparison

12 Department Timely Approvals DHHS Q4

13 Department Timely Approvals DHHS Q1 – Q4

14 Timely Approvals by Division Q3 & Q4

15 Timely Approvals by Division Q1 & Q2

16 Divisions submitting all contracts prior to the effective date Q4 □ Division of Aging and Adult Services □ Division of Health Service Regulation □ Office of Rural Health and Community Care

17 Department Timely Approvals DHHS SFY 2014

18 Timely Approvals by Division SFY 2014

19 Timely Approvals by Division SFY 2010 - 2011

20 Timely Approvals by Division SFY 2012 - 2013

21 Timely Approvals Trend Analysis SFY 2011 – SFY 2014

22 Divisions submitting all contracts prior to the effective date SFY 2014 □ Division of Health Service Regulation □ Office of Rural Health and Community Care

23 Compliance Comparison

24 Compliance Rating SFY 2014 Q 4 72% in Compliance *Goal – 95%

25 Compliance Rating SFY 2014 Trend Q1 - Q 4 41%65% 29% 72% % in compliance

26 Compliance Rating Q3 & Q4

27 Compliance Rating Q1 & Q2

28 Contract Compliance Q4 SFY 2014 (data based on contracts requiring OPCS approval) Division contract compliance should strive to achieve a 95% rate □ No divisions received above 95% Divisions at or above the 75% mark □ Division of Child Development and Early Education – 88% □ Division of Public Health – 93% □ Division of Vocational Rehabilitation – 80% □ Division of Rural Health and Community Care – 80%

29 Department Compliance Rate SFY 2014

30 Compliance Rating by Division SFY 2014

31 Goal for Contract Compliance SFY 2014 (data based on contracts requiring OPCS approval) Division contract compliance should strive to achieve a 95% rate No Divisions to Report Divisions at or above the 75% mark □ Division of Vocational Rehabilitation – 87%

32 SFY 2010 to 2014 Overall Compliance Comparison




36 Compliance Rating by Area SFY 2014 Q1 thru Q4


38 COMPLIANCE SUMMARY SFY 10-14 □Overall Contracts after the effective date continues to improve. Compliance rating for timely approvals came in at 79% improving by 20% from SFY 13. □Overall compliance improved from SFY 13 to SFY 14 by 14% and by as much as 30% from SFY 12 to SFY 14. □SFY 12 is excellent baseline data because significant changes and revisions were made to address user feedback regarding OW and to enhance contract generation in the system. Compliance was as low as 26% in SFY 12, but improved by 17% in SFY 13 after the changes to OW and improved by an additional 13% from SFY 13 to SFY 14. □SFY 14 compliance information reflects that the Department is trending back toward its standard performance and compliance rating levels prior to OW. □Most Divisions showed a positive or upward swing from SFY 13 to SFY 14. Those showing the most dramatic, positive or negative swings from SFY 13 to SFY 14 are: DHSR, DSOHF, ORHCC, DVR, DSS and DPH.

39 COMPLIANCE SUMMARY SFY 10-14 (Cont.) □DHSR compliance improved by 16% from 8% in SFY 2013 to 24% in SFY 14 and DSOHF compliance improved by 37% □ORHCC compliance improved by 27% from 31% in SFY 2013 to 58% in 2014. □DSOHF and DVR compliance improved by 37% from SFY 13 to SFY 14. DSOHF jumped from 25% in SFY 13 to 62% in SFY 14 and DVR jumped from 50% in SFY 2013 to 87% in SFY 14. □DSS Compliance Rating improvement actually doubled almost 20% from 32% in SFY 13 to 51% in SFY 14. □DPH annual compliance dipped by 15% from 89% in SFY 13 to 74% in SFY 14. This was somewhat surprising because except for the time period with implementation of OW, their compliance has consistently remained in the 80 th percentile

40 COMPLIANCE SUMMARY SFY 10-14 (Cont.) Division with the longest cycle time still remains to be DSS (46 days) followed by DPH (26 days), DMH (26 days), DSOHF (25 days) and DCDEE (21 days) for SFY 2013 The cycle time for these divisions were almost the same or higher in 2013 In summary compliance rating is still way below expectation by as much as 40% in SFY 14 and in SFY 10 and SFY 11 years prior to OW.

41 COMPLIANCE SUMMARY SFY 14 (Q1-Q4) There are five core areas of compliance: I - Timeliness; II - Approval Process, III - Document Review, IV - Contract Review and V - RFA, Q, P These areas are further broken down in to 14 sub categories. The biggest areas of opportunity continues to be : I - Timeliness and IV - Contract Review (scope of work and performance measures). However all areas of compliance have improved from SF 13 to SFY 14

42 COMPLIANCE SUMMARY SFY 14 (Q1-Q4) (Cont.) □Contracts after the effective date (timely approvals) dipped by almost 40% from 85% to 44% from Q1 to Q2 for SFY 14, but rebound by 50% from Q2 to Q4 to 94% compliance and 79% for the year. □No major issues with the contract going through the correct approval process. □Contractor Forms improved by 10% from 87% in SFY 13 to 96% in SFY 14 □Worksheets compliance rating improved by 18% from 78% in SFY 13 to 96% in SFY 14 □General Cover compliance rating improved by3% from 89% in SFY 13 to 92% in SFY 14 □Scope of Work compliance rating improved by 25% from Q1 to Q4 from 58% to 83% and improved by 18% from SFY 13 to SFY 14 (from 63% to 81%). Divisions with the most SOW and Performance Measures defects are DAAS, DMH, DSS and SOHF

43 COMPLIANCE SUMMARY SFY 14 (Q1-Q4) (Cont.) □Performance Measures compliance rating improved by 13% in SFY 14 from 79% in SFY 13 to 92% □Other Edits compliance rating improved by 16% from 84% in SFY 13 to 100% in SFY 14 □Salary and Fringe compliance rating improved by 6% from 94% in SFY 13 to 100% I SFY 14 □Contractor Budget compliance rating improved by 17% from 81% in SFY 13 to 96% in SFY 14 □Funding compliance rating improved by 5% from 95% in SFY 13 to 100% in SFY 14 □Other funding issues compliance rating improved by 14% from 86% in SFY 14 to 100% in SFY 14 □No major issues with the RFA,Q, P areas.


45 REMINDERS □Complete all data fields in OW □Upload all executed contracts and amendments in OW. □Hard Copy of executed contracts are no longer required to be sent to the Controllers Office. The controllers office was trained in May to review the executed contracts and other ancillary documents in OW. See email sent out regarding this matter for instructions. □Update contract statuses, start/end dates, funding, how procured, contract selection, performance measure data and all information pertaining to the contract appropriately in OW so that accurate reports can be run. This is very IMPORTANT □View Lessons Learned on OPCS website □Run Reports and Manage Your Contracts

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