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Q2 2005 Q3 2005 Q4 2005 Q2 2005 Q3 2005 Q4 2005 Annual Average Prices Health & Education Health & Education Health & Education Construction & Equipment.

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Presentation on theme: "Q2 2005 Q3 2005 Q4 2005 Q2 2005 Q3 2005 Q4 2005 Annual Average Prices Health & Education Health & Education Health & Education Construction & Equipment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Q2 2005 Q3 2005 Q4 2005 Q2 2005 Q3 2005 Q4 2005 Annual Average Prices Health & Education Health & Education Health & Education Construction & Equipment Construction & Equipment Construction & Equipment Construction & Equipment Health & Education Housing & Government Housing & Government Housing & Government BH Weights BH Weights BH Weights Ring Data 6 th Workshop 7 th Workshop 8 th Workshop FINAL CONSUMPTION PPPs 2007

2 Q2 Consumption Data (in Q1 2006) Data reviewed in fifth workshop in Dec. 2005 Some items have been dropped out Prices of some other items needed correction Countries sent correction factors along with reviewed data to Regional Office Regional Office applied correction factors and ran Dikhanov and Quaranta Tables on regional data Data sent back to countries with comments and for more validation

3 Q2 Consumption Data (in Q2 2006) Data validated and sent back to regional Office Data to pass through final revision in this sixth workshop Data to be finalized and sent back to regional office by May 24, 2006

4 Q3 Consumption Data (in Q1 2006) Data received in February and March 2006 Data has been reviewed and validated by countries according to the comments on Q2 Data Same products have been dropped as in Q2 Countries sent correction factors along with reviewed data to Regional Office

5 Q3 Consumption Data (in Q2 2006) Regional Office applied correction factors and ran Dikhanov and Quaranta Tables on regional data Data sent back to countries with comments and need for more validation Countries sent back revised data to be reviewed in this workshop Data will be reviewed based on comments of this workshop and to be validated and submitted back by May 24, 2006

6 Q4 Consumption Data (in Q1 2006) Countries entering data into PCM Some countries started sending data

7 Q4 Consumption Data (in Q2 2006) Some countries have already sent data All countries to send data by May 10, 2006 Regional Office to review and validate data and send back to countries for correction Countries to review comments, validate and send back corrected data by June 21, 2006

8 Q4 Consumption Data (in Q3 2006) Some countries have already sent data All countries to send data by May 10, 2006 Regional Office to review and validate data and send back to countries for correction Countries to review comments, validate and send back corrected data by June 21, 2006

9 Annual Average Prices (in Q3 2006) Regional Office starts compiling and estimating National Average Prices following the seventh workshop RO validates and reviews regional data and sends comments to countries Countries follow up and send final feedback by September 13, 2006

10 Health & Education (in Q1 2006) Data being collected by all countries Regional Office sent ‘Health Guidelines’ to countries

11 Health & Education (in Q2 2006) Countries collect Health and Education data for Q2 2006 Countries submit Health and Education data for Q1 2006 by May 31, 2006 Regional Office reviews and sends comments to countries on Q1 data

12 Health & Education (in Q3 2006) Countries submit Health and Education data for Q2 2006 by August 1, 2006 Regional Office reviews and sends comments to countries Countries review and validate their data, finalize and send to Regional Office

13 Construction & Equipment (in Q1 2006) Finalized SPD’s sent to countries on CDs Regional Office sent two reports to the countries:  International Comparison of cost for the Construction sector  Chapter 9: Gross Capital Formation

14 Construction & Equipment (in Q2 2006) Finalized SPD’s sent to countries on CDs Regional Office sent two reports to the countries:  International Comparison of cost for the Construction sector  Chapter 9: Gross Capital Formation

15 Construction & Equipment (in Q3 2006) Data being reviewed and validated by Regional Office following eighth regional workshop (Using Data Validation Module) Regional Office sends comments to countries Countries correct and finalize data according to comments and submit to Regional Office by September 6, 2006

16 Housing & Government (in Q2 2006) Regional Office to send Housing & Government SPD’s to countries for comments SPD’s finalized, translated and sent to countries Data collection forms for government occupations in health, education and collective services will be distributed and used by data collectors to record the required information Data Capture Module to be launched

17 Housing & Government (in Q3 2006) Regional Office to send Guidelines for Housing & Government data collection Countries to collect prices for Housing & Government Data Capture Module to be used by countries for data entry for government occupations

18 Housing & Government (in Q4 2006) Countries to submit data collected for Housing & Government to Regional Office Regional Office to review and send back comments to countries Countries to validate and finalize data according to comments sent by Regional Office

19 Basic Heading Weights (in Q1 2006) Most countries sent preliminary basic heading weights to Regional Office Comments sent to some countries concerning basic heading weights estimation

20 Basic Heading Weights (in Q2 2006) Remaining countries send Basic Heading weights to Regional Office Global and Regional Office validate weights Feedback sent to countries regarding estimation methods Countries send back validated estimates by June 21, 2006

21 Basic Heading Weights (in Q3 2006) Global and Regional Office review validated data sent by countries Feedback sent again to countries regarding validated weights Countries send back final estimates based on comments by September 13, 2006

22 Final Consumption PPPs (in Q4 2006) Compute PPP based on Consumption data Review and send forth and back to countries to comment on and check on preliminary results Publish desired results on a sort of ICP bulletin Poverty related PPP, the results here will be used as indices

23 Ring Comparison (in Q1 2006) Consumption Ring SPD’s sent to ring countries Countries translate SPD’s and create survey Oman began collected ring consumption data

24 Ring Comparison (in Q2 2006) Consumption ring collection to take place in all ring countries Ring data submitted to Regional Office by June 21, 2006 Global and Regional Office to validate consumption ring data and send comments to countries Ring data collection for health & education and construction & equipment to take place

25 Ring Comparison (in Q3 2006) Ring Countries to validate and finalize data according to comments sent by Global and Regional Office Ring data collection for Government & Housing to take place Ring countries to submit Health & Education, Construction & Equipment data

26 Ring Comparison (in Q4 2006) Global and Regional Office to send comments to ring countries for non- consumption data Ring Countries to validate and finalize non consumption data

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