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The Road to Digital Television in Sweden: State of the art and methodological tools for comparative/evaluating studies. Roberto Suárez Candel Universitat.

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Presentation on theme: "The Road to Digital Television in Sweden: State of the art and methodological tools for comparative/evaluating studies. Roberto Suárez Candel Universitat."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Road to Digital Television in Sweden: State of the art and methodological tools for comparative/evaluating studies. Roberto Suárez Candel Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona, Spain. 15/12/2004

2 Roberto Suárez Candel | Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona, Spain. 1. Introduction to the research project / thesis 2. Research in Sweden 3. Preliminar results 4. Debate The Road to Digital Television in Sweden.

3 Roberto Suárez Candel | Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona, Spain. The Road to Digital Television in Sweden. “Digitalisation and transformation of the Television in the context of the European Union.” Design and implementation of an analysis and evaluation protocol for the national migration plans towards the Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT). 1. Introduction to the research project / thesis.

4 Roberto Suárez Candel | Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona, Spain. The Road to Digital Television in Sweden. Digitalisation: Image and audio quality (DVD) Compression techniques  better use of spectrum  increase of the offer New contents and formats  hybridation and interactivity New services: convergence with telecomms 1. Introduction to the research project / thesis.

5 Roberto Suárez Candel | Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona, Spain. The Road to Digital Television in Sweden. Digitalisation: New production tools, techniques and procedures  new professional skills Investment in equipment / cost reduction: original, copies, user New distribution and commercializing possibilities: multiplatform, scope/scale economies Market restructuring: new players / business models 1. Introduction to the research project / thesis.

6 Roberto Suárez Candel | Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona, Spain. The Road to Digital Television in Sweden. Digitalisation: Increase of the number of channels  increase of users’ chance to choose New contents and services  new users’ skills required (from passive to active watching) Restructuring of the audience and consumption patterns  evolution of programming strategies and channel branding: BROADCASTING  NARROWCASTING 1. Introduction to the research project / thesis.

7 Roberto Suárez Candel | Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona, Spain. The Road to Digital Television in Sweden. Digitalisation Television transforms Technology Content Production Market Users / Reception 1. Introduction to the research project / thesis.

8 Roberto Suárez Candel | Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona, Spain. The Road to Digital Television in Sweden. Due to Digitalisation, Television is transformed as: Social Mass Media Economic, Cultural and Political Agent That should be reallocated within society considering: Convergence / Globalisation / Information Society 1. Introduction to the research project / thesis.

9 Roberto Suárez Candel | Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona, Spain. The Road to Digital Television in Sweden. 1. Introduction to the research project / thesis. “New” research questions / topics: Objectives and functions of TV as a social communication media Role of the Public Service New articulations of the public sphere Promotion of culture and national identities Access to contents, to markets Universal service Etc…

10 Roberto Suárez Candel | Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona, Spain. The Road to Digital Television in Sweden. 1. Introduction to the research project / thesis. How do Public Institutions / the State act / influence on these questions? Legislation Public Policy

11 Roberto Suárez Candel | Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona, Spain. The Road to Digital Television in Sweden. 1. Introduction to the research project / thesis. Two approaching ways: European Union Member States dependent / complementary / coordinated

12 Roberto Suárez Candel | Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona, Spain. The Road to Digital Television in Sweden. 1. Introduction to the research project / thesis. Limiting the research scope: What am I interested in? How Digitalisation transforms TV Selection and interconnection of topics / theoretical background How the Public Power influences on this process Dynamics between Europe and Member States

13 Roberto Suárez Candel | Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona, Spain. The Road to Digital Television in Sweden. 1. Introduction to the research project / thesis. Starting the research: SPAIN Legislation Market Reception / users Approach to the technical field of DTV Exploration of theoretical background EUROPE

14 Roberto Suárez Candel | Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona, Spain. The Road to Digital Television in Sweden. “Digital Television and European Audiovisual Policy” Analysis of the measures addressed to foster the implementation of DTV. Design of a protocol to evaluate its situation in the Member States of the European Union. 1. Introduction to the research project / thesis. pre-Thesis dissertation: July 2004

15 Roberto Suárez Candel | Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona, Spain. The Road to Digital Television in Sweden. 1. Introduction to the research project / thesis. pre-Thesis dissertation: Review of the European legislation and policies related to Digital TV (direct / indirect way) 80’s: Content Regulation International broadcasting Legitimacy of UE 90’s: Liberalisation of markets Convergence / tech. standards Introduction of DTV

16 2000 - 2003: Regulatory Framework: from Convergence to Info Society Public Service, universal access and protection of consumers Business models and competition Infrastructures: interconnection and interoperability Household equipment: compatibility and connectivity Roberto Suárez Candel | Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona, Spain. The Road to Digital Television in Sweden. 1. Introduction to the research project / thesis. pre-Thesis dissertation: Review of the European legislation and policies related to Digital TV (direct / indirect way)

17 WTO GATS negotiations European Enlargement International cooperation Council of Europe Roberto Suárez Candel | Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona, Spain. The Road to Digital Television in Sweden. 1. Introduction to the research project / thesis. pre-Thesis dissertation: Review of the European legislation and policies related to Digital TV (direct / indirect way)

18 Identification of a Strategic Plan for the implementation of DTV within the EU Roberto Suárez Candel | Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona, Spain. The Road to Digital Television in Sweden. 1. Introduction to the research project / thesis. pre-Thesis dissertation: RESULTS: Regulation Politics & Institutions Business & Industry Users 4 frameworks

19 Roberto Suárez Candel | Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona, Spain. The Road to Digital Television in Sweden. 1. Introduction to the research project / thesis. pre-Thesis dissertation: RESULTS: EU’s Strategic Plan for DTV EU’s evaluation policy Regulation Politics & Institutions Business & Industry Users European Union Member States EVALUATION PROTOCOL

20 Roberto Suárez Candel | Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona, Spain. The Road to Digital Television in Sweden. 1. Introduction to the research project / thesis. pre-Thesis dissertation: RESULTS: EVALUATION PROTOCOL EU Member State Coordination Transposition Comparison Methodological Tool

21 Roberto Suárez Candel | Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona, Spain. The Road to Digital Television in Sweden. “Digitalisation and transformation of the Television in the context of the European Union.” Design and implementation of an analysis and evaluation protocol for the national migration plans towards the Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT). 1. Introduction to the research project / thesis.

22 Roberto Suárez Candel | Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona, Spain. The Road to Digital Television in Sweden. Thesis Structure: I. Digitalisation and Television II. Digital Television in the EU III. Evaluation protocol for the implementation of DTT in the Members States of EU IV. Comparative study cases: Sweden & Spain V. Conclusions in progress done to review in progress to do 1. Introduction to the research project / thesis.

23 Roberto Suárez Candel | Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona, Spain. The Road to Digital Television in Sweden. 1. Introduction to the research project / thesis. Focus on Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT) It’s the natural evolution of the European Public Broadcasting Systems. Each Member State is developing its own migration plan. It will force users to change their way of watching TV.

24 Roberto Suárez Candel | Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona, Spain. The Road to Digital Television in Sweden. 2. Research in Sweden. Period: August – December 2004 Objectives: Implementation of the protocol Gathering documents Interviewing Authorities / Players DRAW A MAP OF THE ROLL OUT OF DTT IN SWEDEN

25 Roberto Suárez Candel | Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona, Spain. The Road to Digital Television in Sweden. 2. Research in Sweden. Why Sweden? With UK, Spain and Finland, it’s been one of the first MS in the EU to deploy DTT. The process has been driven by public authorities and PBS. Wide Digital TV environment: Cable / Sat / DTT. Particular characteristics of Sweden.

26 Roberto Suárez Candel | Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona, Spain. The Road to Digital Television in Sweden. 2. Research in Sweden. Institutionen för Journalistik, Medier och Kommunication (JMK), Stockholms Universitet Radio och Television Verket Digital Television Kommissionen Advisors:

27 Roberto Suárez Candel | Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona, Spain. The Road to Digital Television in Sweden. 2. Research in Sweden. Public Broadcaster: SVT Commercial Broadcasters: CanalDigital, Viasat, UPC, Comhem, Boxer. Nordicom Nordig Kulturdepartamentet / Sveriges Riksdag Teracom Sources of Information:

28 Roberto Suárez Candel | Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona, Spain. The Road to Digital Television in Sweden. 3. Preliminar Results. Situation of DTV in Sweden: Aprox. 4.2 million of households 11 million of Tv sets Source: Pelle Merberg, Teracom

29 Roberto Suárez Candel | Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona, Spain. The Road to Digital Television in Sweden. 3. Preliminar Results. Situation of DTV in Sweden: Aprox. 4.2 million of households 11 million of Tv sets (270.000) (650.000) (180.000) Source: Pelle Merberg, Teracom

30 Roberto Suárez Candel | Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona, Spain. The Road to Digital Television in Sweden. 3. Preliminar Results. Situation of DTV in Sweden: Source: MMS

31 Roberto Suárez Candel | Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona, Spain. The Road to Digital Television in Sweden. 3. Preliminar Results. Situation of DTV in Sweden: Wide Offer CableSatellite Terrestrial 29 Kr/m 99 Kr/m 189 Kr/m 159 Kr/m 270 Kr/m 261 Kr/m 225 Kr/m SPAIN

32 Roberto Suárez Candel | Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona, Spain. The Road to Digital Television in Sweden. 3. Preliminar Results. Situation of DTT in Sweden: 1997 Parliament decides the introduction of DTT. 1999-2000 gradual introduction (5 areas) 2001 Budget Bill  Coverage 98% 4 licensing procedures 5 Multiplex Evaluation reports from DTV Committees (SOU) Migration Plan + 1st regional switchover

33 Roberto Suárez Candel | Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona, Spain. The Road to Digital Television in Sweden. 3. Preliminar Results. Situation of DTT in Sweden: Source: Pelle Merberg, Teracom

34 Roberto Suárez Candel | Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona, Spain. The Road to Digital Television in Sweden. 3. Preliminar Results. Implementation of the Evaluation Protocol Regulation Politics & Institutions Business & Industry Users 4 frameworks

35 Roberto Suárez Candel | Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona, Spain. The Road to Digital Television in Sweden. 3. Preliminar Results. Implementation of the Evaluation Protocol I. REGULATION How does the Legislation configure the media market? Are its scope and definitions flexible and wide enough? Is the legislation ready to face the convergence process? How has the European normative been transposed? How has Sweden developed the European policies?

36 Roberto Suárez Candel | Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona, Spain. The Road to Digital Television in Sweden. 3. Preliminar Results. Implementation of the Evaluation Protocol I. REGULATION 1.Definition of the broadcasting system 2.Fundamentals for the broadcasting service 3.Legal treatment for pay-tv services 4.Legal treatment for audiovisual content and services 5.Competition and pluralism 6.Transposition of EU’s normative 7.Development of EU’s normative

37 Roberto Suárez Candel | Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona, Spain. The Road to Digital Television in Sweden. 3. Preliminar Results. Implementation of the Evaluation Protocol I. REGULATION Radio och Television Act (1996:844) Needs to be amended to include new services and to develop DTV. Different treatment of content by broadcasting supports  conflicts Complemented by special conditions in licenses

38 Roberto Suárez Candel | Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona, Spain. The Road to Digital Television in Sweden. 3. Preliminar Results. Implementation of the Evaluation Protocol I. REGULATION Protected schedules / content  Who is responsible for? Promotion of national / European content Advertisement  limitations / new techniques No special measures for pay-tv / no control of retail fees No special measures for ownership

39 Roberto Suárez Candel | Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona, Spain. The Road to Digital Television in Sweden. 3. Preliminar Results. Implementation of the Evaluation Protocol I. REGULATION Transposition of EU’s directives: Without problems D 95/47 CE TV signal standards  1998:32 D 2002 (Com. Elec.)  2003:389 Sweden has proposed an amendment to the D 89/552 TWF  Allocation of companies.

40 Roberto Suárez Candel | Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona, Spain. The Road to Digital Television in Sweden. 3. Preliminar Results. Implementation of the Evaluation Protocol I. REGULATION Development of legislation / policies: Radio och Television Verket 1998:01 Transmission Standards 1998:02 Receivers sets 1998:03 Conditional Access for DTV

41 Roberto Suárez Candel | Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona, Spain. The Road to Digital Television in Sweden. 3. Preliminar Results. Implementation of the Evaluation Protocol II. POLITICS - INSTITUTIONS Role of the Government and other public institutions over the implementation process of DTT Functions of the several institutions and coordination between them

42 Roberto Suárez Candel | Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona, Spain. The Road to Digital Television in Sweden. 3. Preliminar Results. Implementation of the Evaluation Protocol II. POLITICS - INSTITUTIONS 1.Legislation: designing and passing 2.Law implementation 3.Broadcasting licenses and authorisations 4.Market competition and pluralism control 5.Industrial and technological policies 6.Analogue-digital migration process

43 Roberto Suárez Candel | Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona, Spain. The Road to Digital Television in Sweden. 3. Preliminar Results. Implementation of the Evaluation Protocol II. POLITICS - INSTITUTIONS Government Parliament DTV Committees DTV Commission Kulturdepartamentet Radio & Tv Verket Broadcasting Commission Konsument Verket KonkurrensVerketPost&Telestyrelsen Chancellor of Justice

44 Roberto Suárez Candel | Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona, Spain. The Road to Digital Television in Sweden. 3. Preliminar Results. Implementation of the Evaluation Protocol III. Business – Industry 1.Migration Plan 2.Infrastructures Plan 3.Domestic Equipment 4.Content and services offer 5.Plan for content industry support 6.Plan against piracy 7.International cooperation

45 Roberto Suárez Candel | Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona, Spain. The Road to Digital Television in Sweden. 3. Preliminar Results. Implementation of the Evaluation Protocol III. Business – Industry 200320042005200720062008 DDT bill on switchover 2002/03:72 Parliament Decission: DTT Network  99’8% MUX 1 till 98% Information campaign 1st switchover National Switchover Local / National Info Campaing 1st Switchover Q3-Q4 2005: Gotland, Gävle, Motala/Linköping X Switchover completed MIGRATION PLAN

46 Roberto Suárez Candel | Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona, Spain. The Road to Digital Television in Sweden. 3. Preliminar Results. Implementation of the Evaluation Protocol III. Business – Industry Source: Pelle Merberg, Teracom

47 Roberto Suárez Candel | Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona, Spain. The Road to Digital Television in Sweden. 3. Preliminar Results. Implementation of the Evaluation Protocol III. Business – Industry Cost of increasing the DTT coverage till 99,8%  financing Benefits of a short migration plan Must carry conditions  political debate / redefinition / copyright Support to MHP  Nordig | Migration plans others APIs?? Public Fee  redefinition International Cooperation: Nordic countries, EPRA, NRAs

48 Roberto Suárez Candel | Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona, Spain. The Road to Digital Television in Sweden. 3. Preliminar Results. Implementation of the Evaluation Protocol IV. Users 1.Segmentation of population depending on attitudes 2.Education and information 3.Expenditure to be afforded by the users 4.Migration plans carried put by commercial op. 5.Cultural variables

49 Roberto Suárez Candel | Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona, Spain. The Road to Digital Television in Sweden. 3. Preliminar Results. Implementation of the Evaluation Protocol IV. Users DTV Commission  Attitudes study + Info Campaign Expenditure  market strategies, no incentive plans Positive attitude towards DTV but still weak to interactivity Good results in Information Society indicators But it’s necessary to go in deep this framework

50 Roberto Suárez Candel | Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona, Spain. The Road to Digital Television in Sweden. 3. Preliminar Results. Implementation of the Evaluation Protocol The protocol should be amended in several points. Questionnaires to DTV broadcasters Useful as methodological and comparative tool Interesting comparative results with Spain Sweden has really perspectives to be successful in the migration towards DTV.

51 Roberto Suárez Candel | Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona, Spain. The Road to Digital Television in Sweden. 4. Debate Current affairs: Combobox by CanalDigital Must carry debate Implication of Public Broadcaster Public Fees

52 The Road to Digital Television in Sweden. Tack s å mycket! Roberto Suárez Candel Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona, Spain.

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