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PART Assessment for Migratory Birds. USFWS Migratory Bird Program Program Summary  Responsible for maintaining healthy migratory bird populations for.

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Presentation on theme: "PART Assessment for Migratory Birds. USFWS Migratory Bird Program Program Summary  Responsible for maintaining healthy migratory bird populations for."— Presentation transcript:

1 PART Assessment for Migratory Birds

2 USFWS Migratory Bird Program Program Summary  Responsible for maintaining healthy migratory bird populations for the benefit of the American people  Accomplish this by: –Conserving and restoring mig bird populations –Restoring and acquiring mig bird habitat –Surveying and monitoring mig birds –Regulating take of mig birds –Working closely with partners to ensure bird conservation


4 Long-term Goal 1 Increase the percent of species of migratory birds that are at healthy and sustainable levels

5 Annual (Output) Goals and Measures  1) Percent of population management needs met to achieve healthy and sustainable levels of migratory birds  2) Percent of habitat needs met to achieve healthy and sustainable levels of migratory birds.

6 Focal Species  emphasis on changing population status required a new and concerted effort by the Program  strategy proposed to and accepted by OMB was to select Focal Species to be the subject of systematic, cross-programmatic campaigns

7 Focal Species Team  Brad BortnerR1  Dave Krueper R2  Sean Kelly R3  EJ Williams R4  Scott Johnston R5 Stephanie Jones R6  Bob LeedyR7  Jennifer Wheeler Waterbird Initiative and Team Leader  Bob Trost Flyways  Seth Mott NAWMP, DBHC  Brad Andres Shorebird  Terry Rich PIF

8 Focal Species Characteristics  Biological or ecological need - species at the highest levels of conservation concern; population status greatly below or above healthy and sustainable levels  Broad application - will focus advance our ability to manage for a number of priority species  Existing efforts – current efforts could include comprehensive planning and funded monitoring, research, habitat enhancement projects, etc.  Campaign for species could become a new or stronger unifying element for the Program - across regions and between habitat and population components  Likelihood of measuring success and improved status in the available timeframe (by end of FY2007)?

9 Focal Species Campaigns  Development of comprehensive Action Plan  Clear statement of the responsibilities for actions within the Program  Focus of Program resources on implementing those actions  Communications to solicit support and cooperation from partners inside and outside the Service

10 Focal Species Performance Indicators for FY07  Northern PintailR9  Common EiderR7 (Pacific), R5 (Atlantic)  Laysan Albatross or Black-footed AlbatrossR1  King RailR4, with R3  Snowy Plover (except on Pacific Coast)R2, with R4  American Oystercatcher R5, with R4  Black OystercatcherR7  Long-billed CurlewR6  Cerulean WarblerR5, with R3 and R4  Henslow’s SparrowR3, with R4  Painted BuntingRegion 4, with R2  Tri-colored BlackbirdRegion 1  American WoodcockR9, with R3, R5, R4

11 Painted Bunting

12 Snowy Plover, King Rail & Oystercatcher

13 Henslow’s Sparrow, Cerulean Warbler & Pintail

14 Focal Species Action Plans Minimum Requirements

15 Action Plans Must Contain…  Summary of Status –Threat assessment  Identification of key limiting factor(s)  Strength of evidence for status and limiting factor determinations  Statement of What Constitutes Desired Status –Indicators of desired condition (what are they and how do we determine when they are achieved)  Actions to Achieve Desired Status –List of projects and activities (i.e., tasks) necessary to achieve desired condition  Assuming resources are not limiting and plan implementation starts 10/1/06, for each task provide… –Indication of importance relative to achieving goal –Sequence/relationship relative to other tasks –Estimated timeline (start, finish) –Responsible partner (e.g., States, FWS MBP, BLM, NGO) – highlights need for workshops and agreements among partners –Estimated cost

16 Plan Management  Plans will be kept in original format, but should be scanned into.pdf files  Task details will be incorporated into an MS Project database for each focal species –This will allow:  Estimate of time needed to achieve goal if resources were unlimited  Cost to accomplish goal  Partnerships required and responsibilities  Automatic revision of timelines if task deadlines slip due to resource deficiencies

17 SMA Project Proposals FY06  Region RankProject FY06 FY07.  R1-31Albatross $ 69,250 $ 69,250  R4-12Ptd Bunting $130,000 $130,000  R1-13Sno Plover $ 93,540 $ 9,727  R3-24.5Henslow’s Sp $ 70,000  R5-14.5Cerulean Wa $ 40,000  R3-16King Rail $ 70,000

18 PABU Project  1) Estimate reproductive success and demographic parameters of E & W breeding populations - viability and relative productivity across habitats  2) Develop and implement an improved monitoring program for eastern PABU  3) Identify areas in northern Mexico and southwestern US where western PABU disperse for post-breeding molt  4) Quantify the extent and impact of the caged bird trade in Mexico (E & W PABU)  5) Better document wintering areas of eastern and western populations of PABU

19 PABU Project Products  Demographic data to assess productivity and survival of coastal and interior breeding populations  Identification of important areas and habitats used during post-breeding molt migration (W)  Quantitative assessment of the impact of cage bird trapping in Mexico on E & W PABUs  GIS tools that allow explicit consideration of PABU in JV and other planning, implementation and evaluation efforts

20 PABU Existing Efforts & Partnerships  South Atlantic PABU Conservation Initiative –Organized in 2003 – State/Fed/NGO partners –Baseline research – habitat, survival –Outreach materials  Expanding SAPABUCI to include West –Region 2 FWS, states  Priority Species in CWCS – FL, GA, SC, etc  Active involvement by Mexico –Efforts to track legal and illegal trade –CITES –Indirect connection to Cuba

21 Painted Bunting

22 PART Accountability  Long-term Goal 1 Increase the percent of species of migratory birds that are at healthy and sustainable levels

23 PART Accomplishments  Percent of migratory birds that are at healthy and sustainable levels  Not more PABU  Assumes hold BCC list steady

24 PART Expectations  Accountability relative to population sustainability  Compatible with NEAT –Population based habitat objectives –“conservation targets rooted in population abundance and landscape sustainability”  Assumptions based on habitat not enough “if we build it they will come” follow thru with productivity/survival study  OMB called our hand

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