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How Do We Create an Agile Localization Process That Can Keep Up with an Agile Development Process? Leslie Yewell, Director of Program Management at Welocalize.

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Presentation on theme: "How Do We Create an Agile Localization Process That Can Keep Up with an Agile Development Process? Leslie Yewell, Director of Program Management at Welocalize."— Presentation transcript:

1 How Do We Create an Agile Localization Process That Can Keep Up with an Agile Development Process? Leslie Yewell, Director of Program Management at Welocalize Feifei Jiang, Localization Program Manager at Cisco Systems, Inc. Martin Guttinger, Localization Manager at Cisco Systems, Inc.

2 Presenters Feifei Jiang – Localization Program Manager, Cisco Systems, 4 years in localization industry, BS in Applied Computing Technology; Leslie Yewell - Director of Program Management, WeLocalize, 12 years in localization industry, BS in Economics; Martin Guttinger – Localization Manager, Cisco Systems, 23 years in localization industry, BA in Modern Languages, MBA in Information Technology;

3 Agenda Localizing in an Agile Development Environment – the Localization Team’s perspective (20 minutes) Collaborating with Agile Customers – the Localization Vendor’s perspective (20 minutes) Questions, Answers, Discussion (20 minutes)

4 Localizing in an Agile Development Environment – the Localization Team’s perspective Feifei Jiang, Cisco Systems Martin Guttinger, Cisco Systems

5 Agenda The Agile Manifesto Agile in 100 words Waterfall, Pure Agile, Hybrid Agile in the context of Localization Putting the Pieces together Summary & Conclusion Questions, Answers & Discussion


7 Agile in 100 words Agile is a process that allows us to focus on delivering the highest business value in the shortest time. It allows us to rapidly and repeatedly inspect actual working software (every two weeks to one month). The business sets the priorities. Teams self-organize to determine the best way to deliver the highest priority features. Every two weeks to a month anyone can see real working software and decide to release it as is or continue to enhance it for another sprint. Copyright: Mountain Goat Software, LLC


9 Considerations forConsiderations against Easy to implement and manage Not flexible, once phase is complete, there is no going back. Clear project objectivesTime consuming Stable project requirementsLittle room for iteration Progress is measurableHard to respond to changes Strict sign-off requirements Waterfall Localization

10 R1R2R3R4R5R6R7R8R9R10Rx

11 Considerations forConsiderations against Allows for increased regional feedback to support worldwide business needs Fluid Nature of Agile Model Offers increased product quality and customer satisfaction Collaboration and Communication Constrained by Time and Distance Enables validation of internationalization earlier in the development process Increased Stresses on Time and Scheduling Need for Increased Resources Increased Cost Increased Complication of Localization Work and Effort Pure Agile Localization


13 Considerations forConsiderations against Much cheaper than Pure Agile Localization and a little cheaper than Waterfall Allows for better Localization Planning on Supplier’s side (think monthly drops) Higher quality of products because supplier makes dedicated team available Simship becomes easier to achieve Hybrid Agile Localization

14 Putting the pieces together The Cisco VTG Localization Team is still adopting Waterfall Localization. Why not Agile? It is too expensive; It is too time consuming (think meetings!); It is logistically impossible; Plan to adopt Hybrid Agile Localization Let’s do the math…

15 Putting the pieces together More Resources Messaging has 10 Agile teams doing two sprints per month. Each sprint requires 4 hours of preparation meetings and 30 minutes of daily standups, which translates into 80 hours of preparation meetings and 100 hours of daily standups, for a total of 180 hours in 20 working days. Therefore, the VTG Localization Team would need to spend 9 hours each day in meetings alone. More Cost

16 Summary and Conclusion The Cisco VTG Localization Team is not adopting Pure Agile Localization, plans to adopt Hybrid Localization Too expensive, Too time consuming, Logistically impossible Products with audio and video components (Messaging, Conferencing) are not suitable for Pure Agile Methodology Question: Are any products suitable for Pure Agile Localization?

17 Collaborating with Agile Customers – the Localization Vendor’s perspective Leslie Yewell, WeLocalize

18 Agenda Reactive vs. Proactive Quality at Source Value Products or product components may not lend themselves to the model and continue to work in a different way.

19 Localization in Agile Environment Proactive vs. Reactive 1.Is the LSP being included in the decision and discussion around moving to agile localization 2.Has there been a thorough analysis of current workflows/processes to determine what needs to change to accommodate Agile localization? 3.Define and communicate expectations

20 Localization in Agile Environment Quality at Source

21 Localization in Agile Environment Because: 1.Single sourcing allows translators to focus on what is NEW and not on what has already been “expressed”. 1.Unnecessary cost, unnecessary time and unnecessary DISTRACTION 2.Greater ICE (in context matches) creates greater consistency. 3.Leverage: lowers costs and improves turnaround time.

22 Localization in Agile Environment Automation : 1.Scripts that grab the new features -> convert them to standard format -> analyze against TM -> package into a trans kit - > push to translators with predictable regularity. 2.Automatic builds and functionality testing. 3.Deltas are snapped and pushed to translators for QA. 4.REDUCE THE NUMBER OF HUMAN TRANSACTIONS.

23 Localization in Agile Environment Quality: 1. Quality at source is not limited. 2. Quality Bureaucracy…not Agile 2. The translator is the most important element in the supply chain an is often the most overlooked.

24 Localization in Agile Environment o Procurement: Better, Faster, Cheaper o Clients/Suppliers: Impose tools o Per word only model o Drive to lowest cost resources o High quality requirements o Same LQA Criteria applied to all content targets o Translator: 1 st QA Layer o SLV: 2 nd QA Layer o MLV:3 rd QA Layer o Client/3 rd party4 th QA Layer o Consumer:No input

25 Localization in Agile Environment

26 Summary Not all products are not suitable for Agile localization. Quality at source can reduce volumes, allow for greater focus and thus reduce friction in the supply chain. Automation can speed up and reduce the numbers of handoffs in the supply chain. Translators: do they feel like they have “feature” ownership?

27 Q & A Thank you!

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