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WS Infrastructure Programme Quarterly Workshop Northern Cape Presented by: K.I. Kgarane RBIG Manager: WSS Directorate Date: 31 – 01 October 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "WS Infrastructure Programme Quarterly Workshop Northern Cape Presented by: K.I. Kgarane RBIG Manager: WSS Directorate Date: 31 – 01 October 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 WS Infrastructure Programme Quarterly Workshop Northern Cape Presented by: K.I. Kgarane RBIG Manager: WSS Directorate Date: 31 – 01 October 2013

2 Sub-Title here (if needed) PRESENTATION TITLE HERE (if needed) Contents A: Expenditure Status 2013/14 1.RBIG 2.MWIG 3.ACIP 4.NTP B: Key Challenges C: Project to be “Fast Track” D: Projects to be Launched E: Way forward

3 A1. RBIG : Expenditure 2013/14 Scheme Total Project Cost DWA Commit Allocation 2013/14BAS Exp Oct 13/14Invoice inhand Planned Exp Oct 2013/14 Proposed Budget Reallocation Reason for Reallocation Status Bulk water supply to Porth Nolloth 22 600 0003 000 0000000 Still to finalise IRS. Not able to Co-fund, apply for 100% funding. Prelim Design Replacement of Namakwa Bulk Water Supply 564 000 000125 200 000153 814 7410 113 168 739 156 540 705 Construction Oranje river - Colesberg Bulk Water Supply 142 296 00035 352 55918 898 8190 14 169 986 35 388 688 Construction Noupoort Bulk Water Supply 51 276 0008 000 0006 774 4180 1 646 421 8 000 000 Delay in finalizing of the design. Design / Tender De Aar Borehole Development 33 240 0001 000 0000000 secure co-funding. Agreement with land owners where boreholes are located Design (On hold) Thembelihle Bulk Water Supply 25 100 4072 748 2821 015 7941 358 316 1 377 993 2 748 282 Construction Strydenburg Groundwater Project 13 110 0003 399 5940000 Still awaiting coucil resolution on co- funding. IRS Niekerkshoop Bulk Water Supply 11 097 3648 283 6333 847 895181 313 3 859 788 6 283 633 Expected savings on the civil works. Construction Vaal Gamagara Groundwater Resource Development To be finalised31 500 00014 181 901908 628 12 230 279 28 000 000 IRS & Borehole Development Homewale Waste Water Treatment Works 78 000 00015 600 00015 616 9280 15 000 000 15 616 928 Construction Heuningvlei / Moshaweng Bulk Water Supply 113 980 00052 187 84735 663 3382 600 261 31 362 480 52 187 847 Construction Kuruman Bulk Water Supply 37 000 00015 400 0001 660 3330 2 000 000 5 000 000 Delay in the procurement and finalisation of the project documents. Construction Kathu Waste Water Treatment Works 29 000 000628 085594 2840 628 085 Construction Sub Total1 120 699 771302 300 000251 336 5735 048 518195 409 970310 394 167

4 A1. RBIG : Expenditure 2013/14 Scheme Total Project Cost DWA Commit Allocation 2013/14BAS Exp Oct 13/14Invoice inhand Planned Exp Oct 2013/14 Proposed Budget Reallocation Reason for Reallocation Status Bulk Water Supply to Brandvlei 600 000 Feasibility Loeriesfontein BWS 900 000 1 250 000 Feasibility Williston BWS 900 000 Feasibility Kalahari East to mier pipeline 800 000 450 000 Municipality administration Feasibility Pixley ka Seme BWS FS: Marydale R1,2; Norvalspont R400 and Vanderkloof WWTW R300 1 900 000220 699333 348 1 900 000 Feasibility Van Wyksvlei Groundwater 900 000 IRS Kakamas WWTW 700 000 Feasibility Windsorton to Holpan Bulk Water Supply 200 000 Feasibility Warrenton WTW 400 000 Feasibility Kathu Bulk Water Supply 600 000498 483 600 000 Feasibility RRU 1 000 000926 905 1 000 000 Goods and services 200 00076 818 200 000 Sub Total09 100 0001 722 90536 69409 100 000 Total 1 296 955 607 311 400 000253 059 4795 418 560195 409 970322 994 167

5 A2. MWIG: Expenditure 2013/14 Scheme nr. and Project Name Project Cost DWA Commitme nt Budget Allocation 2013/14 BAS Expenditur e 30 Sept 2013 (Transfer 7 August 2013) Expenditur e Reported by IA Second Transfe r amount 25 Oct 2013 Proposed additional Budget 2013/14 Reason for additional funding Imple menta tion/ Constr uction Progre ss ZNC031 Drieloop 6 980 488.66 3 490 000.002 632 012.54R3,546 m 38% ZNC035 Gadiboe 6 539 000.0055 120.000.00 6 483 488.66 Contractor on site and can complete the project IF additional funds is available ZNC105 Ga-Ruele 6 952 772.061 871 811.001 771 500.00562 307.005 080 961.06 Contractor on site and can complete the project IF additional funds is available 8% ZNC106 Gaseboloa 5 168 138.561 671 188.001 771 500.00564 005.003 496 950.56 Contractor on site and can complete the project IF additional funds is available 11% ZNC001 Olifantshoe k 5 792 000.00 2 896 000.003 758 324.54R2,896 m0.00 10% Total 16 371 000.009 929 000.00R6,442 m15 061 400.2

6 A3. ACIP : Expenditure 2013/14 Scheme Project Cost DWA Commitment Budget Allocation 2013/14 BAS Expenditure 31 July 2013 Invoices at Hand Planned Cash Flow end September 2013 Proposed Budget Reallocations 2013/14 Reason for Re- allocation/ Movement Implementation/ Construction Progress WWIR Nama Khoi: Refurbishment of Wastewater Treatment Works and Pump station 1 700 000 1 186 969.42 0 1 200 000 None 70% Construction stage. Gamagara: Upgrading of Sewer Pump stations 2 000 000 1 533 166.92 600 000 None 77%Construction stage Richtersveld: Upgrading/Refurb ishment of sewerage pump stations 2 000 000 1 000 000 (Revised) 0 0 0 None (2 000 000) Delayed start of the project due to procurement challenges. 15%Construction stage. Siyancuma: Upgrading/Refurb ishment of Douglas Wastewater Treatment Works 5 300 000 1 200 000 (Revised)0 346 910.44 0 None (2 000 000) Delayed start of the project due to procurement challenges. 21%Construction stage. Thembelihle: Wastewater Treatment Works Refurbishment 800 000 4 677.75 100 186.52 250 000 None 34%Construction stage Regional Support: Blue & Green Drop Support. 1 600 000 0 570 000 200 000 None 36%, Progressing well, and scheduled for completion in December 2013. Hantam: Waste Water Refurbishment 10 000 000 2 779 585.41 0 0 None (Advanced 4 700 000) Progress good, and to save escalation costs) 36% Construction stage TOTAL 23 400 000 18 300 0003 971 232.582 550 263.882 250 0000None 36%

7 A4: NTP – Expenditure 2013/14 Scheme nr. and Project Name Project Cost DWA Commitme nt Budget Allocation 2013/14 BAS Expenditur e 30 Sept 2013 (Transfer 7 August 2013) Expenditur e Reported by IA Second Transfer amount 25 Oct 2013 Proposed additional Budget 2013/14 Reason for additional funding Implement ation/ Constructi on Progress Pampierstad BW (Phokwane) R15,000 R10,000 R8,000 R2,750 (Actual R6,361,482 - 63%) R2,000+ R5,000 Project could be completed by end of Dec 2013 73% Kudumane RWS (Joe Morolong) R8,000 R4,000 R2,200 (Actual R1,004, 888 – 12%) R4,000 R- 21% Kudumane RWS Rudimentary Crisis RWS Goudveld (Ga-Segonyana) R8,000 R6,500 R3,500 R1,787(Actual R 1,043,789 – 16%) R3,000 R- 7% Vaal- Gamagara R4,900 R1,524 R2,388 Actual R1,524 (31%) N/A R- 10%

8 B: Key Challenges Municipality do not adhere to their commitments – (Project Co-funding, utilise MIG for Co-funding.) – (Request for 100% funding) (MWIG) Lack of funding to implement and complete projects Unit cost very high in low density communities Rural area’s and HH are not planned according to normal Town Planning Guidelines (ACIP): – Delays in procurement of service providers – Impact of BAS version 4 – Funding shortfalls (partial allocations) (NT) Disagreement between WSA and WSP on important issues, delay project implementation.

9 C: Project to be “Fast Track” MWIG: ZNC 035: Gadiboe ZNC 105: Ga- Ruele ZNC 106: Gaseboloa NT: PampierStad BWS Phokwane

10 D: Projects to be Launched CodeScheme District Municipality Local Municipality Phase/ sectionStatus Completion date Revised completion date NCR010 Oranje river - Colesberg Bulk Water Supply Pixley ka SemeUmsobomvu Colesburg WWTW CompleteFeb-13 NCR010 Oranje river - Colesberg Bulk Water Supply Pixley ka SemeUmsobomvu Colesburg BWS ConstructionOct-13Apr-14 NCR014 Thembelihle bulk water supply Pixley ka SemeThembelihle Hopetown WTW ConstructionOct-13 Jan-14 NCR022 Niekerkshoop Bulk Water Supply Pixley ka SemeSiyathemba Niekershoop BWS ConstructionMar-14 NCR019 Kathu Waste Water Treatment Works John Taolo Gaetsewe GamagaraKathu WWTWConstructionOct-13 Jan-14 ZNC031Drieloop John Taolo Gaetsewe Joe - Morolong ConstructionJan -14 ZNC001Olifantshoek John Taolo Gaetsewe GamagaraConstructionMar- 14

11 Way forward MIG cannot be used to co-fund RBIG funded projects. Assist AI secure external funding to projects. Engagement meeting with the IA and their services providers 100% allocation for ACIP, (over MTEF where necessary).



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