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Published byNevaeh Jerkins Modified over 10 years ago
1 Part V: Transactions, Concurrency control, Scheduling, and Recovery
2 Transaction Management Overview Chapter 16
3 Database and Concurrency Concurrent execution of user programs is essential for good DBMS performance. Why? Because disk accesses are frequent, and relatively slow, it is important to keep the CPU humming by working on several user programs concurrently. A user’s program may carry out many operations on the data retrieved from the database, but the DBMS is only concerned about what data is read/written from/to the database. Is this OK? Database state is defined in terms of data values. With concurrent access to shared data, what might be a problem with the database state? It is dynamic, not static.
4 Database Correctness The correctness of a DB is defined by consistency Internal consistency (semantic integrity) Mutual consistency They cannot be enforced in each action. Why? Example 1: Transfer $1M from account A to account B. Example 2: A = 2*B; Increase A by 50% -> same for B A transaction DBMS’s abstract view of a user program: a sequence of reads and writes A complete and consistent computation Atomicity, consistency, isolation, durability (ACID) Scheduler synchronizes concurrent operations
5 Database System Model Functional decomposition Transaction manager (TM) Scheduler Data manager (DM) Recovery manager (RM) Cache manager (CM) Transaction manager A process running on behalf of the user transaction Performs any required preprocessing of database (e.g., assigning a transaction id, selecting the participating sites) and operations it receives from transactions
6 Database System Model Data manager Operates directly on the DB and responsible for transaction termination Consists of RM and CM Recovery manager Atomicity Resilient to failures: transaction, system, and media Operations: start, commit, abort, read, write Cache manager Manages data movement between main (volatile) memory and disk (stable) storage Actions: fetch and flush
7 Concurrency in a DBMS Users submit transactions, and can think of each transaction as executing by itself. Concurrency is achieved by the DBMS, which interleaves actions (reads/writes of DB objects) of various transactions. Each transaction must leave the database in a consistent state if the DB is consistent when the transaction begins. DBMS will enforce some ICs, depending on the ICs declared in CREATE TABLE statements. Beyond this, the DBMS does not really understand the semantics of the data. (e.g., it does not understand how the interest on a bank account is computed). Issues: Effect of concurrent transactions, and failures.
8 Atomicity of Transactions A transaction might commit after completing all its actions, or it could abort (or be aborted by the DBMS) after executing some actions. A very important property guaranteed by the DBMS for all transactions is that they are atomic. Atomicity: a transaction is assumed to be executing all its actions in one step, or not executing any actions at all. Not easy to achieve. Why?
9 Atomicity: Why Difficult? A transaction executed alone leaves DB consistent. During execution of a transaction, the DB state may be temporarily in an inconsistent state. Other transactions may observe inconsistent DB state The system may crash in the middle of the transaction execution.
10 Consistency, Isolation, Durability A transaction executed in isolation must preserve DB consistency. Even if multiple transactions executed concurrently, each should be unaware of other transactions are being executed concurrently. When a transaction complete successfully, the changes it made must persist, even with failures afterwards.
11 Example Consider two transactions ( Xacts ): T1:BEGIN A=A+100, B=B-100 END T2:BEGIN A=1.06*A, B=1.06*B END Intuitively, the first transaction is transferring $100 from B’s account to A’s account. The second is crediting both accounts with a 6% interest payment. There is no guarantee that T1 will execute before T2 or vice-versa, if both are submitted together. However, the net effect must be equivalent to these two transactions running serially in some order.
12 Example (Contd.) Consider a possible interleaving: T1: A=A+100, B=B-100 T2: A=1.06*A, B=1.06*B Is this OK? What about the following? T1: A=A+100, B=B-100 T2: A=1.06*A, B=1.06*B The DBMS’s view of the second schedule: T1: R(A), W(A), R(B), W(B) T2: R(A), W(A), R(B), W(B)
13 Anomalies with Interleaved Execution Reading Uncommitted Data (WR Conflicts, “dirty reads”): Unrepeatable Reads (RW Conflicts): T1: R(A), W(A), R(B), W(B), Abort T2:R(A), W(A), C T1:R(A), R(A), W(B), C T2:R(A), W(A), C
14 Anomalies (Continued) Overwriting Uncommitted Data (WW Conflicts): T1:W(A), W(B), C T2:W(A), W(B), C
15 Scheduling Transactions Schedule: An execution history Serial schedule: Schedule that does not interleave the actions of different transactions. Is it efficient? Equivalent schedules : For any database state, the effect of executing the first schedule is identical to the effect of executing the second schedule. Serializable schedule : A schedule that is equivalent to some serial execution of the same set of transactions. Is the following statement correct? If each transaction preserves consistency, every serializable schedule preserves consistency.
16 Scheduling and Ordering Ta=a1(x)a2(y); Tb=b1(x)b2(y) Is a1a2b1b2 equivalent to a1b1a2b2? What about a1b1b2a2? The ordering a1b1a2b2 preserves the consistency, while the other does not. Ordering actions serves the purpose of implementing atomic operations so as to preserve the consistency of the database. DBMS may execute a set of transactions in any order as long as the effect is the same as that of some serial order. Is this OK? What if the user or application wants a specific order between two transactions T1 and T2? How to enforce such ordering?
17 Conflicting Operations Two operations conflict if They are issued by different transactions They operate on the same data object At least one of them is a write operation R1(A)W2(A); W1(A)W2(A); W1(A)R2(A) R1(A)R2(A) Conflict equivalent Two executions are conflict equivalent if in both executions, all conflicting operations have the same order.
18 Serializability Correctness criterion Serializability is the correctness definition of DB All serializable schedules are equally correct Scheduling algorithms enforce certain ordering In distributed DBMS, variable delays may disturb any particular ordering which is supposed to occur Equivalent schedules (broader than conflict equivalence) Two schedules are equivalent if Every read operation reads from the same write in both schedules Both schedules have the same final write Serialization graph (dependency graph) shows dependency relationship among transactions
19 Conflicts and Equivalence When do two operations conflict? They are issued by different transactions They operate on the same data object At least one of them is a write operation Conflict equivalent Two executions are conflict equivalent if in both executions, all conflicting operations have the same order. Equivalent schedules (broader than conflict equivalence) Two schedules are equivalent if Every read operation reads from the same write in both schedules Both schedules have the same final write
20 Serializability Correctness criterion Serializability is the correctness definition of DB All serializable schedules are equally correct Scheduling algorithms enforce certain ordering In distributed DBMS, variable delays may disturb any particular ordering which is supposed to occur Serialization graph (dependency graph) shows dependency relationship among transactions
21 Serializability Theorem Dependency relation Ti -> Tj implies that for some data object X, r i (X) -> w j (X), or w i (X) -> r i (X), or w i (X) -> w j (X) Serialization (dependency) graph A directed graph whose nodes are transactions and there is an edge from Ti to Tj if and only if Ti ->Tj Serialization Theorem For a schedule H, if SG(H) is acyclic, then H is serializable. Examples
22 Equivalent Execution T1=r1(x)r1(z)w1(x) T2=r2(y)r2(z)w2(y) T3=w3(x)r3(y) w3(z) H1=w3(x)r1(x)r3(y)r2(y)w3(z)r1(z)r2(z)w2(y)w1(x) Dependence relationship? T3->T1 T3->T2 H2=w3(x)r3(y) w3(z)r2(y)r2(z)w2(y)r1(x)r1(z)w1(x) Is H2 a serial execution? Is H1 equivalent to H2? Is H1 serializable execution?
23 Properties of Schedules Recoverability To ensure that aborting a transaction does not change the semantics of committed transactions w1(x)r2(x)w2(y)C2 Is it recoverable? What if T1 aborts? Recoverable execution depends on commit order A transaction cannot commit until all values it read are guaranteed not to be aborted. How to do it? Delaying commit: T2 cannot commit until T1 commits Cascaded abort is sometimes necessary. Why? w1(x)r2(x)w2(x)A1
24 Properties of Schedules Recoverability Cascaded abort is sometimes necessary w1(x)r2(x)w2(x)A1 Avoiding cascaded aborts Achieved if every transaction reads only the values written by committed transactions Must delay each r(x) until all transactions that issued w(x) is either committed or aborted w1(x) ….. C1 r2(x) w2(y) …
25 Properties of Schedules Restoring before images Implementing transaction abort by simply restoring before images of all writes is very convenient w0(x)w1(x)w2(x) A1 A2 Value of x must be restored to the initial value, not the value written by T1 Solution: delay w(x) until all transactions that have written x are either committed or aborted Strictness Executions that satisfy both requirements Delay both r(x) and w(x) until all transactions that have written w(x) are either committed or aborted r1(x)w1(x) w1(y) w2(z) w2(x) C1 --- is it strict?
26 Properties of Schedules Recoverability (RC) RC if Ti reads from Tj and Ci is in H, then Ci follows Cj Avoiding cascaded aborts (ACA) ACA if Ti reads x from Tj then ri(x) follows Cj Strictness (ST) ST if whenever Oi(x) follows wj(x), then Oi(x) follows either Aj or Cj T1=w1(x)w1(y)w1(z) C1; T2=r2(u)w2(x)r2(y)w2(y) C2 H1=w1(x)w1(y)r2(u)w2(x)r2(y)w2(y)C2 w1(z) C1 –- SR? RC? C2 before C1 --- SR but not RC H2=w1(x)w1(y)r2(u)w2(x)r2(y)w2(y) w1(z) C1 C2 –- RC? ACA? RC but not ACA --- if A1 rather than C1, it must be A2, not C2 H3=w1(x)w1(y)r2(u)w2(x)w1(z) C1 r2(y)w2(y) C2 --- ACA? ST? ACA but not ST --- w2(x) before C1
27 Exercise on Properties of Schedules What are the properties of the following schedule? H1=w1(x)r3(x) w1(y) C1 w3(y) w3(x) C3 H2=w1(x)r2(y)w1(y)w2(z)r1(u) C2 C1 H3=w1(x)w1(y)r2(u)w2(x)r2(y)w2(y) C2 w1(z) C1 H4=w1(x)w1(y)r2(u)w2(x)r2(y)w2(y) w1(z) C1 C2 H1 is SR and RC, but not ACA. Is it ST? How can you reschedule H1 to make it ST? H2 is SR and RC. Is it ACA? H3 is SR but not RC. Is it ACA? H4 is SR and RC, but not ACA
28 Relationships among Properties Recoverability (RC) RC if Ti reads from Tj and Ci is in H, then Ci follows Cj Avoiding cascaded aborts (ACA) ACA if Ti reads x from Tj then ri(x) follows Cj Strictness (ST) ST if whenever Oi(x) follows wj(x), then Oi(x) follows either Aj or Cj What is the relationship among ST, ACA, and RC? ST < ACA < RC What about with SR and Serial execution?
29 View Serializability A schedule is view serializable if it is view equivalent to some serial schedule. Schedules S1 and S2 are view equivalent if: If Ti reads value of A written by Tj in S1, then Ti also reads value of A written by Tj in S2 If Ti writes final value of A in S1, then Ti also writes final value of A in S2 H1=w1(x)w2(x)w3(x)w2(y)r1(y) H2=w2(x)w2(y)w1(x)r1(y)w3(x) Is H1 view equivalent to H2? Is H1 view serializable? Is H1 conflict serializable? How can you prove it? Serialization graph of H1 Relationship: Every C-SR is V-SR, but not the other way.
30 Scheduling and Concurrency Control Objective Atomic execution of transactions on shared data by controlling the execution order of concurrent access Approaches Two-phase locking Timestamp ordering Optimistic scheduling Hybrid schemes
31 Scheduling and Concurrency Control TM Scheduler DM Options for a scheduler When receiving a request from TM 1) Immediately schedule it (send it to DM) 2) Delay it (put it into a queue) 3) Reject it (causing aborting the transaction) Aggressive vs conservative approaches Optimistic vs pessimistic Aggressive favors immediate action (option 1); if not possible to finish, abort T (option 3) Conservative favors option 2 Performance trade-offs between the two Most well-known conservative approach: two-phase locking
32 Lock-Based Concurrency Control Two-phase Locking (2PL) Protocol : Each data object has a lock associated with it. Transaction must obtain a S ( shared ) lock on object before reading, and an X ( exclusive ) lock on object before writing. If a conflicting lock is already set by other transaction, the requested operation will be delayed, forcing the transaction to wait If Ti holds an X lock on an object, no other Tj can get a lock (S or X) on that object. Two-phase: growing phase and shrinking phase Once Ti releases a lock on any data object, it cannot get another lock on any data object. Why? Examples
33 Example of Simple Locking T1=A+100->A; B+100->B T2=Ax2->A; Bx2->B Simple locking: T1: lock A; A+100->A; unlock A; lock B; B+100->B; unlock B T2: lock A; lock B; Ax2->A; Bx2->B; unlock A; unlock B Is this OK? What can be a problem here? Another example: T1=r1(x)w1(y)C1 T2=w2(x)w2(y)C2 H=r1(x)w2(x)w2(y)C2w1(y)C1 Is it SR? How can you tell? Is it RC? Does it matter? How can you fix it?
34 Example of Two-Phase Locking T1=A+100->A; B+100->B T2=Ax2->A; Bx2->B 2PL: T1: lock A; A+100->A; lock B; unlock A; B+100->B; unlock B T2: Lock A; lock B; Ax2->A; Bx2->B; unlock A; unlock B Is this OK? H= T1: lock A; T1: A+100->A; T1: lock B; T1: unlock A; T2: lock A; T2: … What will happen? T2 will be blocked and wait to get lock B T2 will continue when T1 finish B+100->B and unlock B
35 Correctness of Schedulers Need to prove All schedules representing the executions that can be produced by the scheduler are serializable (SR) How to do it? Enumerate all the possible schedules and check any one of them is not SR. Good, but is it feasible? Two –step approach Characterize the properties of its schedules Prove that any schedule with such properties are SR How to characterize the properties?
36 Properties of 2PL Notation: Oi(x): Operation O by transaction Ti on x OLi(x): lock for Oi(x); OUi(x): unlock after Oi(x) 1. If Oi(x) is in the schedule, then OLi(x) and OUi(x) are also in the schedule, and OLi(x) < Oi(x) < OUi(x) 2. If Oi(x) and Oj(x) are conflicting operations in the schedule, then either OUi(x) < OLj(x) or OUj(x) < OLi(x) 3. If Oi(x) and Oi(y) is in the schedule, then Oli(x) < OUi(y) Where is this last property (property 3) coming from?
37 Correctness of 2PL Theorem: 2PL is correct (i.e., SR) Proof 1. If Ti -> Tj is in the schedule, then for some x, OUi(x) < OLj(x) 2. If Ti -> Tj ->Tk in the schedule, then Ti releases some lock before Tj sets the lock, and the same for Tj and Tk. By induction, same for T1 and Tn if T1->T2-> … ->Tn 3. If the schedule has a cycle in the serialization graph, i.e., T1->T2-> … ->Tn->T1, then T1 releases some lock before T1 sets a lock. 4. This is a violation of two-phaseness (property 3), and it cannot be a 2PL schedule. 5. Hence a cycle cannot exist.
38 Variations of 2PL Strict Two-phase Locking Protocol : Each Xact must obtain a S ( shared ) lock on object before reading, and an X ( exclusive ) lock on object before writing. All locks held by a transaction are released together when the transaction completes Non-strict 2PL: Release locks anytime, but cannot acquire locks after releasing any lock. Almost all 2PL implementations are strict 2PL. Why? Practical reason: when scheduler can release lock? Strict 2PL allows only serializable schedules. Additionally, it simplifies transaction aborts Non-strict 2PL also allows only serializable schedules, but involves more complex abort processing
39 Aborting a Transaction If a transaction Ti is aborted, all its actions have to be undone. Not only that, if Tj reads an object last written by Ti, Tj must be aborted as well! We can avoid such cascading aborts by releasing a transaction’s locks only at commit time. If Ti writes an object, Tj can read this only after Ti commits. In order to undo the actions of an aborted transaction, the DBMS maintains a log in which every write is recorded. This mechanism is also used to recover from system crashes: all active Xacts at the time of the crash are aborted when the system comes back up.
40 The Log The following actions are recorded in the log: Ti writes an object : the old value and the new value. Log record must go to disk before the changed page! Ti commits/aborts : a log record indicating this action. Log records are chained together by Xact id, so it’s easy to undo a specific Xact. Log is often duplicated and archived on stable storage. All log related activities (and in fact, all CC related activities such as lock/unlock, dealing with deadlocks etc.) are handled transparently by the DBMS.
41 Recovering From a Crash There are 3 phases in the Aries recovery algorithm: Analysis : Scan the log forward (from the most recent checkpoint ) to identify all Xacts that were active, and all dirty pages in the buffer pool at the time of the crash. Redo : Redoes all updates to dirty pages in the buffer pool, as needed, to ensure that all logged updates are in fact carried out and written to disk. Undo : The writes of all Xacts that were active at the crash are undone (by restoring the before value of the update, which is in the log record for the update), working backwards in the log. (Some care must be taken to handle the case of a crash occurring during the recovery process!)
42 Summary Concurrency control and recovery are among the most important functions provided by a DBMS. Users need not worry about concurrency. System automatically inserts lock/unlock requests and schedules actions of different Xacts in such a way as to ensure that the resulting execution is equivalent to executing the Xacts one after the other in some order. Write-ahead logging (WAL) is used to undo the actions of aborted transactions and to restore the system to a consistent state after a crash. Consistent state : Only the effects of commited Xacts seen.
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