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Incident Procurement Training National Buying Teams MAY 22, 2014.

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2 Incident Procurement Training National Buying Teams MAY 22, 2014

3 Introductions Introductions – −Mike Lucas, Marty Schmidt, Tami Mitchell −Regional Office AQM, WMAZ −Buying Team Leaders, Buying Team Assistant Leader

4 Agenda Team Organization, Qualifications & Training Buying Team Kit Mobilization Buying Team Responsibilities Buying Team Spreadsheet −Demonstration

5 Organization, Qualifications and Training

6 Buying Team “Who We Are”! 7 Members −1 Leader −6 Team Members 1 Deputy Leader 2 Warranted 1 Trainee (if we have any)

7 Qualifications and Training Required −S-260 Interagency Incident Bus. Mgmt. −I-100Intro. ICS −IS-700National Incident Mgmt. System (online) −IS-800 (FS Employee Leaders Only)

8 Recommended Training Buying Team Workshop OTJ Procurement Training I-200Basic Incident Command Sys D-110Dispatch Recorder S-261Applied Interagency IBM Incident Procurement Training

9 Buying Team Kit A. Reference Material − 1. Interagency Incident Business Management Handbook Read and Follow!!! – Use most Current – Chapter 20! − 2. National Buying Team Guide − 3. Service and Supply Plan (get at incident) B. Equipment −1. Laptop loaded with the spreadsheets and frequently used forms. C. Supplies D. Forms

10 Staplers and staplesStaple removers ScissorsHighlighter (multiple colors) Post-It® NotesHole puncher (large hole style) 2” three-ring binders (for logs and resource orders) Plastic hanging files (at least one for supplies, one for equipment) Pens (multiple colors)Paper clips and clamps Label makerDuct tape Scotch tapeMasking tape Packing/strapping tapeMulti-plug extension cords Power stripsIn/out boxes or filing trays Air freshenerCleaning wipes Paper towelsFlip chart paper MarkersPrinter TonerPaper TabletsFax machine High volume copierWhite-out or correction tape Garbage can and bagsEnvelopes (legal and 8”x12”) Computer set-up with access to local network Phones Phone lines (seven or eight separate lines)Phone headsets Phone booksHost agency operating guide Service & Supply plansCalculator(s) Extra cd ROM and/or jump drivesScanner Set Up Supplies

11 Forms OF – 286 EE Use Invoice OF-288 Emergency FireFighter Time Report OF-294 EERA OF-296 Heavy Equipment Safety Inspection Forms OF-297 Shift Tickets AD-107 Report of Transfer/Construction of Property OF-305 Emergency Equipment Rental Use Envelope FS-6300-51 Purchase Card Order Form DI-105 Receipt of Property General Message Form Land Use Agreement Form

12 C.Internet/Intranet Website References 1.National BUYT Guide is available at: 2.NRCC 3.NWCG Internet homepage: 4. NRCG 6.System for Awards Management (SAM): 5. Interagency Incident Business Management Handbook:

13 Mobilization 1 st - With in Geographic Area 2 nd - Outside Geographic Area BUYL – receives call from Dispatch −Fun Begins!!!

14 When we Arrive? Set up In briefing with IBA, IMT, Exiting BUYT Establish communications Establish Working hours, BUYT Location

15 Buying Team Responsibilities

16 15 IIBMH 20.04: −Work with local staff to support the incident acquisition. −Coordinate with dispatch and IMT to establish procedures for filling and documenting orders. −Provide the incident agency with documentation. −Coordinate with the incident agency and IMT to ensure procurement and property requirements are met. Others per Buying Team Guide

17 Incident Procurement The “Buy” in Buying Team




21 Use judgment to determine extravagance. Often, requests are legitimate. Sometimes, not. Ask questions, consult with others. −Administrative staff and IBA can assist. −IBA must review refusal determinations. Request refused? Go through IBA to notify requester. Extravagant Purchases 20

22 Requests cannot be filled w/appropriated funds. Federal, state, local may have listings. Also... consult with incident agency. ADP/telecommunications require many, varied approvals. −Follow agency process. Restricted Items 21

23 Recurring needs, service and supply. −Ice, drinks, newspapers, tire and vehicle repair. Buying teams typical handle. Establish tracking method. −Cancel when needed. −Take care not to overlook. Standing Orders 22

24 Process by brand name, in exact amounts and dosage size ordered. −No brand name substitutions unless approved. EMT’s work under the umbrella of the medical provider and are authorized to dispense specific medications. 23 Medical Unit Supplies

25 SUBSISTENCE AND LODGING PROVISIONS Normally provided to incident personnel Food at Official Duty Station −Federal funds can not be used unless an exception is met. −Exceptions Personnel are in the field engaged in emergency operations AND Operational period prevents personnel from taking meals home or in the normal office

26 Unique Items - SUPPLEMENTAL FOODS The following may be provided if there is not a more restrictive agency or geographic area policy: −Fruit or dried fruit or fruit juice and vegetables

27 Unique Items - SUPPLEMENTAL FOODS −Liquid supplements in the form of sports drinks or mixes that provide electrolytes and meet the carbohydrate solution mixes recommended in “Feeding the Firefighter” −Candy Bars and Energy Bars

28 Unique Items - SUPPLEMENTAL FOODS Require IC justification and concurrence from Agency Administrator

29 Incident Procurement Unit 5 – Acquisition Methods

30 Incident agency usually requests procurement officers to use both -- to the maximum extent practicable. Can be done; must be within: −Procurement officers delegated authority. −Rules and regulations of his/her agency. −IIBMH guidelines. 29 Government Purchase Cards and Convenience Checks

31 Use w/incident agency approval & within procurement officer’s agency guidelines. Purchase exceeds threshold, use a PO or BPA as the procurement instrument. A warranted CO may make the payment with a purchase card or check. 30 Check and Card Payments

32 Not assigned to incident must have authorization to use purchase card or checks. Personnel not at official duty station, retain original documentation and provide copy to the incident. Personnel supporting at duty station, give copies to incident. 31 Check and Card Payments (cont’d)

33  Maintain logs, by cardholder/check writer.  Record accounting charge code, resource order number and incident number of each receipt.  Maintain safekeeping procedures for unused checks.  Maintain copy in official vendor files.  Reconcile transactions on the incident or as soon as returning to home unit. 32 NIBTG Card/Check Criteria

34 NIBTG Card/Check Criteria (cont’d)  Report transactions > micropurchase threshold in FPDS-NG.  Capture 1099 information when using convenience checks.  Cards/checks = probability for duplicate payments.  Pay from original records only!  Confirm if checks are/are not authorized for BPA or EERA payments.

35 Land Use Agreements

36 WHY?  Emergency Situations  IC Camps  Helitack Operations  Dipping Sites  Prescribed Burns  Just to name a few

37 LAND USE AND FACILITY RENTAL AGREEMENTS – How and Who? Use simplified acquisition procedures No special leasing authority Procurement Officials with Warrant Authority PUL, BUYL

38 LAND USE AND FACILITY RENTAL AGREEMENTS - Reference Interagency Incident Business Management Handbook, Chapter 20 −Page 20-8 Appendix B – Tool Kit −Pages B-8 thru B-21

39 LAND USE AND FACILITY RENTAL AGREEMENTS - Checklists Use Checklists (IBMH pages B-9 thru B-12) −Schools, Fairgrounds, or other related −Dipping Sites/Ponds −IC Camp/Helibase −Airports


41 LAND USE AND FACILITY RENTAL AGREEMENTS Complete description Intended use Agreed-to Rate (Determine Ownership!) Provisions for making alterations Restoration requirements Condition

42 Agreements must be negotiated and signed. No- cost land use agreements are not binding or valid!!! If an agreement is established with consideration, e.g. grass seed, field use for incident base camp, fence repair, the agreement is binding.

43 DIPPING SITES/PONDS Impact – amount of drawdown, site disturbance Fish (Stocking Permit?) Noxious Weeds Water (usage and replenishment), Water rights (who owns the water Fences Access Flight Path Livestock/Wildlife Loss of Foilage/Crop/Pasture Use of pumps or wells

44 Pre-Season LUA’s No Pre-Season LUA’s shall be created with out request/permission! Of course, always exceptions: Municipalities City or Local Governments that require board meeting/member signatures i.e.; −City Water, Gray Water −Schools

45 Situations Not Requiring a LUA −Federal Government land/facilities run by concessionaire −Land/Facilities of other Federal, State and local governments Check NRCG Website for Coop Agreements for Montana, Idaho, ND, SD and the Pacific NW ( State Trust Lands require LUA. These lands are required to generate income. −Non-Wildland Fire incidents (FEMA) −Direct Fire Suppression Activity −Federally Funded runways and towers

46 Equipment Rentals Emergency Equipment Rental Agreements

47 Incident Only EERAs Use Form OF-294 Only for the life of the Incident Use GA supplement rates Or may need to negotiate rate Use standard method of hire (Exhibit 01, IIBMH) Can be done by PUL, BT or host CO

48 Incident Only EERAs Use host Agency contract numbering protocol Get vendor data Attach clauses, WD Prepare document package for camp Never pay with a credit card or check

49 EERA Document Package OF-305 Rental-Use Envelope OF-294 Copy of signed EERA OF-296 Pre-use Inspection checklist OF-297 Emergency Equip. Shift Ticket OF-286 Emergency Equip. Use Invoice Copy of the Resource Order


51 BUYING TEAM SPREADSHEET Spreadsheet is formatted Use one spreadsheet for each incident Four tabs in the Workbook Coordinate with Dispatch and Finance at Camp on times to send Spreadsheet.

52 BUYING TEAM SPREADSHEET Input Directions −Enter resource orders as received −Enter partial fills – create a new line with the remaining amount −Standing orders – enter each time −Credits or returns – enter on a new line −Rental items – fill in vendor name, city, state, $0.00, current date – Create new line



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