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Whistle for a Cause 2011 Ed Vesely. Good Mechanics/Technique + Good Awareness + Good Communication = GOOD MATCH.

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Presentation on theme: "Whistle for a Cause 2011 Ed Vesely. Good Mechanics/Technique + Good Awareness + Good Communication = GOOD MATCH."— Presentation transcript:

1 Whistle for a Cause 2011 Ed Vesely

2 Good Mechanics/Technique + Good Awareness + Good Communication = GOOD MATCH

3  Pre-Match  Pre-Set  In Rally  After Rally  Substitutions  Time Outs  End of Set

4  All the Usual Stuff: net, ball, roster, etc.  Bench Placement  Partner Conference  We’ll re-visit this later  Bench Officials  Don’t assume they know what they are doing  Is a quiz appropriate?  Dialog – they are part of the team

5  Scorekeeper  How do I know you have the subs recorded?  What sub count requires the R2 is notified?  Set point  Libero Serve  Libero Tracker  Do you write down subs?  Double replacements?  Illegal replacements

6  Timer  How much time for:  Warm-ups?  Time outs?  Between sets?  Warning horn  When to start/stop clock?

7  Receive Line-Ups  Duplicate numbers?  Libero entered?  Captain indicated? Alternate?  Verify player positions on court  Ball is at the table  Identify captain  Authorize libero entry

8  Roll out ball to server  Take position on receiving side  Check benches, playing area, etc.  Give ready signal

9  Start on receiving side  Alignment  Move to blocking side  On contact of serve  Focus  Main focus is net area  Positioning  When ball is away from net, expand your view  See play develop  Assist as needed  BUT, a net is a net is a net in Federation

10  Narrow focus  Floor to net to floor view  Centerline  Net fouls  Stick with the net until there is resolution  Momentum  Stumbling  Turning away  Ball close by

11  Widen Focus  Transition to blocking side  When appropriate  Don’t get caught behind the pole  Smooth, quick transition

12  R1 Makes Call  (Ideally) Step to side at fault  Mimic fault signal (and information if necessary)**  Mimic loss of rally signal  R2 Makes Call  MUST step to side at fault  Give fault signal (and information if necessary)  Mimic R1’s loss of rally signal  Scan Benches  EYE CONTACT  Ready for next play

13  Whistle  Step to side of fault  Give net foul signal  Give player number to R1  Wait for R1 to give loss of rally, and mimic that

14  You are giving numbers so that someone looking at you can read them  They are backwards to you  Right hand is primary  Three is thumb, index, and middle fingers  Ten is your right fist  Left fist is a zero  1 – 5: right hand only  6 – 9: five on right hand; rest on left; hands close

15  10: Right fist only  11 – 15: Right fist, plus 1 – 5 on left hand  16 – 19: First, right fist, then show 6 – 9 like before  20 – 25, 30 – 35, etc.: Tens digit on right hand, units digit on left hand  You get the idea…

16  Front row/back row setter ?  Illegal attack  Likely an illegal attack  Who is watching what?  When to whistle?  Back row block  Touch/no touch  When to whistle?  Touch?  NOT discrete; give big

17  Four hits  Leading/trailing 4  Down ball (ball hits ground)  No need for subtlety  Step out and make it big if needed  End of set  Antenna  NO! BLOW YOUR WHISTLE!

18  Whistle and signal  Make sure one pair in the zone at once  Send them in  Report numbers to scorekeeper  Did you discuss pre-match if they want you to call out numbers?  Write numbers on line-up card (optional)  Confirm scorekeeper has subs  Check court is ready for play  READY SIGNAL

19  Whistle and signal  Give discrete TO s used count to R1  Check scoresheet  Scores  Sub count  TO count  Warning whistle?  End early if needed

20  Whistle to end TO  Give number of TOs used (big)  Check that clock is stopped/reset  Check that court is ready to play  GIVE READY SIGNAL

21  Set point discrete signal  Verify and initial scoresheet  Hand out lineup sheets  Get ball  Deciding set coin toss  Make sure clock is started  Ensure lineups received on time

22  Anticipate when a TO/sub request may happen  Try to know answers to anticipated TO/sub count questions  Address coach position issue so as to limit disruption and delay to match

23  Anticipate when a coach may react to a play  Go to meet coach halfway if necessary  Do NOT allow talking across court to R1  Be receptive – NO stop sign  Answer questions not statements  Use rule language if possible  No prolonged dialog  “Let’s play”  Ready Signal

24  Work to avert card situations  When warranted, request card  Be sure to notify coach  Make sure SK knows how to record sanction  Sanctions are in effect for match  Sanction against anyone on bench means coach loses standing privileges

25  What assistance is requested/provided?  4 hits, ball handling, down ball, back row, etc.  In/out  Weird/specific plays  Communication  Ready between plays  Giving court back  Needing extra time  Handling Benches/Coaches  Team  Debrief

26  R2 does not whistle antenna on his/her side  R2 does not show player numbers on net foul or gives them at the wrong time  Timer kills clock during timeouts as teams break huddles  R1 and R2 don’t make eye contact and communicate  R2 gives signal at own pace, not mimicking R1


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