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7 Feb 2000JMM1 Editing a GSM spec - tips for experts.

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Presentation on theme: "7 Feb 2000JMM1 Editing a GSM spec - tips for experts."— Presentation transcript:

1 7 Feb 2000JMM1 Editing a GSM spec - tips for experts

2 7 Feb 2000JMM2 Question: Why am I editing this specification? Answer: To incorporate the modifications presented in one or more Change Requests which have been agreed by the relevant plenary* meeting. * Note: The responsibility for further development of most GSM specifications has been transferred from the original SMG working group to the analogous working group in the appropriate 3GPP TSG. This change of responsibility also extends to maintenance of previous releases of the GSM specs.

3 7 Feb 2000JMM3 Before editing a GSM spec, ensure you have the ETSI template file* for Word installed in Word’s ‘user templates’ directory**... * ** e.g. C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Templates\

4 7 Feb 2000JMM4 Ensure you have the 3GPP template file in Word’s ‘user templates’ directory...

5 7 Feb 2000JMM5 … and that you attach it to the document!

6 7 Feb 2000JMM6 Open the document. (The examples shown in this and the following slides have been chosen more or less at random.)

7 7 Feb 2000JMM7 Update the version number - in two places. The new version number can be determined from the ‘status list’ which is in turn based on the proposals in the CR database.

8 7 Feb 2000JMM8 Do not modify the ETSI number.

9 7 Feb 2000JMM9 Date: year and month of plenary meeting which approved the CR.

10 7 Feb 2000JMM10 Update the Work Item reference. The revised WI ref is given in the ETSI Work Programme Management (WPM) database. The only change necessary normally will be either to change the “D” at the front to “R” and to add “R1” at the end. If the reference already is in this form, change the “R1” to “R2” (etc.). Examples: DEN/SMG-040522Q6  REN/SMG-040522Q6R1 RTS/SMG-030814Q7R3  RTS/SMG-030814Q7R4

11 7 Feb 2000JMM11 Change the copyright year if necessary. Page 2.

12 7 Feb 2000JMM12 Enter details of the change into the change history annex. The title of this part of the document varies from spec to spec. However, it is always the last annex of the document. Ensure that the date and version are mentioned, together with details of the change and the CR number which caused it.

13 7 Feb 2000JMM13 Do not modify the ‘History’ box on the last page. This is maintained by the ETSI Secretariat.

14 7 Feb 2000JMM14 Edit the document as necessary. Use exactly the text given in the approved CRs. If this should be contradictory, you may need to contact the rapporteur and the WG chairman for advice. Be guided also by the ETSI drafting rules and the guide to the use of English.drafting rules use of English These will help you number inserted figures, guide you as to choice of paragraph style, etc. - information which is not normally contained in CRs.

15 7 Feb 2000JMM15 Accept all changes - do not leave revision marks in the finished document. Readers can consult the CRs to determine what the changes from the previous version are.

16 7 Feb 2000JMM16 Eliminate all annotations, “editor’s notes” etc. Unless there is a very good reason to leave them in place!

17 7 Feb 2000JMM17 Finally, ensure the file is correctly named: 0491-720.doc Corresponds to specification 04.91 version 7.2.0. Note the hyphen in the middle (not underscore).

18 7 Feb 2000JMM18 Then zip it to save space. Retain the same file name as the doc file (but with And deliver it by e-mail to the Specifications Manager.

19 7 Feb 2000JMM19 F I N

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