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Timing of Apportionments and Overview of the Exhibits Jim Austin April, 2014.

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2 Timing of Apportionments and Overview of the Exhibits Jim Austin April, 2014

3 Learning Outcomes Be able to link to the apportionments web site for any given year Have a general understanding of the timing of apportionments reports Have a general understanding about why this class focuses on Exhibit C

4 The Link to 2013-14 alServicesUnit/Reports/ApportionmentReports.aspx alServicesUnit/Reports/ApportionmentReports.aspx That link takes you to a page from which you choose the year For this class, choose 2013-14 ServicesUnit/Reports/ApportionmentReports/201314.aspx ServicesUnit/Reports/ApportionmentReports/201314.aspx

5 Timing of Apportionments There are several apportionments during a funding cycle Major apportionment milestones AD (Advance Apportionment) P-1 (First Principle Apportionment P-2 (Second Principle Apportionment) R1 (First Revised Apportionment)

6 Advance Apportionment (AD) Usually issued in August Based on the signed budget, signed in July, and the preliminary enrollments numbers from the prior year (although the year is ended the enrollment numbers are not final) There is not an Exhibit C for the Advanced Apportionment The primary role of the AD is to provide authorization for the DOF (Dept. of Finance) to actually make payments to the districts

7 First Principle Apportionment (P-1) Issued in February of the budget year that started in July Based upon actually reported fall term enrollments and tax receipts through December, so much more accurate than the Advance Apportionment Includes an Exhibit C

8 Second Principle Apportionment (P-2) Usually issued in late June or early July for the fiscal year that just ended Based on actual report FTES for the year (although districts can revised their FTES numbers through September, and often do) Based on actual state revenues through April Note that the state, CCC system and district books are not yet “closed” so the numbers are not final

9 First Revised Apportionment (R1) Usually issued in January – over six months after the end of the fiscal year! And, over two years since the beginning of a district’s budget planning cycle Yet, still it is not final There can be revised R1 reports as well as a final R2

10 Why the Focus on Exhibit C? Exhibit C provides well over 95% of the general unrestricted operating funds of a district A district’s enrollment management decisions and demographic realities have major impacts on the Exhibit C funding The other exhibits distributes funds that are in some way restricted by the funding source and the funds are distributed by formulae that are unique to each program In general, a district does not have much control over the allocations form the restricted and categorical funds

11 Exhibit E Exhibit E looks just like Exhibit C When there is an Exhibit E it is a prior year’s update or correction There is almost always an Exhibit E for the prior year

12 Success? Can you successfully address the learning objectives for this module? Have you at least glanced at the Exhibits other than Exhibit C? The End

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