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Combatting Chronic Absenteeism at Wakefield High School Tuesday, March 3 rd, 2015 A Race to the Top Initiative.

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Presentation on theme: "Combatting Chronic Absenteeism at Wakefield High School Tuesday, March 3 rd, 2015 A Race to the Top Initiative."— Presentation transcript:

1 Combatting Chronic Absenteeism at Wakefield High School Tuesday, March 3 rd, 2015 A Race to the Top Initiative NC Department of Public Instruction Educator Effectiveness Division

2 Welcome Jodi Riedel Wakefield High School Agriculture Teacher Norms for Participation Minimize outside distractions. Be attentive and participate in all activities. Share your ideas with colleagues.

3 Register in eSchools eSchool Solutions Chronic Absenteeism in Agricultural Education SRN #155238601 1.5 hours.15 credit

4 Outcomes Understand GTN. Explore chronic absenteeism. Define the A-Team (Absence Combat Team) Identify absence data at WHS. Recognize the impacts of the A-Team. Identify chronic absentee data at your school.

5 Does Chronic Absenteeism impact your classroom? Let’s find out what you think. Answer Garden You can scan this QR code to reach the Answer Garden, as well.

6 What is the Governor’s Teacher Network? A talented group of 450 outstanding teachers were selected from 1400 applicants for 2014-15. Teachers identify instructional needs, create innovative digital instructional resources and design professional development to support key Race to the Top initiatives in Home Base. Network Teachers continue their current educator roles in their schools and districts and serve in one of two pathways.

7 What is the Governor’s Teacher Network? Pathway 1 Teachers: Professional Development Identify problems of practice around instructional needs and conduct action research projects in their schools. Investigate and analyze the effectiveness of strategies and practices on student learning. Create professional development sessions and materials to be posted in Schoolnet and the Professional Development System in Home Base.

8 Action Research Systematic inquiry conducted by teachers and other educators to find solutions for critical, challenging, relevant issues in their classrooms and schools. Mills, Geoffrey E, Action Research: A Guide for the Teacher Researcher, 2014

9 What is Action Research? Classroom and school research conducted by teachers to: Positively impact student outcomes Identify and promote effective instructional practices Create opportunities for teachers to become reflective practitioners Share research results with other educators Mills, Geoffrey E, Action Research: A Guide for the Teacher Researcher, 2014

10 Scope of Work Problem: Chronic Absenteeism Why important? All of us experience chronic absenteeism in at least one or all sections we teach. Who benefits from these resources? Students, staff, parents, and community members How does this benefit the students? Increases time in class. How does this benefit me? Increases the time with your student.

11 P1: Action Research Plan STEP 1 Define the purpose of your study: The purpose of this study is to determine the impacts of an absenteeism intervention team has upon chronic absenteeism in high school agricultural education students at Wakefield High School.

12 P1: Action Research Plan STEP 2 Describe your participants: Participants of the study are high school agricultural education students with three or more absences and who have a history of absenteeism in previous school years.

13 P1: Action Research Plan STEP 3 Define the variables: Ag Ed students 9th-12th grade, absences, absence combat team "A- Team". The A-Team includes: 1 Ag Ed teacher, 1 Absence coordinator at Wakefield High School, 1 WHS counselor, 1 community member, parents or guardians of the absentee student, the chronically absent student, peer mentors (independent variables).

14 P1: Action Research Plan STEP 4 Develop your research questions. Will chronically absent students change their behaviors and attend school when referred to the A-Team? Will chronically absent students change their feelings or opinions regarding school after working with the A-Team? Will chronically absent students improve academically in Agricultural Education? Will chronically absent students feel there are academic rewards associated with the A-Team? Other extrinsic rewards? Will chronically absent students feel the work with the A-Team was a generally beneficial experience?

15 P1: Action Research Plan STEP 5 Describe the Innovation or change you will implement: The innovation is the incorporation of an absence combat team (A- Team)or network of individuals working to prevent future absenteeism.

16 P1: Action Research Plan STEP 6 Define your data collection and analysis plan: Data collection will begin with quantitative analysis of absence dates, numbers, and general demographics of chronically absent students. Additional qualitative data will take place before and after working with the A-Team.

17 P1: Action Research Plan STEP 7 Develop a timeline: SeptemberDevelop A-Team, identify students with previous chronic absenteeism, students who exemplify risks take survey, meet with A-Team members October through January Begin monthly A-Team meetings, develop a system of positive reinforcement, mentors contact absent students, monitor absenteeism, post A-Team survey FebruarySynthesize and analyze data March through April Interpret data, present information, create a Wiki May through June Disseminate action research plan on Wiki through GTN

18 My Data See my results here: WHS Ag Ed A-Team: Absence Combat Use the yellow, green and blue tabs To find your data, access PowerTeacher and ElementsPowerTeacher Elements

19 Activity Let’s determine what your chronic absenteeism is in your courses last semester. Answer the following questions: 1.How many of your students had 10 or more absences? 2.What percentage of your students were considered chronically absent? 3.How many of your chronically absent students passed the Elements test?

20 Discussion Enter your data here: Wake County Chronic Absenteeism in Ag Ed (pink tab) Wake County Chronic Absenteeism in Ag Ed Discussion topics 1.Are you surpised by the school with the most absences? 2.Were you aware of how many of your students exhibit chronic absenteeism? 3.As a county PLT, how does this data help us better understand our Elements scores? 4.What can we do to change chronic absenteeism? Where do we start?

21 What is the Governor’s Teacher Network? Pathway 2 Teachers : Instructional Resources –Create instructional sequences for Home Base aligned to the NC Standard Course of Study (unit plans, lesson plans, assessment components). –Produce resources available to all NC teachers through Schoolnet in Home Base.

22 Instructional Sequences: What are they? Carefully, intentionally designed units of study, lessons, and balanced assessment components Instruction and assessment directly aligned to the NC Standard Course of Study Resources and practices incorporating technology, student interests and differentiated strategies Available to teachers in Schoolnet

23 References Spradlin, Terry; Cierniak, Katherine; Shi, Dingjing; Chen, Minge. (2012). Attendance and Chronic Absenteeism in Indiana: The Impact on Student Achievement. Education Policy Brief, Vol. 10 (3). Balfanz, Robert; Byrnes, Vaughan. (2012). The Importance of Being in School: A Report on Absenteeism in the Nation's Public Schools. Education Digest: Essential Readings Condensed for Quick Review, v78 n2, Oct, p4-9. Sanchez, Monika. (2012). Truancy and Chronic Absences in Redwood City. Youth Data Archive Issue Brief. John W. Gardner Center for Youth and Their Communities. Sheldon, Steven B.; Epstein, Joyce L. (2004). Getting Students to School: Using Family and Community Involvement to Reduce Chronic Absenteeism. School Community Journal. V14 (2). Fall and Winter, p. 39-56. Maynard, Brandy; McCrea, Katherine; Piggott, Terri; Kelly, Michael. (2012). Indicated Truancy Interventions: Effects on School Attendance on Chronic Truant Students. Campbell Systematic Reviews. 2012:10.

24 Questions

25 Feedback Please leave feedback so I can improve. Tell me what you learned, did not learn or wish you would have learned. Were you inspired? Do you still feel desperate? Thank you! Chronic Absenteeism Feedback Survey

26 Conclusion of Presentation Thank you for your participation. Contact Information: Name: Jodi Riedel School/District: Wakefield High School/Wake Phone: 919-562-3600 Email: Website:

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