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Teaching Italian as L2 for immigrants Emilio Porcaro CTP «Besta» - Bologna 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Teaching Italian as L2 for immigrants Emilio Porcaro CTP «Besta» - Bologna 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Teaching Italian as L2 for immigrants Emilio Porcaro CTP «Besta» - Bologna 1

2 Where? Centri Territoriali Permanenti per l’Istruzione e la formazione in età adulta (CTP) – Territorial Permanent Centre for adults Education and Training State organizations under the authority of Ministry of Education (MIUR) Formal and institutional learning 542 centres in Italy 39 centres in Emilia Romagna 8 centres in Bologna Province 2

3 What do they do? Courses to get “licenza media”, final diploma of first education level Linguistic and social integration courses for foreigners (Italian as L2) Basic operational courses (computer, foreign languages etc.) 3

4 Who teaches? State teachers, under the authority of Ministry of Education Teachers directly employed by CTP for short courses 4

5 CTP users Academic year 2009-2010 = 134.410 foreign attendees (national figure) 20.359 in Emilia-Romagna region Source MIUR 5

6 Courses organization Level groups Reference standard is Common European Framework Reference for Languages (CEFR) About 60% of participants is at A1, A2, B1 levels There is also a great number of participants at pre-A1 level, mainly foreigners either with lower education level or completely illiterate in their country of origin 6

7 Critical points: In Italy is missing a law ruling teaching Italian as L2, neither in public nor in private sector There isn’t a specific qualification/certification for teachers of Italian as L2, while there is for subjects as Maths, History, Physics etc. There are qualified and up-to-dated teachers as well teachers with a lower qualification and not up-to-dated 7

8 Adult Education reform Adult Education reform is at State level Change from CTP (542) to CPIA (150) CPIA: Centri Provinciali per l’Istruzione degli Adulti – Provincial Centres for Adult Education advantages: more authonomy disadvantages: resources cut (e.g. Italian language courses for foreigners will be reduced up to a maximum of 200 hours) 8

9 Solutions To maintain a good level of service it’s important to create links and networks with other organizations, especially with private associations and volounteers organizations Working together in an effective way means to set down shared agreements and standards Several Regions, Emilia-Romagna among them, are working to reach this result 9

10 New elements Mainly two new elements: 1)Foreigners have to know Italian language if they ask for a long period residence permit 2)New entry foreigners asking for residence permit have to know Italian language 10

11 Italian Language knowledge test Since 9 th December 2010 all foreigners asking for “long period residence permit” must pass a test to prove their knowledge of Italian language at CEFR level A2 Test is done at CTP venues 11

12 Long term residence permit can be obtained by immigrants regularly resident in itali since five years; they have to demonstrate to have a regular employment contract and a house (either as owner or rented) This permit is permanent and allows to have several services and rights (e.g. It allows to enter in Italy without visa; to be employed; to participate to public activities; to attend courses; to use the services provided by public administration 12

13 How does the test work? Test to assess knowledge of Italian language at CEFR level A2 Test is made of three parts: 1)listening comprehension 2)written comprehension 3)written interaction 13

14 Who and how many pass the test? The test is point based (from 0 to 100, the minimum for passing is 80 points) In Emilia-Romagna about 10% of people fail to pass (about 13% at a national level) Mainly because they don’t know Italian 14

15 What can we do? To strengthen the network with associations To identify the people with lower Italian knowledge and convince them to learn Italian There are also people living in italy since ten years that have never attended a language course Test helps to bring out these situations 15

16 Integration agreement The integration agreement is related to foreigners new entry in Italy The agreement is not a law yet It foresees a complicated two years point system (the foreigner has to get at least 30 points in two years If in two years the person doesn’t get 30 points he/she loses the residence permit 16

17 The agreement foresees the knowledge of italian at A2 level (oral comprehension) It also foresees a basic knowledge of some simple citizenship elements (e.g. State, basic rights, local administration, health system, etc.) It also states that 30 points can be acquired attending Italian language courses for foreigners at CTP (or also passing the first education level exam) 17

18 Positive element: The foreigner attends the courses and learn Italian in a formal context Negative elements: Learning is strictly related to a bureaucratic act To learn the language is simply an obligation, a requirement to have the permit 18

19 An outlook To valorize the qualified teachers To create networks between formal (CTP) and non-formal systems (volounteers, associations etc.) 19

20 20 Final Seminar 27 th October 2011 Bologna, Italy Project number 1 43337-LLP-1 -2008-1 – DE -KA2-KA2NW

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