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Curriculum Planning South Asian Languages. Curriculum Purpose Guide the processes of teaching/learning Based on knowledge of the learning process/context.

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Presentation on theme: "Curriculum Planning South Asian Languages. Curriculum Purpose Guide the processes of teaching/learning Based on knowledge of the learning process/context."— Presentation transcript:

1 Curriculum Planning South Asian Languages

2 Curriculum Purpose Guide the processes of teaching/learning Based on knowledge of the learning process/context Focus Interaction Understanding the learner/learning context Realization Syllabus design Flexible specifications Provision of means for instructional action

3 Foundational Principles: AAA Awareness Autonomy Authenticity

4 Awareness Relating learning to existing knowledge and experience The stone-age man from New Guinea Noticing/consciousness raising Focused attention Role of perception Reflection

5 Autonomy Chomsky (1988:181): The truth of the matter is that about 99 percent of teaching is making the students feel interested in the material. Then the other 1 percent has to do with your method.

6 Autonomy—Basic Principles Motivation Intrinsic (innate) Extrinsic (environmental) Choice, Affect, Effort Attention-paying << high/sustained cognitive effort << positive affect (for activity, materials) << feeling of control, ownership, competence Responsibility Decision making

7 Authenticity Texts Language use in life Newspaper articles, novels, poems, commercials, soap opera episodes Relevance

8 Another A?: Achievement Intraindividual/Interindividual Improvement Accomplishment How are the intra and the inter related? Relational implication for: Self-esteem Assessment Feedback Rewards

9 Learner Needs Who is the second language learner? What does s/he bring to class? What are her/his goals?

10 Needs Analysis Topic study pop culture 1 2 3 4 5 current affairs1 2 3 4 5 Method small group discussion 1 2 3 4 5 Formal language study1 2 3 4 5 Skills speaking 1 2 3 4 5 Writing1 2 3 4 5 Assessment teacher assess my work 1 2 3 4 5

11 Learner types and learning preferences Concrete learners games, videos, talking in pairs Analytical learners grammar, read newspapers, study alone Communicative learners watching, listening, using L2 outside Authority-oriented learners teacher explanation, textbook

12 Summing up: CLT Language learning is learning (struggling) to communicate Meaning is paramount Fluency and acceptable language is the primary goal: judge accuracy in context Sequencing is determined by any consideration of content function Linguistic variation is a central concept in materials and method

13 Do the results stack up? Learners produce greater quantity and variety of language in group work versus teacher-fronted activities. In group work, NNS-NNS interaction produce more talk. Learners who have opportunities to negotiate meaning (make clarification requests and check comprehension) do better at comprehension than those learners receiving simplified input. Communication-based + grammar-focus instruction works better than grammar-only OR communication- only instruction.

14 What do WE need to do? Provide appropriate input Use language in authentic ways Provide context Design/use task-based activities Encourage collaboration Address grammar consciously Adjust feedback to the situation Include cultural aspects of language use

15 Conclusions Focus on DISCOVERING culture Language is the instrument/tool/medium of that DISCOVERY Learner is ACTIVE Teacher’s role: Keeping learner ACTIVE

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