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Critical Questions in L2 Teacher Education What is it that L2 teachers need to know and be able to do? How is this best learned? What is it that L2 teachers.

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Presentation on theme: "Critical Questions in L2 Teacher Education What is it that L2 teachers need to know and be able to do? How is this best learned? What is it that L2 teachers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Critical Questions in L2 Teacher Education What is it that L2 teachers need to know and be able to do? How is this best learned? What is it that L2 teachers need to know and be able to do? How is this best learned?

2 MA TESL Programs / What is the content and what are the activities of L2 teacher education programs? / What does this tell you about how the profession defines what L2 teachers should know and be able to do? / What is the content and what are the activities of L2 teacher education programs? / What does this tell you about how the profession defines what L2 teachers should know and be able to do?

3 What are the sociocultural processes of learning to teach? / Apprenticeship of observation - memories of being a student / Socialization - the processes of schooling / Teaching - participation in the activities of teaching / L2 learning experiences - classroom vs. immersion / Developmental - normative and life-long / Socially constructed and situated / Apprenticeship of observation - memories of being a student / Socialization - the processes of schooling / Teaching - participation in the activities of teaching / L2 learning experiences - classroom vs. immersion / Developmental - normative and life-long / Socially constructed and situated

4 What choices and decisions do teacher educators make about the content, pedagogies, and institutional forms of delivery in L2 teacher education? / What courses to take? Who teaches them? What to read? What requirements are there? / What experiences do you create? Where do these experiences take place? / How are teachers evaluated? On what they know? On what they can do with what they know? On both? / What courses to take? Who teaches them? What to read? What requirements are there? / What experiences do you create? Where do these experiences take place? / How are teachers evaluated? On what they know? On what they can do with what they know? On both?

5 What are the contexts in which teachers learn to teach and carry out their work as teachers? / Not neutral - some actions and ways of being are valued and encouraged while others are silenced / Schools - are both physical and sociocultural settings which contain certain sociolcultural-historical processes (norms - ways of being) that develop and are sustained over time / Dead Poets Society - Understanding Poetry / What norms/values/ways of being are inculcated in this instructional setting? / What conflicting views of teaching and learning are embedded in this instructional setting? / What does this suggest for Teacher Education programs? / Not neutral - some actions and ways of being are valued and encouraged while others are silenced / Schools - are both physical and sociocultural settings which contain certain sociolcultural-historical processes (norms - ways of being) that develop and are sustained over time / Dead Poets Society - Understanding Poetry / What norms/values/ways of being are inculcated in this instructional setting? / What conflicting views of teaching and learning are embedded in this instructional setting? / What does this suggest for Teacher Education programs?

6 Answering these questions is… / An epistemological issue: How do we define knowledge, knowing, ways of coming to know? Who is considered to be a knower? What values and norms are embedded in these definitions? / A political issue: Which courses are required? Who teaches them? What are the required readings? What do they do in their courses? How are they evaluated? / A practical issue: What is possible in the professional development context? For example, university-based vs. school- based, pre-service vs. in-service, professional development schools, on-line/distance education. / A theoretical issue: What is the role of theory? How is the theory/practice gap addressed? How is theory/theorizing defined? / An epistemological issue: How do we define knowledge, knowing, ways of coming to know? Who is considered to be a knower? What values and norms are embedded in these definitions? / A political issue: Which courses are required? Who teaches them? What are the required readings? What do they do in their courses? How are they evaluated? / A practical issue: What is possible in the professional development context? For example, university-based vs. school- based, pre-service vs. in-service, professional development schools, on-line/distance education. / A theoretical issue: What is the role of theory? How is the theory/practice gap addressed? How is theory/theorizing defined?

7 NPR Interview with Student Teacher The Setting - Emerson Junior High - Yonkers NYC / Student Teacher - Leah Richey / Mentor Teacher - Suzette Perkins - Social Studies Teacher for 16 years / University Supervisor - Pam Westoff - Fordham University / Listen for issues related to: / The learning of teaching… / Teachers’ beliefs… / The practice of teaching… / The development of a professional identity… / The vision vs the reality of teaching… / The mentoring processes - both from the mentor teacher and the university supervisor / What do the experiences of this student teacher suggest for L2 teacher education programs? / Student Teacher - Leah Richey / Mentor Teacher - Suzette Perkins - Social Studies Teacher for 16 years / University Supervisor - Pam Westoff - Fordham University / Listen for issues related to: / The learning of teaching… / Teachers’ beliefs… / The practice of teaching… / The development of a professional identity… / The vision vs the reality of teaching… / The mentoring processes - both from the mentor teacher and the university supervisor / What do the experiences of this student teacher suggest for L2 teacher education programs?

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