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Miss Penalty Reduction Techniques (Sec. 5.4) Multilevel Caches: A second level cache (L2) is added between the original Level-1 cache and main memory.

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Presentation on theme: "Miss Penalty Reduction Techniques (Sec. 5.4) Multilevel Caches: A second level cache (L2) is added between the original Level-1 cache and main memory."— Presentation transcript:

1 Miss Penalty Reduction Techniques (Sec. 5.4) Multilevel Caches: A second level cache (L2) is added between the original Level-1 cache and main memory. L2 cache is usually larger and slower compared to Level-1 cache Local miss rate: (no. of misses in a particular cache / no. of accesses to that cache); for example, Miss rate L1 and Miss rate L2 Global miss rate = Miss rate L1 * Miss rate L2

2 Miss Penalty Reduction Techniques (Sec. 5.4) Multilevel Caches (cont’d.): 1000 mem references, 40 misses in L1 cache 20 misses in L2 cache Compute various miss rates. Miss rate L1 = 40/1000 = 4%; Miss rate L2 = 20/40 = 50% Global Miss rate = 4% x 50% = 2% Ave Mem Access time = Hit time L1 + Miss rate L1 x Miss Penalty L1 Miss Penalty L1 = Hit time L2 + Miss rate L2 x Miss Penalty L2

3 Miss Penalty Reduction Techniques (Cont’d) Example on Page 420 2-way set associative increases hit time by 0.1 CC Hit time L2 for direct mapped = 10 CC Local Miss rate L2 for direct mapped = 25% Local Miss rate L2 for 2-way set associative = 20% Miss penalty L2 = 50 CC What’s the impact of L2 cache associativity on the miss penalty? Miss penalty 1-wayL1 = 10+(0.25x50) = 22.5 CC Miss Penalty 2-wayL1 = 10.1 + (0.20 x50) = 20.1CC

4 Miss Penalty Reduction Techniques (Cont’d) Early Restart and Critical Word First: –Early Restart: Send to CPU the requested word as soon as it arrives –Critical Word First: Get the requested word from the memory first, send it to the CPU and then load the block in the cache Giving Priority to Read Misses Over Write: –Serve reads before completing the writes –In write-through cache, write buffers complicate memory accesses; they may hold a location needed on a read miss. –Wait on a read miss until the write buffer is empty, or –Check the contents of the write buffer and continue Merging Write Buffers: –This technique was covered in Sec. 5.2, Fig 5.6.

5 Hit Time Reduction Techniques (Sec. 5.5) Small and Simple Cache: Small caches can fit on the same chip as the processor Simple caches such as direct-mapped caches have low hit time Some L2 cache designs keep the tags on chip and the data off chip

6 Avoiding Address Translation During Indexing of the Cache: –Virtual caches use virtual addresses for the cache, instead of physical addresses –Virtual addressing eliminates address translation time from a cache hit –Virtual caches have several issues Protection is checked during virtual to physical address translation Whenever a process is switched, virtual addresses refer to different physical addresses Multiple virtual addresses for the same physical address could result in duplicate copies of the same data in a virtual cache –A compromise is a virtually indexed but physically tagged cache. Hit Time Reduction Techniques (Cont’d)

7 Pipelined Cache Access: –Tag and data portions are split, so they can be addressed independently –Data from the previous write is written while tag comparison is done for the current write –Thus writes can be performed back to back at one per clock cycle Hit Time Reduction Techniques (Cont’d)

8 –Main memory is the next lower level memory after cache –Main memory serves the demands of a cache as well as the I/O interface –Memory bandwidth is the number of bytes read or written per unit time –Assume a basic memory organization as follows: 4 CC to send an address 24 CC for the access time per word 4 CC to send a word of data A word is 4 byte A cache block is 4 words –Miss Penalty = 4 x (4 +24+4) = 128 CC –Band width = 16/128 = 1/8 byte per CC Main Memory and its Organization (Sec. 5.6)

9 Wider Main Memory –Increase the width of the cache and the main memory (Figure 5.31 b) –If the main memory width is doubled, the miss penalty will be 2 x ( 4+24+4) = 64CC, and the bandwidth will be 16/64 = ¼ byte per CC –There is added cost of a wider bus and a multiplexer between the cache and the CPU –The multiplexer may be on the critical timing path –A second level cache helps, as the multiplexer comes between level 1 and level 2 caches –Another drawback is that minimum increments are doubled or quadrupled –There are some issues with error correction that complicate the design further Achieving Higher Memory Bandwidth

10 Simple Interleaved Memory –Memory chips are organized in banks to read or write multiple words at a time –The banks are often one word wide (Figure 5.32) –The miss penalty in our ongoing example, with four banks is 4+24+4x4 = 44CC, and the bandwidth will be 16/44 = 0.36 byte per CC –Power vs. performance trade off Independent Memory Banks –A generalization of interleaving –Allows multiple independent accesses, with independent memory controllers, and separate address and data lines –Used in an environment where several devices, such as I/O devices and multiple processors, share the memory bandwidth. Achieving Higher Memory Bandwidth (Cont’d)

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