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DONG XU, MEMBER, IEEE, AND SHIH-FU CHANG, FELLOW, IEEE Video Event Recognition Using Kernel Methods with Multilevel Temporal Alignment.

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Presentation on theme: "DONG XU, MEMBER, IEEE, AND SHIH-FU CHANG, FELLOW, IEEE Video Event Recognition Using Kernel Methods with Multilevel Temporal Alignment."— Presentation transcript:

1 DONG XU, MEMBER, IEEE, AND SHIH-FU CHANG, FELLOW, IEEE Video Event Recognition Using Kernel Methods with Multilevel Temporal Alignment

2 Outline 1. Introduction 2. Scene-Level Concept Score Feature 3. Single-Level Earth Mover’s Distance in The Temporal Domain 4. Temporally Aligned Pyramid Matching 5. Experiments 6. Contributions and Conclusion

3 1. Introduction Previous work on video event recognition can be roughly classified as either activity recognition or abnormal event recognition

4 Model-based Abnormal event recognition - Zhang et al. [1] propose a semisupervised adapted Hidden Markov Model (HMM) framework Activity recognition - HMM - coupled HMM - Dynamic Bayesian Network

5 Appearance-based Abnormal event recognition - Boiman and Irani [7] Activity recognition - Ke et al. [8] - Efros et al. [9] - Other

6 Event recognition in broadcast news video Rich information Emerging applications of open source intelligence Online video search

7 LSCOM ontology Large-Scale Concept Ontology for Multimedia Defined 56 event/activity concepts Manual annotation of such event concepts has been completed for a large data set in TRECVID 2005 [15]

8 Challenges of events in news video Large variations of scenes and activities Difficult to - reliably track moving objects - detect the salient spatiotemporal interest regions - extract the spatial-temporal features

9 Address the challenges of news video Ebadollahi et al. [17] midlevel Concept score (CS) nonparametric approach bag-of-words model

10 Bag-of-words model Represent one video clip as a bag of orderless features, extracted from all of the frames Earth Mover’s Distance (EMD) [21] Single-level EMD (SLEMD) Support Vector Machine (SVM) Temporally Aligned Pyramid Matching (TAPM)


12 2. Scene-Level Concept Score Feature Holistic features to represent content in constituent image frames Multilevel temporal alignment framework to match temporal characteristics of various events

13 Three low-level global feature Grid Color Moment Gabor Texture Edge Direction Histogram


15 We used because Efficiently extracted over the large video corpus Effective for detecting several concepts Suitable for capturing the characteristics of scenes

16 3. Single-Level Earth Mover’s Distance in The Temporal Domain One video clip P can be represented as a signature: m is the total number of frames, pi is the feature extracted from the ith frame, wpi is the weight of the ith frame, We also represent another video clip Q as a signature: n is the total number of frames

17 dij is the ground distance between pi and qj


19 SVM classification

20 4. Temporally Aligned Pyramid Matching Spatial Pyramid Matching (SPM) Pyramid Match Kernel (PMK) Temporally Constrained Hierarchical Agglomerative Clustering (T-HAC)

21 T-HAC

22 Alignment of Different Subclips Principle Component Analysis (PCA)

23 Integer-value-constrained EMD

24 Fusion of Information from Different Levels hl is the weight for level-l


26 5. Experiments SLEMD algorithm with the simplistic detector that uses a single keyframe and multiple keyframes Multilevel TAPM with the SLEMD method Midlevel CS feature with three low-level features

27 Single-Level EMD versus Keyframe-Based Algorithm SLEMD algorithm, i.e., TAPM at level-0 Keyframe-based algorithm (KF-CS) Multiframe-based representation (MF-CS)


29 Multilevel Matching versus Single-Level EMD Level-0 (L0), level-1 (L1), level-2 (L2) Combination of L0 and L1 (L0+L1) - h0 = h1 = 1 Combination of L0, L1 and L2 (L0+L1+L2) - h0 = h1 = h2 = 1 Combination of L0, L1 and L2 (L0+L1+L2-d) - h0 = h1 = 1, h2 = 2

30 Sensitivity to Clustering Method and Boundary Precision

31 The Effect of Temporal Alignment

32 Algorithmic Complexity Analysis and Speedup

33 Concept Score Feature versus Low-Level Features

34 6. Contributions and Conclusion First systematic studies of diverse visual event recognition in the unconstrained broadcast news domain with clear performance improvements

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