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English only VS. L1 support Looking at English language acquisition of native Spanish speaking children.

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Presentation on theme: "English only VS. L1 support Looking at English language acquisition of native Spanish speaking children."— Presentation transcript:

1 English only VS. L1 support Looking at English language acquisition of native Spanish speaking children.

2 Research Questions: Is there a difference in word learning between English-only instruction and Bilingual instruction of LEP native Spanish speakers learning English? Does L1 support have an effect on English language vocabulary comprehension? Does the building of background knowledge in L1 have an impact on English vocabulary development?

3 Research Design: Pre/Post Test Control: receives English only instruction Intervention: receives instruction in English and Spanish *15+ students in each group

4 Methods: Measures Woodcock Johnson: picture, vocabulary, memory for sentences, passage comprehension, and letter-word identification. Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test Student & Parent interviews

5 Possible Conclusions: There is a measurable difference in data that shows English-only instruction produces better results in English vocabulary comprehension. Native language support yields better results of English vocabulary comprehension. There is no statistical difference between the two groups scores.

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