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CMS Trigger Coordinator
Triggering CMS Wesley H. Smith U. Wisconsin – Madison CMS Trigger Coordinator Seminar, Texas A&M April 20, 2011 Outline: Introduction to CMS Trigger Challenges & Architecture Level -1 Trigger Implementation & Performance Higher Level Trigger Algorithms & Performance The Future: SLHC Trigger
LHC Collisions with every bunch crossing 23 Minimum Bias events
with ~1725 particles produced
LHC Physics & Event Rates
At design L = 1034cm-2s-1 23 pp events/25 ns xing ~ 1 GHz input rate “Good” events contain ~ 20 bkg. events 1 kHz W events 10 Hz top events < 104 detectable Higgs decays/year Can store ~ 300 Hz events Select in stages Level-1 Triggers 1 GHz to 100 kHz High Level Triggers 100 kHz to 300 Hz
Collisions (p-p) at LHC
All charged tracks with pt > 2 GeV Reconstructed tracks with pt > 25 GeV Operating conditions: one “good” event (e.g Higgs in 4 muons ) + ~20 minimum bias events) Event rate Event size: ~1 MByte Processing Power: ~X TFlop
CMS Detector Design Level-1 Trigger Output CALORIMETERS
Superconducting Coil, 4 Tesla ECAL HCAL 76k scintillating PbWO4 crystals Plastic scintillator/brass sandwich IRON YOKE Level-1 Trigger Output Today: 50 kHz (instead of 100) TRACKER Today: RPC |η| < 1.6 instead of 2.1 & 4th endcap layer missing Pixels Silicon Microstrips 210 m2 of silicon sensors 9.6M channels MUON ENDCAPS MUON BARREL Cathode Strip Chambers (CSC) Drift Tube Resistive Plate Chambers (DT) Chambers (RPC) Resistive Plate Chambers (RPC)
LHC Trigger & DAQ Challenges
1 GHz of Input Interactions Beam-crossing every 25 ns with ~ 23 interactions produces over 1 MB of data Archival Storage at about 300 Hz of 1 MB events 40 MHz 16 Million channels COLLISION RATE DETECTOR CHANNELS 3 Gigacell buffers LEVEL-1 TRIGGER Charge Time Pattern Energy Tracks kHz 1 MB EVENT DATA 1 Terabit/s 200 GB buffers READOUT 50,000 data ~ 400 Readout memories channels EVENT BUILDER. A large switching network ( ports) with total throughput ~ 400Gbit/s forms the interconnection between the sources (deep buffers) and the destinations (buffers before farm CPUs). 500 Gigabit/s SWITCH NETWORK ~ 400 CPU farms EVENT FILTER. 300 Hz A set of high performance commercial processors organized into many farms convenient for on-line and off-line applications. FILTERED 5 TeraIPS EVENT Computing Services Gigabit/s Petabyte ARCHIVE SERVICE LAN
Level 1 Trigger Operation
CMS Trigger Levels
L1 Trigger Locations Underground Counting Room
Central rows of racks for trigger Connections via high-speed copper links to adjacent rows of ECAL & HCAL readout racks with trigger primitive circuitry Connections via optical fiber to muon trigger primitive generators on the detector Optical fibers connected via “tunnels” to detector (~90m fiber lengths) 7m thick shielding wall USC55 Rows of Racks containing trigger & readout electronics
CMS Level-1 Trigger & DAQ
Overall Trigger & DAQ Architecture: 2 Levels: Level-1 Trigger: 25 ns input 3.2 μs latency UXC USC Interaction rate: 1 GHz Bunch Crossing rate: 40 MHz Level 1 Output: 100 kHz (50 initial) Output to Storage: 100 Hz Average Event Size: 1 MB Data production 1 TB/day
CMS Calorimeter Geometry
Trigger towers: Δη = Δϕ = 0.087 EB, EE, HB, HE map to 18 RCT crates Provide e/γ and jet, τ, ET triggers 2 HF calorimeters map on to 18 RCT crates 1 trigger tower (.087η✕ .087φ) = 5 ✕ 5 ECAL xtals = 1 HCAL tower
ECAL Endcap Geometry Map non-projective x-y trigger crystal geometry onto projective trigger towers: Individual crystal +Z Endcap -Z Endcap 5 x 5 ECAL xtals ≠ 1 HCAL tower in detail
Calorimeter Trig. Processing
OD TTC TCS Trigger Tower 25 Xtals (TT) Level 1 Trigger (L1A) L1 @100 kHz CCS (CERN) Regional CaloTRIGGER SLB (LIP) TCC (LLR) Global TRIGGER Trigger Tower Flags (TTF) Trigger Mbits/s Trigger Concentrator Card Synchronisation & Link Board Clock & Control System Selective Readout Processor Data Concentrator Card Timing, Trigger & Control Trigger Control System SRP (CEA DAPNIA) Selective Readout Flags (SRF) @100KHz (Xtal Datas) Data path DCC (LIP) DAQ From : R. Alemany LIP
Calorimeter Trig.Overview (located in underground counting room)
Copper 80 MHz Parallel 4 Highest ET: Isolated & non-isol. e/γ Central, forward, τ jets, Ex, Ey from each crate 4K 1.2 Gbaud serial links w/ 2 x (8 bits E/H/FCAL Energy + fine grain structure bit) + 5 bits error detection code per 25 ns crossing Lumi- nosity Info. US CMS: Wisconsin Bristol/CERN/Imperial/LANL US CMS HCAL: BU/FNAL/ Maryland/ Princeton Global Cal. Trigger Sorting, ETMiss, ΣET Regional Calorimeter Trigger Receiver Electron Isolation Jet/Summary GCT Matrix μ + Q bits Calorimeter Electronics Interface Global Trigger Processor IC/LANL/UW CMS: Vienna CMS ECAL: Lisbon/ Palaiseau 72 φ ✕ 60 η H/ECAL Towers (.087φ ✕ .087η for η < 2.2 & η, η>2.2) HF: 2✕(12 φ ✕ 12 η) Global Muon Trigger Iso Mu MinIon Tag MinIon & Quiet Tags for each 4φ ✕ 4η region
ECAL Trigger Primitives
Test beam results (45 MeV per xtal):
CMS Electron/Photon Algorithm
CMS τ / Jet Algorithm
L1 Cal. Trigger Synchronization BX ID Efficiency – e/γ & Jets
Sample of min bias events, triggered by BSC coincidence, with good vertex and no scraping Fraction of candidates that are in time with bunch-crossing (BPTX) trigger as function of L1 assigned ET Anomalous signals from ECAL, HF removed Noise pollutes BX ID efficiency at low ET values e/γ Jet/τ Forward Jet
L1 efficiency for electrons
Sample of ECAL Activity HLT triggers (seeded by L1 ZeroBias) Anomalous ECAL signals removed using standard cuts EG trigger efficiency for electrons from conversions Standard loose electron isolation & ID Conversion ID (inverse of conversion rejection cuts) to select electron-like objects Efficiency shown w.r.t ET of the electron supercluster, for L1 threshold of 5 GeV (top), 8 GeV (bottom) Two η ranges shown: Barrel (black), endcaps (red) L1_EG5 With RCT Correction L1_EG8
Jet Trigger Efficiency
minimum-bias trigger jet energy correction: online / offline match turn-on curves steeper
CMS Muon Chambers MB4 Reduced RE system |η| < 1.6 MB3 MB2 MB1 ME3
Single Layer MB1 MB2 MB3 MB4 Reduced RE system |η| < 1.6 1.6 *RPC *Double Layer ME3 ME4/1 ME2 ME1
Muon Trigger Overview |η| < 1.2 0.8 < |η| |η| < 2.4
|η| < 2.1 |η| < 1.6 in 2009 Cavern: UXC55 Counting Room: USC55
CMS Muon Trigger Primitives
Memory to store patterns Fast logic for matching FPGAs are ideal
CMS Muon Trigger Track Finders
Memory to store patterns Fast logic for matching FPGAs are ideal Sort based on PT, Quality - keep loc. Combine at next level - match Sort again - Isolate? Top 4 highest PT and quality muons with location coord. Match with RPC Improve efficiency and quality
L1 Muon Trigger Synchronization BX ID Efficiency – CSC, DT, RPC
All muon trigger timing within ± 2 ns, most better & being improved CSC RPC DT Log Plot
L1 Muon Efficiency vs. pT EndCap Barrel L1_Mu7 L1_Mu10 L1_Mu12 L1_Mu20
OverLap 01/04/2011
CMS Global Trigger
Global L1 Trigger Algorithms
“Δelta” or “correlation” conditions
Unique Topological Capability of CMS L1 Trigger separate objects in η & Φ: Δ ≥ 2 hardware indices ϕ: Δ ≥ degrees Present Use: eγ / jet separation to avoid triggering twice on the same object in a correlation trigger objects to be separated by one empty sector (20 degrees)
High Level Trigger Strategy
High-Level Trig. Implementation
8 “slices” All processing beyond Level-1 performed in the Filter Farm Partial event reconstruction “on demand” using full detector resolution
Start with L1 Trigger Objects
Electrons, Photons, τ-jets, Jets, Missing ET, Muons HLT refines L1 objects (no volunteers) Goal Keep L1T thresholds for electro-weak symmetry breaking physics However, reduce the dominant QCD background From 100 kHz down to 100 Hz nominally QCD background reduction Fake reduction: e±, γ, τ Improved resolution and isolation: μ Exploit event topology: Jets Association with other objects: Missing ET Sophisticated algorithms necessary Full reconstruction of the objects Due to time constraints we avoid full reconstruction of the event - L1 seeded reconstruction of the objects only Full reconstruction only for the HLT passed events
Electron & Photon HLT “Level-2” electron: “Level-3” Photons
Search for match to Level-1 trigger 1-tower margin around 4x4-tower trig. region Bremsstrahlung recovery “super-clustering” Road along φ — in narrow η-window around seed Collect all sub-clusters in road η “super-cluster” Select highest ET cluster Calorimetric (ECAL+HCAL) isolation “Level-3” Photons Tight track isolation “Level-3” Electrons Electron track reconstruction Spatial matching of ECAL cluster and pixel track Loose track isolation in a “hollow” cone basic cluster super-cluster
“Tag & probe” HLT Electron Efficiency
Use Z mass resonance to select electron pairs & probe efficiency of selection Tag: lepton passing very tight selection with very low fake rate (<<1%) Probe: lepton passing softer selection & pairing with Tag object such that invariant mass of tag & probe combination is consistent with Z resonance Efficiency = Npass/Nall Npass → number of probes passing the selection criteria Nall → total number of probes counted using the resonance Electron (ET Thresh>17 GeV) with Tighter Calorimeter-based Electron ID+Isolation at HLT The efficiency of electron trigger paths in 2010 data reaches 100% within errors Barrel Endcap
Muon HLT & L1 Efficiency Both isolated & non-isolated muon trigger shown Efficiency loss is at Level-1, mostly at high-η Improvement over these curves already done Optimization of DT/CSC overlap & high-η regions
Jet HLT Efficiency Jet efficiencies calculated
Relative to a lower threshold trigger Relative to an independent trigger Jet efficiencies plotted vs. corrected offline reco Anti-kT jet energy Plots are from 2011 run HLT_Jet240 HLT_Jet370 Barrel Endcap All Barrel Endcap All
Summary of Current Physics Menu (5E32) by Primary Dataset
Photon Photons (no had. requirement) MuEG Mu+photon or ele (no had. requirement) ElectronHad electrons + had. activity PhotonHad Photons + had. activity MuHad Muons + had. activity Tau Single and Double taus TauPlusX X-triggers with taus MuOnia J/psi, upsilon Jet Single Jet, DiJetAve,MultiJet QuadJet, ForwardJets, Jets+Taus HT Misc. hadronic SUSY triggers METBtag MET triggers, Btag POG triggers SingleMu Single mu triggers (no had. requirement) DoubleMu Double mu trigger (no had. requirement) SingleElectron Single e triggers (no had. requirement) DoubleElectron Double e triggers (no had requirement) + Commisioning, Cosmics, MinimumBias Expected rate of each PD is E32 Writing a total of O(360) Hz. (Baseline is 300 Hz)
Trigger Rates in 2011 Trigger rate predictions based mostly on data.
Emulation of paths via OpenHLT working well for most of trigger table Data collected already w/ sizeable PU (L=2.5E32 → PU~7) Allows linear extrapolation to higher luminosity scenarios Emulated & Online Rates: Agreement to ≲ 30%, data-only check of measured rate vs. separate emulation
Approx. evolution for some triggers
L=5E32 Single Iso Mu ET: 17 GeV Single Iso elec ET: 27 GeV Double Mu ET: 6, 6 GeV Double Elec ET: 17, 8 GeV e+mu ET: 17,8 & 8,17 GeV Di-photon: , 18 GeV e/mu + tau: 15, 20 GeV HT: GeV HT+MHT: GeV L=2E33 Single Iso Mu ET: 30 GeV Single Iso elec ET: 50 GeV Double Mu ET: 10,10 GeV Double Elec ET: 17, 8 GeV* e+mu ET: 17,8 & 8,17 GeV* Di-photon: , 18 GeV* e/mu + tau: 20, GeV HT: HT+MHT: Possibly large uncertainty due to pile-up Targeted rate of each line is ~10-15 Hz. Overall menu has many cross triggers for signal and prescaled triggers for efficiencies and fake rate measurements as well * Tighter ID and Iso conditions, still rate and/or efficiency concerns
HLT at 1E33 Total is 400 Hz
Total HLT Time Distribution
Prescale set used: 2E32 Hz/cm² Sample: MinBias L1-skim 5E32 Hz/cm² with 10 Pile-up Unpacking of L1 information, early-rejection triggers, non-intensivetriggers Mostly unpacking of calorimeter info. to form jets, & some muon triggers Triggers with intensive tracking algorithms Overflow: Triggers doing particle flow reconstruction (esp. taus)
Extension-1 of HLT Farm – 2011
Future HLT Upgrade Options
Requirements for LHC phases of the upgrades: ~2010-2020
Goal of extended running in second half of the decade to collect ~100s/fb 80% of this luminosity in the last three years of this decade About half the luminosity would be delivered at luminosities above the original LHC design luminosity Trigger & DAQ systems should be able to operate with a peak luminosity of up to 2 x 1034 Phase 2: Continued operation of the LHC beyond a few 100/fb will require substantial modification of detector elements The goal is to achieve 3000/fb in phase 2 Need to be able to integrate ~300/fb-yr Will require new tracking detectors for ATLAS & CMS Trigger & DAQ systems should be able to operate with a peak luminosity of up to 5 x 1034
Detector Luminosity Effects
H→ZZ → μμee, MH= 300 GeV for different luminosities in CMS 1032 cm-2s-1 1033 cm-2s-1 1034 cm-2s-1 1035 cm-2s-1
CMS Upgrade Trigger Strategy
Constraints Output rate at 100 kHz Input rate increases x2/x10 (Phase 1/Phase 2) over LHC design (1034) Same x2 if crossing freq/2, e.g. 25 ns spacing → 50 ns at 1034 Number of interactions in a crossing (Pileup) goes up by x4/x20 Thresholds remain ~ same as physics interest does Example: strategy for Phase 1 Calorimeter Trigger (operating 2016+): Present L1 algorithms inadequate above 1034 or 1034 w/ 50 ns spacing Pileup degrades object isolation More sophisticated clustering & isolation deal w/more busy events Process with full granularity of calorimeter trigger information Should suffice for x2 reduction in rate as shown with initial L1 Trigger studies & CMS HLT studies with L2 algorithms Potential new handles at L1 needed for x10 (Phase 2: 2020+) Tracking to eliminate fakes, use track isolation. Vertexing to ensure that multiple trigger objects come from same interaction Requires finer position resolution for calorimeter trigger objects for matching (provided by use of full granularity cal. trig. info.)
Phase 1 Upgrade Cal. Trigger Algorithm Development
HCAL Δη x Δφ=0.087x0.087 e/γ τ jet η φ Particle Cluster Finder Applies tower thresholds to Calorimeter Creates overlapped 2x2 clusters Cluster Overlap Filter Removes overlap between clusters Identifies local maxima Prunes low energy clusters Cluster Isolation and Particle ID Applied to local maxima Calculates isolation deposits around 2x2,2x3 clusters Identifies particles Jet reconstruction Applied on filtered clusters Groups clusters to jets Particle Sorter Sorts particles & outputs the most energetic ones MET,HT,MHT Calculation Calculates Et Sums, Missing Et from clusters
Upgrade Algorithm Performance: Factor of 2 for Phase I
Present Algorithm Present Algorithm Isolated electrons Taus QCD Rate (kHz) QCD Rate (kHz) Phase 1 Algorithm Phase 1 Algorithm Factor of 2 rate reduction Phase 1 Algorithm Phase 1 Algorithm Isolated electrons Taus Efficiency Efficiency Present Algorithm Present Algorithm Higher Efficiency
uTCA Calorimeter Trigger Demonstrators
processing cards with 160 Gb/s input & 100 Gb/s output using 5 Gb/s optical links. four trigger prototype cards integrated in a backplane fabric to demonstrate running & data exchange of calorimeter trigger algorithms
CMS CSC Trigger Upgrades
Improve redundancy Add station ME-4/2 covering h= Critical for momentum resolution Upgrade electronics to sustain higher rates New Front End boards for station ME-1/1 Forces upgrade of downstream EMU electronics Particularly Trigger & DAQ Mother Boards Upgrade Muon Port Card and CSC Track Finder to handle higher stub rate Extend CSC Efficiency into h= region Robust operation requires TMB upgrade, unganging strips in ME-1a, new FEBs, upgrade CSCTF+MPC ME4/2
CMS Level-1 Trigger 5x1034 Occupancy Trigger Rates
Degraded performance of algorithms Electrons: reduced rejection at fixed efficiency from isolation Muons: increased background rates from accidental coincidences Larger event size to be read out New Tracker: higher channel count & occupancy large factor Reduces the max level-1 rate for fixed bandwidth readout. Trigger Rates Try to hold max L1 rate at 100 kHz by increasing readout bandwidth Avoid rebuilding front end electronics/readouts where possible Limits: readout time (< 10 µs) and data size (total now 1 MB) Use buffers for increased latency for processing, not post-L1A May need to increase L1 rate even with all improvements Greater burden on DAQ Implies raising ET thresholds on electrons, photons, muons, jets and use of multi-object triggers, unless we have new information Tracker at L1 Need to compensate for larger interaction rate & degradation in algorithm performance due to occupancy
CMS Level-1 Trigger 5x1034 Occupancy Trigger Rates
Degraded performance of algorithms Electrons: reduced rejection at fixed efficiency from isolation Muons: increased background rates from accidental coincidences Larger event size to be read out New Tracker: higher channel count & occupancy large factor Reduces the max level-1 rate for fixed bandwidth readout. Trigger Rates Try to hold max L1 rate at 100 kHz by increasing readout bandwidth Avoid rebuilding front end electronics/readouts where possible Limits: readout time (< 10 µs) and data size (total now 1 MB) Use buffers for increased latency for processing, not post-L1A May need to increase L1 rate even with all improvements Greater burden on DAQ Implies raising ET thresholds on electrons, photons, muons, jets and use of multi-object triggers, unless we have new information Tracker at L1 Need to compensate for larger interaction rate & degradation in algorithm performance due to occupancy
Tracking needed for L1 trigger
Muon L1 trigger rate Single electron trigger rate Isolation criteria are insufficient to reduce rate at L = 1035 cm-2.s-1 L = 2x1033 1035 Standalone Muon trigger resolution insufficient Amount of energy carried by tracks around tau/jet direction (PU=100) Cone 10o-30o ~dET/dcosq We need to get another x200 (x20) reduction for single (double) tau rate! MHz
The Track Trigger Problem
Need to gather information from 108 pixels in 200m2 of silicon at 40 MHz Power & bandwidth to send all data off-detector is prohibitive Local filtering necessary Smart pixels needed to locally correlate hit Pt information Studying the use of 3D electronics to provide ability to locally correlate hits between two closely spaced layers
3D Interconnection Key to design is ability of a single IC to connect to both top & bottom sensor Enabled by “vertical interconnected” (3D) technology A single chip on bottom tier can connect to both top and bottom sensors – locally correlate information Analog information from top sensor is passed to ROIC (readout IC) through interposer One layer of chips No “horizontal” data transfer necessary – lower noise and power Fine Z information is not necessary on top sensor – long (~1 cm vs ~1-2 mm) strips can be used to minimize via density in interposer
Track Trigger Architecture
Readout designed to send all hits with Pt>~2 GeV to trigger processor High throughput – micropipeline architecture Readout mixes trigger and event data Tracker organized into phi segments Limited FPGA interconnections Robust against loss of single layer hits Boundaries depend on pt cuts & tracker geometry
Tracking for electron trigger
Present CMS electron HLT Factor of 10 rate reduction : only tracker handle: isolation Need knowledge of vertex location to avoid loss of efficiency - C. Foudas & C. Seez
Tracking for -jet isolation
-lepton trigger: isolation from pixel tracks outside signal cone & inside isolation cone Factor of 10 reduction
CMS L1 Track Trigger for Muons
Combine with L1 trigger as is now done at HLT: Attach tracker hits to improve PT assignment precision from 15% standalone muon measurement to 1.5% with the tracker Improves sign determination & provides vertex constraints Find pixel tracks within cone around muon track and compute sum PT as an isolation criterion Less sensitive to pile-up than calorimetric information if primary vertex of hard-scattering can be determined (~100 vertices total at SLHC!) To do this requires information on muons finer than the current 0.052.5° No problem, since both are already available at and 0.015°
CMS L1 Trigger Stages Current for LHC: TPG RCT GCT GT Proposed for SLHC (with tracking added): TPG Clustering Correlator Selector Trigger Primitives Tracker L1 Front End e /γ /τ/jet clustering 2x2, φ-strip ‘TPG’ µ track finder DT, CSC / RPC Regional Track Generator Jet Clustering Missing ET Seeded Track Readout Regional Correlation, Selection, Sorting Global Trigger, Event Selection Manager
CMS Level-1 Latency Present CMS Latency of 3.2 μsec = MHz Limitation from post-L1 buffer size of tracker & preshower Assume rebuild of tracking & preshower electronics will store more than this number of samples Do we need more? Not all crossings used for trigger processing (70/128) It’s the cables! Parts of trigger already using higher frequency How much more? Justification? Combination with tracking logic Increased algorithm complexity Asynchronous links or FPGA-integrated deserialization require more latency Finer result granularity may require more processing time ECAL digital pipeline memory is MHz samples = 6.4 μsec Propose this as CMS SLHC Level-1 Latency baseline
CMS Trigger Summary Level 1 Trigger
Select 100 kHz interactions from 1 GHz (10 GHz at SLHC) Processing is synchronous & pipelined Decision latency is 3 μs Algorithms run on local, coarse data from Cal., Muons Processed by custom electronics using ASICs & FPGAs Higher Level Triggers: hierarchy of algorithms Level 2: refine using calorimeter & muon system info. Full resolution data Level 3: Use Tracking information Leading to full reconstruction The Future: SLHC Refined higher precision algorithms for Phase 1 Use Tracking in Level-1 in Phase 2
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