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INTERACTION THE SIOP MODEL ® Presented By: Maria Bartemes Lynda Brown Sarah Pentek Information adapted from The SIOP Model: Making Content Comprehensible.

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Presentation on theme: "INTERACTION THE SIOP MODEL ® Presented By: Maria Bartemes Lynda Brown Sarah Pentek Information adapted from The SIOP Model: Making Content Comprehensible."— Presentation transcript:

1 INTERACTION THE SIOP MODEL ® Presented By: Maria Bartemes Lynda Brown Sarah Pentek Information adapted from The SIOP Model: Making Content Comprehensible for English Learners by Echevarria, J., Vogt, M., Short, D.J. (2008)

2 Objectives Echevarria, Vogt & Short (2008, p. 114) After reading, discussing, and engaging in activities related to this chapter, you will be able to meet the following content and language objectives.

3 Content Objectives Language Objectives  Explain in writing the purpose of student – student interaction for language development  Describe techniques to reduce the amount of teacher talk in lesson  Practice asking questions that promote student elaboration of responses Objectives Echevarria, Vogt & Short (2008, p. 114)  Select from a variety of activities that promote interaction and incorporate into lesson plans  Design grouping patterns that support lesson content and language objectives  Identify techniques to increase wait time  Identify resources to support student clarification in the native language

4 INTERACTION FEATURES Echevarria, Vogt & Short (2008, p. 114) #17 Grouping Configurations #18 Sufficient Wait Time #16 Frequent Opportunities for Interaction #19 Clarify Concepts in L1 Teaching Scenarios Mrs. Fargo Mrs. Twerplebottom Mrs. Freebersizer Agenda  Model  Rubric Rating  Discuss

5 Modeling Lesson 1- Mrs. Fargo Class expectations: Roles:  Student: Active participation  Observer: Rate the lesson using interaction rubric Supplies:  Envelope  Sticky Notes  SIOP Observation Protocol, p. 225  Positive attitude ®

6 What did you notice? SIOP says… Discuss at your table Structure lessons to promote student discussion  See wiki for examples Opportunities to work together  See wiki for interactive ideas #16 Frequent Opportunities for Interaction (SIOP, pp. 121-122) ® ®

7 What did you notice? SIOP says… Discuss at your table Group students in various ways Use whole groups to introduce information, concepts, and modeling Small groups to encourage collaboration  See wiki for collaboration ideas #17 Grouping Configurations (SIOP, p. 126) Rate Mrs. Fargo’s lesson using the interaction protocol ® ®

8 Modeling Lesson 2- Mrs. Freebersizer Class expectations: Roles:  Student: Active participation  Observer: Rate the lesson using interaction rubric Supplies:  Envelope  Sticky Notes  SIOP Observation Protocol, p. 225  Positive attitude ®

9 Addition is counting how many in all. These are addition facts. 1+2=3 2+3 =5 Counting up or drawing pictures Add. Count how many in all. 12 3 4 5 2 + 1 = 1 + 1 = 3 + 1 = 3 2 4 Addition 1 + 2 2 + 3 Count 1 then count up 2 more. Count 2 then 3 more. = 3 = 5 Your answer is 3. Your answer is 5.

10 What did you notice? SIOP says… Discuss at your table Allow students to express thoughtfully without interruption Allow others to write responses while waiting Use game show cues Balance wait time vs. moving lesson along Patience #18 Sufficient Wait Time (SIOP, p.127) ® ®

11 What did you notice? SIOP says… Discuss at your table Allow student opportunity to have a concept or assignment explained in L1 Clarify key concepts in students L1 by bilingual instructional aide, peer, or written materials #19 Clarify Key Concepts in L1 (SIOP, p. 128) Rate Mrs. Freebersizer’s lesson using the interaction protocol ® ®

12 Modeling Lesson 3- Mrs. Twerplebottom Class expectations: Roles:  Student: Active participation  Observer: Rate the lesson using interaction rubric Supplies:  Envelope  Sticky Notes  SIOP Observation Protocol, p. 225  Positive attitude ®

13 What did you notice? Personal Reflection Discuss at your table Rate Mrs. Twerplebottom’s lesson using interaction protocol How does it work?  Personalize each feature of the Interaction model Will it work for me?  Rate yourself using the rubric How will I know it’s working for students?  Engagement, progress monitoring, and student achievement Putting it all together

14 SIOP Interaction Model Wikki: SIOP Interaction Model presented in conjunction with the Center for Applied Linguistics (CAL) as seen on: The SIOP Model: Making Content Comprehensible for English learners (2008) written by Jana Echevarria, MaryEllen Vogt & Deborah J. Short

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