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Mr Beevers.  To help you understanding of types of qualifications  To answer any questions about the options process  To help you to discuss subjects.

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Presentation on theme: "Mr Beevers.  To help you understanding of types of qualifications  To answer any questions about the options process  To help you to discuss subjects."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mr Beevers

2  To help you understanding of types of qualifications  To answer any questions about the options process  To help you to discuss subjects with your parents and each other

3  ‘KS4 Courses’ booklet online by Friday 18 February  Parents’ Evening, 10 March, 6.00 pm  Preference forms back Wednesday 16 March “Expressions of interest” at this stage  Information, advice and guidance: talk about the courses with teachers students Connexions parents






9  what you want to be and be doing and earning in 10 years time  what you are good at and not good at  what you enjoy studying and will sustain your interest GCSEs 2 years / 60 weeks / 150 lessons Double or treble this for BTECs two hours two hours home learning a night! You should have a hunger to learn and do well!  what the course involves talk to staff and students taking it

10  You think there’s not much written work – there is!  The teacher won’t chase you for work – they will!  You like the teacher BUT do you like the subject?  You’ve never done it before and think it will be “easier” somehow  Your friends have picked it WORST reason of all!  Someone told you you ought to do it there are no bad choices, no closed doors

11 NC Level Higher Level 2 Foundation Level 1 BTEC Level 2 A* EPADistinction 8BMerit 7CPass 6D 5E 4F 3G 2 1

12  Main examination at 16+  About what students “know, understand and can do” No quotas for each grade  Graded A* – G, and Ungraded Nationally about 50 – 60% get grades A* – C KS3 L5 spans low grade C / high grade D  Coursework has gone, replaced by controlled assessment in school Moderation process

13  Final exam in summer of 2013 ‘terminal examination’ not everything you learn is tested 2 final papers + supervised assessment 2 tiers of entry: Higher (D – A*), Foundation (G – C)  Good traditional choice for students Who are not phased by examinations who want a wide variety of subjects planning traditional A-level route to University  Really should have a ‘B’ grade to do A-level

14  Certificate awarded to those with Grade C or above in English Mathematics Two Sciences A Language Geography or History  New this year, it may be expected by course admissions tutors at university especially for would-be teachers

15  Can take them at any age  Written to national industry standards Delivered through practical ‘hands-on’ assignments  Units and qualification graded ‘Pass’, ‘Merit’ and ‘Distinction’ Clear grade criteria given at outset Taken at Level 2 so KS3 L4 spans GCSE grade D should achieve ‘Pass’ grade  All units count towards final mark 6 units (Diploma) of assignments assessed as you go  No final exam Everything you learn assessed when you learn it Assessed through portfolio of evidence

16  Applied learning Plan, Do, Review  Good choice for students who have an interest in that vocational area but are not necessarily going to work in it like project type work – there’s lots of writing planning to go on to do other vocational qualifications full time or with employment planning a different route into University  You need a Merit or Distinction to go on to a Level 3 BTEC Just a Pass won’t do.

17  New national qualification  Not being delivered in any Grantham schools or the College this year

18  Applied Learning and Vocational courses  Counts as two option choices  Monday and Friday afternoons at College  Needs to be considered with the range of choices MUST  Applications MUST be made through the school You can’t go to take courses that we offer in school - we pay the bill!  College decides final offer of course you must have suitable ability in English and Maths to take the level of course you want you may not get the course you applied for

19  Young Apprenticeships Occupational sectors  Engineering  Hairdressing  Health and Social Care Need to get L5s or higher AND definitely want to work in that occupational sector Out of school 2 days a week – all day Monday and Friday College courses plus work experience Worth at least 6 GCSEs No other option subjects

20 Main core subjects English and English Literature  2 GCSEs Mathematics  1 GCSE  + GCSE Statistics for those at the more able Science  Two Sciences for most  5 periods a week (10 per cycle)  modular tests January and June of Y10 and Y11  One GCSE in Applied Science for Diploma and YA students

21  21 st Century Science Y10 only 1 GCSE  Choices in Y11  Choices  Additional Science  Applied Science

22  Other core subjects are short courses add up to 2 GCSEs Careers (CEG) with PSHE programme in tutor time and Work Experience (non-examination) PE (non-examination) RE (Short Course ½ GCSE) Citizenship (Short Course ½ GCSE)  Total = at least 7 GCSEs + up to equivalent of at least 4 GCSEs from option subjects

23  Uncertain  Range of courses, eg  L1 (GCSE D-G) NVQs eg Hair and Beauty  L1 (GCSE D-G) CACHE Childcare  L1 & 2 Applied GCSEs  Non-traditional Pre-Engineering, Construction, Preparation for Uniformed Organisations / Public Services  Only available for specialist courses not offered in school

24  One subject taken from each block All subjects in the block will be taught at the same time

25  If a lot of students want to do a subject we aim to lay on extra groups  Preference is given to students showing an ability to profit from the course a good attitude to learning in that subject area  Those students with problems get a second chance to choose  Undersubscribed courses don’t run Courses break even with 14 students

26  Staff will expect them to be showing an interest in the subject now home learning done work up-to-date and thoroughly done attending clubs a polite, pleasant and businesslike manner to staff and other students  Staff will also be concerned about their attendance and punctuality to lessons

27  When Governors agree staffing and funding MayAiming for last week in May  Notification of other groups JulyMaths and Science sets decided after exams and setting in July JulyAny changes to registration group swill be notified in July

28  will ask us about their reliability, dependability and positive attitude completing work on time – meeting deadlines compliance with school rules and uniform keeping their word and appointments – not ‘forgetting’ returning slips and borrowed items promptly without reminders and chasing up bringing the right equipment to lessons  will a expect good attendance and punctuality report from the school expect better than 94% attendance with no lates

29  2 year / 5 term / 60 week / 150 lesson courses No duplication. No going back  Continuity What’s taught today will be used tomorrow Skills develop incrementally Incredibly important for BTECs and Diplomas  Being responsible for own learning Meeting Deadlines versus Work Pile-up

30 Mr Beevers

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