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Harmonisation Working Group HWG Meeting Wednesday, 8 th August, 2012 NIAUR Offices Belfast.

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Presentation on theme: "Harmonisation Working Group HWG Meeting Wednesday, 8 th August, 2012 NIAUR Offices Belfast."— Presentation transcript:

1 Harmonisation Working Group HWG Meeting Wednesday, 8 th August, 2012 NIAUR Offices Belfast

2 8 th August 2012Page 2 HWG Agenda IntroductionAileen O Connor, RMDS13:00 – 13:05 HSG Meeting FeedbackS mac an Bhaird, CER13:05 – 13:10 Enduring Solution Project Update Joan-Edel Smith13:10 – 13:15 ROI HSP UpdateConor Garrigan, ESBN13:15 – 13:25 Market Design UpdateA O Connor, RMDS13:25 – 13:50 HWG To-Do List ReviewA O Connor, RMDS13:50 – 13:55 AOB & ClosingA O Connor, RMDS13:55 – 14:00

3 8 th August 2012Page 3 Approval of Minutes Minutes from HWG meeting – 27 th June 2012

4 8 th August 2012Page 4 Feedback from HSG 04/07/12

5 8 th August 2012Page 5 Feedback from HSG 04/07/12

6 8 th August 2012Page 6 Enduring Solution Project Update Joan-Edel Smith

7 8 th August 2012Page 7 ROI HSP Update Conor Garrigan

8 8 th August 2012Page 8 Market Design Update Today’s Workload Overview

9 8 th August 2012Page 9 Previously Approved MCRs for Approval NumberVersionOriginRequest DescriptionAction Requested MCR 33V3.0ROINew Field on 332 and 332W MM for Non-Interval De-Energisations Recommendation for Approval MCR 34V3.0ROINew Field on 332 and 332W MM for Non-Interval Re-EnergisationsRecommendation for Approval  V2.0 Classified as Harmonisation Impacting at HWG of 04/04/12  Approval was held over for review by Suppliers  Reversioned following post-Harmonisation Release Planning Workshop  Presented at HWG 27/06/12 and approval held over for further review At Today’s Meeting: Recommendation for approval of Version 3.0 of both MCRs

10 8 th August 2012Page 10 DR 1122 V1 – Introduction of Essential Plant into the Market Design  A new flag to be added to the Harmonised Data Definitions with the name Essential Plant Flag and schema name EssentialPlantFlag.  The Harmonised Data Definition for Essential Plant Flag is "As and where an MPRN is determined to be Essential Plant, or where Essential Plant flag has been removed, then this flag will be highlighted."  This field is proposed to be populated only where it has been determined that there is essential plant at the MPRN.  The content of the flag will be made available on the Extranet and the downloadable meter point details file as well as certain messages that are indicated on the MCR  Classified as Harmonisation impacting at HWG of 27/06/12  DR revised to include CoS Messages 101, 101p, 102, 102p At Today’s Meeting:  Recommendation for Approval of DR 1122 V1.0

11 8 th August 2012Page 11 DR 1126 V1 – Phone Number Categorisations  Phone number categorisation is required to facilitate classification of phone number i.e. mobile, work, home, in any inbound MM  Currently it is difficult for Networks to provide updates to the correct phone numbers & to transfer numbers accurately to all the feeder systems and subsequently back to Suppliers  NIE propose adjusting the contact details segment to allow for a new repeating segment called phone details, to be held within segment.  New Types for Contact Details segment  A1 party contact details  A2 customer contact details  New HBL Data Codes as follows:  Mobile 001  Home 002  Work 003  Other 004 At Today’s Meeting:  Classification as Harmonisation Impacting  Recommendation for Approval of DR 1126 V1.0

12 8 th August 2012Page 12 MCR 1097 V1.0 – New Order Status Code for Supplier timeout  To add a new Order Status code "SOTO" with the description of "Supplier Timeout" to be used where the Supplier has received market message 131[S] to re-schedule non-completed fieldwork and Supplier has not re-scheduled within 10 days.  Classified and Approved as DR at HWG 27/06/12 At Today ’ s Meeting:  Recommendation for Approval of MCR V1.0

13 8 th August 2012Page 13 Discussion Requests

14 8 th August 2012Page 14 Approved MCRs

15 8 th August 2012Page 15 HWG Action Items Open Items as at end of last meeting

16 8 th August 2012Page 16 HWG Meeting  AOB

17 8 th August 2012Page 17 Next Steps  Next HWG meeting 19 th September, 2012 (Dublin)  Dates for all meetings for 2012 are on the Calendar on the RMDS website

18 8 th August 2012Page 18 Thank You HWG Meeting

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