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DICOM Conference - Singapore April 1, 2005
2005 DICOM Conference Radiation Therapy in Oncology in Singapore Dwight A. Simon, Medical Standards Director and Senior Integration Specialist Merge eFilm * * * * * * Co-Chair DICOM Standards Committee DICOM Conference - Singapore April 1, 2005 Radiation Oncology v Slide # 1
This presentation is given on behalf of DICOM WG7: Radiation Therapy
Acknowledgement This presentation is given on behalf of DICOM WG7: Radiation Therapy It has been prepared in conjunction with material from: - Dr. Michael Neumann, Institute of Clinical Biochemistry and Pathobiochemistry - Scot Hogan, Chair - WG7 Ion Subcommittee - David Murray, Chair – DICOM WG7 Vital Edge Limited TomoTherapy, Incorporated
Radiation Therapy in DICOM
What it isn’t – acquisition information for diagnosing a patients condition (CT, MR, Ultrasound, Mammography, Digital X-Ray, etc.) What it is – a description of how to treat a patient (a Plan of treatment, the Doses of radiation to apply, in what manner and in what quantity, plus the ability to simulate the treatment, etc.)
Radiation Therapy Objects (SOP Classes)
(non-RT – CT, MR, PET & Fused Images) RT Image RT Dose RT Structure Set RT Plan RT Beams Treatment RT Brachy Treatment RT Treatment Summary
Use of General Purpose Worklist in Radiation Therapy
A need to manage the various “phases” of radiation therapy, such as transition from: simulation to planning to delivery to adaptive therapy A need to schedule these services Also a need for new functionality: for referencing persistent objects like RT Plans, CT Images and new objects like Dose Calculation for having ability to Notify performing application, rather than depending on application to continually check for something new or changed
General Purpose Worklist
General Purpose Worklist (RT)
Controlling Device Archive Workflow Manager Performing Application Store SOP Instances Initiate creation of GPSPS (N-CREATE) Notify GP-SPS (N-EVENT-REPORT) Instances for Input Transmit SOP and Relevant Information Query GP-SPS Receive GP-SPS Update GP-SPS (IN PROGRESS) Create GP-PPS (IN PROGRESS) Get Progress (N-GET) Notify Progress (N-EVENT-REPORT) Set GP-PPS (COMPLETED) Cancel GP-SPS (N-SET) Update GP-SPS (COMPLETED) Store Results
Scenarios Controlling Device requests... Segmentation
Treatment planning Dose calculation Treatment plan evaluation Treatment Port film
Scenarios – Referenced Objects
IM – Image (CT, MR, …) SS – RT Structure Set RI – RT Image RD – RT Dose RP – RT Plan BM – RT Beams Treatment Record BR – RT Brachy Treatment Record SU – RT Treatment Summary Record
Scenarios – Object References
IM SS RI RD RP BM BR SU Segmentation X Treatment Planning Dose Calculation Plan Evaluation Treatment Port film
Scenarios – Segmentation
Request Segmentation SS exists N Y CT CT, SS Create SS Create SS ‘ C-STORE
Scenarios – Segmentation
New segmentation Existing segmentation Continue segmentation Modify segmentation Parameters List of organs List of colors Margins
Scenarios – Treatment Planning
Request Treatm. Plang. Plan exists N Y CT, SS, PRE New Version N Y CT, SS, PRE, RTP CT, SS, RI, PRE, RTP Create RTP, RI Create RTP 2, RI Create RTP ‘, RI C-STORE PRE – RT Prescription IOD* * not defined yet
Scenarios – Treatment Planning
New treatment plan Existing treatment plan New version Competing plan Parameters Technique Number of beams Treatment unit
Scenarios – Dose Calculation
Request Dose Calc. Dose exists N Y CT, SS, CAL, RTP CT, SS, DOS CAL, RTP Create DOS Create DOS ‘ C-STORE CAL – RT Calculation IOD* * not defined yet
Scenarios – Dose Calculation
New dose calculation Existing dose calculation Correct for treatment errors Accumulate previous dose Parameters Algorithm Dose grid Inhomogeneity correction Physical constraints Biological constraints
Scenarios – Plan Evalutation
Request Plan Eval. CT, RI, SS, DOS, RTP Create RTP ‘ C-STORE
Scenarios – Plan Evalutation
Approve treatment plan Parameters
Scenarios – Treatment N Y N Y Request Treatment Interrupt before
RTP, RI, BM, BR, SU Comp. N Y RTP, RI, BM, BR, SU RTP, RI, BM, BR, SU Create BM, BR, SU Create BM, BR, SU Create BM, BR, SU C-STORE
Scenarios – Treatment Normal treatment Treatment interrupt before
Compensate Patient setup correction Parameters
Scenarios – Port Film Request Port Film RTP, RI, BM, BR Create RI
Scenarios – Port Film Take port film Parameters Beam related
With dose accumulation Before / after treatment Single / double exposure
Required Parameters Segmentation Treatment planning Dose calculation
List of organs List of colors Margins Treatment planning Technique Number of beams Treatment unit Dose calculation Algorithm Dose grid Inhomogeneity correction Physical constraints Biological constraints Port film Beam related With dose accumulation Before / after treatment Single / double exposure
Ion Therapy Manufacturers of Ion Therapy equipment are now actively involved in implementation of Ion Therapy systems, even though all the work on this new DICOM function is not finalized
Two New IODs Created RT Ion Plan contains pretreatment definition
RT Ion Treatment Record contains post treatment records New IODs created because: Existing RT Plan has type 1 and 2 (Required) attributes that are not applicable to Ion Therapy New type 1 and 2 attributes are introduced for Ion Therapy for interoperability
Beam Line Modifiers All Ion Therapy beam line modifiers have been categorized into: Range Shifting Devices Lateral Spreading Devices Range Modulation Devices Snout Some machines have interchangeable Snouts
Traditional Accessories
Range Compensators Bolus Apertures
Other Differences No Source-to-Axis distance
All measurements taken from isocenter X/Y dependant Virtual SAD added for device manufacturing 6 Degrees of freedom couch Pitch and Roll angles defined All imaging performed by x-ray sources Passive and Scanning beams
Status of On-Going Work
Has undergone final review by WG7 Ion Subcommittee and is out for vote. Subcommittee has T-CON at least once a month. Two meetings held in conjunction with PT-COG. Several implementations are undergoing testing – they go live January 2006.
IHE in Radiation Oncology (IHE-RO)
A stage 1 demonstration scenario was developed: involves a “normal flow” use case for a patient in a radiotherapy department can be achieved using existing DICOM components extended set of query/retrieve attributes specific to radiation therapy is being defined to enhance interoperability between radiation therapy systems enhanced General Purpose Worklist for RT may also be used in the demonstrations. A number of extensions and “non-normal flows” have been identified for implementation in future years.
Thank You!
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