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OwlSim: Revolutionizing National Energy Policies Through Technology COMP 410 in Collaboration with Citizens for Affordable Energy.

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Presentation on theme: "OwlSim: Revolutionizing National Energy Policies Through Technology COMP 410 in Collaboration with Citizens for Affordable Energy."— Presentation transcript:

1 OwlSim: Revolutionizing National Energy Policies Through Technology COMP 410 in Collaboration with Citizens for Affordable Energy

2 Overview Introduction - Robert – COMP 410 – Project Motivation – Problem Statement Simulation Framework - James Energy Model and Plans - Irina Demo - Jesus Conclusion - Robert Questions - Various


4 COMP 410 Format

5 Project Motivation No national energy policy We want to simulate the trends of the existing energy system and plans for the future in order to provide the citizens of 2060 with affordable energy and fuel

6 Problem Statement Create a non-partisan plan for the U.S. energy system for the next 50 years Develop a simulation framework – Flexible – able to simulate wide variety of models – Scalable – able to simulate models of different size Create and simulate a model of the U.S. energy system using simulation framework Make the plan, model, results accessible to public


8 Design Runs on Microsoft’s Azure cloud platform – Virtually unlimited computing capabilities – System resources scale with demand – Pay as you go – Links web services with powerful backend Module-based modeling – Encapsulate components of model – Allows composite modules with other modules inside

9 Capabilities Supports many simultaneous users Scales with load Basic use case – View model, plan, precomputed results Authenticated use case – Edit plan, recompute results, save results Expert Authenticated use case (if working) System Administration use case (if working) – Publish results (if working)


11 High-Level Model

12 Worst-Case Plan

13 Average-Case Plan

14 Best-Case Plan

15 Comparison with Other Models


17 Demo Connecting through web Explain GUI Basic use case – View model, plan, precomputed results Authenticated use case – Edit plan, recompute results, save results Expert Authenticated use case (if working) System Administration use case (if working) – Publish results (if working)


19 Acknowledgements Citizens for Affordable Energy, John Hofmeister, Karen Hofmeister People we consulted for help Microsoft for sponsorship Steven Wong, Scott Rixner TAs Team leads and all our hard-working students


21 Questions Can’t this be done in Excel? – Yes, simple test model could be done in Excel, but professionals could develop more complicated models. Excel doesn’t have centralized mechanism for managing results. Visualizing model, others can edit, maintainability, portability. Results is not only objective – also export. How can you develop model without domain knowledge? – Talked to experts, used recognized resources (EIA etc.). Simple but reasonable model. How did you choose Azure over other clouds? – Had past support from Microsoft

22 Questions What was biggest technical challenge? What was biggest non-technical challenge? HTML5, other technology choices Did you use curve fitting on historical data?


24 References EIA etc.

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