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Advancing Government through Collaboration, Education and Action SIG State of the Union Briefing October 28, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Advancing Government through Collaboration, Education and Action SIG State of the Union Briefing October 28, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Advancing Government through Collaboration, Education and Action SIG State of the Union Briefing October 28, 2013

2 Advancing Government through Collaboration, Education and Action Learn, Lead, Innovate Collaborative Government and Industry Community Driven by Government Agenda Forums for Education and Training Government Defined and Championed Projects Thought Pieces and White papers Actionable Solutions for Government Opportunities to Make a Difference and Grow

3 Advancing Government through Collaboration, Education and Action Community of Shared Interest Groups Where Government & Industry Come Together to Learn & Innovate  Acquisition Management  Collaboration & Transformation  Cybersecurity  Emerging Technology  Human Capital  Networks & Telecommunications  Planning & Architecture  Small Business  Advanced Mobility Working Group  Cloud Computing Working Group

4 Advancing Government through Collaboration, Education and Action Networks & Telecommunications SIG Wray Varley, Chair Tom Cuneo, Vice Chair Deirdre Murray, Programs Marcus Buckley, Communications Mike Brennan, Knowledge Capture Brian Bonacci, Projects

5 Advancing Government through Collaboration, Education and Action SIG Overview The N&T SIG was the first Shared Interest Group Our mission is to provide clarity, impartial feedback, and points for consideration on networks and telecom issues identified in collaboration with the Government Advisory Panel (GAP) and industry 2013 N&T SIG GAP Pete Tseronis, Energy* Hamid Ouyachi, Labor Dennis Reimer, DHS Horace Blackman, VA* Tim Quinn, Interior Frank Tiller, GSA Sylvia Hernandez, GSA Dave Cheplick, VA Stan Kaczmarczyk, GSA* Kevin Trowbridge, Coast Guard Gary Wall, GSA *Officially accepted invite

6 Advancing Government through Collaboration, Education and Action Current SIG Activities Network Services 2020 Working Group –Four committees focused on supporting GSA’s NS2020 initiative Coordinating meetings to focus on best practices and trends of interest to government/industry: –Passive Optical Networks (PON) / Gigabit-capable Passive Optical Networks (GPON) –Wireless Strategies –Cellular Reinforcement Systems (Digital Antenna Systems) –Customer Contact Centers –Broadband Services –Role of Cable Companies –Unified Communications –Acquisition Strategies –Future of Teleworking Coordinating GAP meeting

7 Advancing Government through Collaboration, Education and Action GSA-Vendor Operations Service ordering Portal & Pricer Vendor contract ops Co-Chairs Bob Collet, BCCP Carl Tucker, U.S. Courts Program Development, Goals & Metrics Transaction costs SLA’s Success Factors Value Prop models Program Mgmt. Co-Chairs Jeff Mohan, AT&T Tim Quinn, Interior Business Growth & Collaboration Strategies for… Maximizing portfolio business Small business Regional Promoting competition Collaboration Acquisition Reform Co-Chairs Bob Woods, Topside Gary Wall, GSA Technology & Innovation Product/Services Scope Innovation Technology Evolution Security Co-Chairs Shawn Carroll, CenturyLink Pete Tseronis, Energy Network Services 2020 Working Group Co-Chairs Brian Bonacci, Level 3 Gary Wall, GSA Committees Co-Chairs for each Committee

8 Advancing Government through Collaboration, Education and Action Opportunities for Engagement Vote for topics you would like the SIG to address! – vey vey Work on the NS2020 Advisory Panel Help coordinate a meeting

9 Advancing Government through Collaboration, Education and Action How to Get Involved Contact any of the N&T SIG Officers: Wray Varley: Tom Cuneo: Deirdre Murray: Marcus Buckley: Mike Brennan: Brian Bonacci:

10 Advancing Government through Collaboration, Education and Action CYBERSECURITY SIG Mike Agrillo, Communications Chair

11 Advancing Government through Collaboration, Education and Action SIG Overview What we do: The Cybersecurity SIG provides opportunities for industry and federal government to identify, focus on, raise awareness of, and provide solutions to cybersecurity challenges critical to protecting our national interests. How we do it: Members tackle these challenges by creating informative programs, participating in focused working groups, and developing whitepapers to foster adoption of standards, best practices and solutions. Focus Areas Supply Chain Risk Management (SCRM) NIST 800-53 Rev 4 and Preliminary Cybersecurity Framework Cloud Computing / Virtualization / Data Center Optimization Mobility and Security Continuous Monitoring and Risk Management Malware Detection and Prevention Identity and Access Management Cybersecurity Workforce Development

12 Advancing Government through Collaboration, Education and Action Activities & Opportunities for Engagement Activity DescriptionCommitment Cybersecurity & Privacy Forum Grand Hyatt, Washington DC December 10, 2013 8:30 – 12:30 Facilitators and recorders needed to support the event Committee/Task Force members needed for follow-on actions Secure Sharing and Safeguarding Priority Area Work Plan Committee/Task Force members needed to support multiple work streams (Benchmarking Risk-Based Training; Identifying Best Practices and Barriers to Implementing Common Taxonomies; Forum addressing Acquisition) The next Cybersecurity SIG Meeting is November 12 th, 3:30-5:00 PM at the ACT-IAC office. Registration is open at

13 Advancing Government through Collaboration, Education and Action To Get Involved Contact Bob Post, Chair – –703-346-7848 Cheryl Soderstrom, Vice Chair – –703.742.1312 Mike Agrillo, Communications Chair – –703-608-5829

14 Advancing Government through Collaboration, Education and Action Acquisition Management SIG Jeremy Arensdorf, Chair Steve Krauss, Vice Chair Jim Hiles, Program Chair Jen Glazer, Knowledge Capture Chair Dan Taylor, Communications Chair

15 Advancing Government through Collaboration, Education and Action SIG Overview The Acquisition Management (AM) SIG focuses on increasing engagement and facilitating the sharing of best practices between the government and industry to improve the federal acquisition process. Focusing on: Initiatives and program outcomes that directly improve acquisition for both government and industry. Increased participation by SIG membership in initiatives and programs.

16 Advancing Government through Collaboration, Education and Action GAP Members Jeff Birch, FAI Paul Brubaker, DOD Anne Rung, GSA Janice Uthe, Federal Housing Finance Agency Ann Van Houten, DHS Joanne Woytek, NASA

17 Advancing Government through Collaboration, Education and Action Activities & Opportunities for Engagement SIG ActivityIndustry Co-Lead Gov Co- Lead Initiative Team Refresh to Top 10 Do’s and Don’ts in the RFP Process Jeff ShenBen Coit, John Nyce Working with OMB and the Community to Define “Mythbusters 3” Jeff ShenBen Coit, John Nyce Working to Scale the Impact of Training Sessions Similar to DHS’ Debriefing Training Steve Charles Identification of Regulations that Adversely Impact Acquisition (cost drivers; workload drivers; discourage new competition) Jim Hiles Industry Day Best PracticesJeremy Arensdorf

18 Advancing Government through Collaboration, Education and Action How to Get Involved To get involved, contact the SIG leadership team: Jeremy Arensdorf – Steve Krauss – Jim Hiles – Jennifer Glazer – Dan Taylor – Visit the AM SIG page at Email ACT-IAC SIG Director John Shaw at to be added to the distribution list

19 Advancing Government through Collaboration, Education and Action Cloud Computing Working Group Stacy Cleveland, Chair

20 Advancing Government through Collaboration, Education and Action Overview Cloud Computing Working Group Background: The ACT-IAC Cloud Computing Working Group was formed to leverage the expertise of the SIGs to support the Government’s cloud computing initiatives. Agenda –Coordinate ACT-IAC related activities on Cloud Computing –Eliminate redundant efforts across ACT-IAC program areas and to promote cross pollination of ideas and activities –Align the efforts of ACT-IAC on cloud computing with the needs and requirements of the Federal Government –Provide a mechanism and platform for members to collaborate and communicate effectively on the topic of cloud computing

21 Advancing Government through Collaboration, Education and Action Current Activities for Engagement Current Project: Cloud Acquisition Support Project The Acquisition Management SIG and Cloud Computing Working Group are engaged by GSA and a working group was formed to develop a actionable recommendations around procurement policies and practices that assure availability of Cloud products and services for Government. Mark Day of GSA-Federal Acquisition Service (FAS) and Stacy Cleveland of Hewlett Packard (HP) are leading this working group. Activities conducted to date: Government and Industry survey and interviews Activities upcoming: Government and Industry roundtable session on November 14 th at GSA offices The Roundtable will focus on the following areas: -Procurement processes and practices that may create barriers to cloud adoption -Security requirements and barriers to FedRAMP authorization -Challenges to accepting standard, commercial cloud services without major customization -Review and provide feedback on a draft cloud adoption checklist created by the Acquisition Management SIG to help Government vet and prioritize cloud adoption candidates POC – Stacy Cleveland:

22 Advancing Government through Collaboration, Education and Action Past Projects Platform as a Service (PaaS) Use Case development assistance for GSA Cloud Computing Security Considerations and Recommendations: Usage Scenario: Software as a Service (SaaS) Electronic Mail Identity Management & Access Control in Cloud Computing: Recommendations and Best Practices for using Cloud Services while Maintaining Compliance and Access Controls Briefings, Panels, Collaboration – GSA, NIST, DHS, etc.

23 Advancing Government through Collaboration, Education and Action How to Get Involved To get involved please contact: Chair: Stacy Cleveland, HP Enterprise Services Tel: 410-680-8394 ACT-IAC SIG Director: John Shaw Tel. 703-208-4800 x222

24 Advancing Government through Collaboration, Education and Action Emerging Technology SIG Victor Koo, Chair

25 Advancing Government through Collaboration, Education and Action SIG Overview Constituency Served: Federal CXOs (CIOs/CTOs) and other Government executives (e.g., S&T Directors) responsible for identifying, assessing and deploying emerging technology and maturing it to become a major component of the IT & business strategy. Who is on this SIG: Industry, Government, academia and others within ACT-IAC that are involved with emerging technology and provide products, services, processes, and business models enabling innovative approaches to solving Government issues and challenges. What We Do: 1.Actively monitor the emerging technology landscape and promote game- changing technologies. 2.Share lessons learned from the adopted Emerging Technologies across the federal space 3.Form committees around and provide insight on high-potential technologies to accelerate awareness and adoption.

26 Advancing Government through Collaboration, Education and Action Activities & Opportunities for Engagement Focus for 2013/2014: Supporting the Fed CXO Deeper Government Engagement – Be Responsive to Upcoming Issues / Challenges –Prioritize GAP input and project sponsorship –Explore Analytics/Big Data Potential –Continue promoting use of Agile Development and Technology across the government –ET Global IT Standards and Adoption Rates Continue Defining the ET Landscape – Process-Driven –Technology Infusion – Examples & Lessons Learned –Strategic Foresight” & the Impact of Social Change Technical Investigation Focus Areas –ET Watch List / ET Wiki / –What’s the next technology wave? (Product/Process/Service/Model)

27 Advancing Government through Collaboration, Education and Action How to Get Involved Chair: Victor Koo (, K3 Solutions LLC Vice-Chair: Sandi Van Valkenburg (, Deloitte Communications:Marcus Fedeli (, Michelle Conner (, NT Program Chair: Kimberly Gianni (, Justin Fleshman ( Committees: Analytics Big DataCo-Chairs: Johan Bos-Beijer, GSA, & Jim Hoover (, Agile Development Chair: Jared Townshend (, ET Technology Research: OPEN

28 Advancing Government through Collaboration, Education and Action Collaboration & Transformation SIG Linda Garcia, Chair Rachana Kulkarni, Vice Chair

29 Advancing Government through Collaboration, Education and Action C&T SIG Overview Support all ACT/IAC priority areas: –Planning, management, & delivery processes to improve the strategic value of IT –Secure sharing & safeguarding information –Innovation & digital government –Evolving the government workforce Focused on business processes and business flows Very active GAP & other government participation, resulting in direct alignment with government priorities Very active committees, project teams, and programs (see current activities)

30 Advancing Government through Collaboration, Education and Action GAP Membership C&T SIG Community Focus Open Data –Bethany Letalien, OPM –Kim Taylor, USDA Financial Management –Kathleen Turco, VA –Adam Goldberg, Treasury Information Sharing –Michael Howell, DNI –Paul Grant, DOD –William Barlow, DOD IV&V –Melissa Ash, NRC General –Sonny Hashmi, GSA New GAP members: Donna Roy, DHS NIEM PMO Adrian Gardner, DHS FEMA CIO Jon Johnson, GSA

31 Advancing Government through Collaboration, Education and Action Current Activities Financial Management Committee –Center of Excellence Government Survey focused on definitions and uses Need Government Participants –Second Grants Workshop –Upcoming Project with Treasury FIT Office IV&V Committee –IV&V Case Studies –Next Focus will be on IV&V for Agile and Mobile Development Need Volunteers Governance Working Group –Will look at how Governance Can Actually Enable Innovation –Need Volunteers Supporting: Planning, management, & delivery processes to improve the strategic value of IT Innovation & digital government

32 Advancing Government through Collaboration, Education and Action Current C&T Activities Open Government Best Practices Committee –Government Survey re Open API Usage, Best Practices –Need additional interviewers, especially for DoD Contacts Shared Services Committee –Shared Services: Beyond Lines of Business” briefing, Sonny Hashmi, rescheduling because of govt shutdown Information Sharing Committee –November 7 SIG meeting will include a discussion focused on the Information Sharing Environment, to be followed by planning session. Knowledge Management Committee –Planning a panel discussion with DHS, DoJ, DoD and GSA to discuss the state of KM in the Govt Advanced Mobility Working Group Liason Supporting: Planning, Management, & Delivery processes to improve the strategic value of IT Secure Sharing & Safeguarding Info Innovation & Digital Government NEED GOVT, ACADEMIA, AND INDUSTRY VOLUNTEERS INTERESTED IN THESE AREAS

33 Advancing Government through Collaboration, Education and Action Emerging C&T Activities We have started up two exciting working groups and are looking for those of you who are passionate about helping government in innovative ways: Governance Working Group - Roger Baker once asked Is IT relevant? Mission needs are changing. IT needs to change. Governance is still important. How can governance support innovation? Analytic Tradecraft Working Group - US adversaries are not only increasing in number, but also in complexity, ability to mask themselves, flexibility, and ability to threaten the US. Technology is very important in the investigatory lifecycle, but exquisite tradecraft (processes, methodologies) are what makes the technology work. This committee will explore different types of tradecraft and how they can be used to support investigation and law enforcement. Supporting: Planning, Management, & Delivery processes to improve the strategic value of IT Secure Sharing & Safeguarding Info Innovation & Digital Government Evolving the Government Workforce

34 Advancing Government through Collaboration, Education and Action We Need YOU!!! We need volunteers to support our charter to enable mission Need Government Chair and Government Vice Chair for the SIG to provide direction and coach the team Need Program and Recruitment Chairs Looking for Government Co-Chairs for most committees, project teams, & working groups Looking for Industry Co-Chairs for some committees, project teams & working groups Always looking for SMEs, writers, panelists, volunteers, and participants!

35 Advancing Government through Collaboration, Education and Action How to Get Involved For any committee, project team, working group or general position contact Linda Garcia,, 571-423- 6233 OR Rachana Kulkarni,, 703-462-3062 For Information Sharing Committee: Jonathan D. Addelston, UpStart Systems, LLC, 703-217-3378, For Financial Management Committee: George Strader, Deloitte, 703-464- 8728, OR Stephanie Mango, CGI Federal, 703- 227-6750, For IV&V Committee: Michael Callihan, AEGIS, 703-893-6020 x310, OR Matthew Adamowicz, Vistronix, 571- 499-1595, Open Government Best Practices Committee: Kim Ellison, The Mercator Group, Advanced Mobility Committee: Melissa Adamson, Agilex, 703-889-3892,

36 Advancing Government through Collaboration, Education and Action Planning & Architecture (P&A) SIG Pete Wilson, Chair

37 Advancing Government through Collaboration, Education and Action P&A SIG Overview Explore the integration of planning disciplines Develop and share insights –Implement the Digital Government and Shared Services strategies –Apply effective practices to manage portfolios –Develop, implement and measure digital roadmaps

38 Advancing Government through Collaboration, Education and Action Current SIG Activities & Opportunities for Engagement Smart Lean Government is coming! –Using Life Events, Communities of Services, and a Service Integration Model to deliver 21 st Century solutions –Tightly aligned with the ACT-IAC priority areas Our projects: –The Life Events Standard Specification: how to use life events as a focal point for sharing, integration, and service reuse (registration is open at –The Service Integration Model: develop patterns and practices to deliver secure, efficient shared services

39 Advancing Government through Collaboration, Education and Action How to Get Involved Sponsor projects, lead projects, or just participate! Contact any one of our leaders: –Peter Wilson –Tom McCullough –Phil Cooke –Shelton Lee

40 Advancing Government through Collaboration, Education and Action Small Business SIG Kimberly Purlia, Chair Purlia Parris, LLC Michael Townsend, Vice Chair SAIC

41 Advancing Government through Collaboration, Education and Action SIG Overview Small Business SIG is designed to engage the smaller businesses in their areas of strength and help solve challenges SB’s face in doing business with the Government –We act as a liaison, mentor, trainer, advisor, and a library of knowledge and experience We are in the year of change and have a new path forward: –Aligning to ACT-IAC Strategic Plan –Aligning to membership needs –Moving to a “event & program” driven SIG model

42 Advancing Government through Collaboration, Education and Action SIG Overview New Government Advisory Panel –Point of View Approach similar to the SBC Workshops –IT Lead; Program Lead; Acquisition Lead; and SB Rep or Advocate

43 Advancing Government through Collaboration, Education and Action Activities & Opportunities for Engagement 4 Major Program Events – Looking for a challenge? –Small Business Forum: virtual 3-part series –Government & Industry Small Business Matchmaking –One topic-based, panel program session –Support Small Business Conference planning New Quarterly Events –“OSDBU or Agency in the Spotlight” series –Coincide with the IAC Membership Meetings Joint SIG Event with the Acquisition Management SIG –Help drive preparation for the Acquisition Excellence Conference Liaison for Small Business Members to Engage with the Priority Area Leads and Other SIGs & Working Groups

44 Advancing Government through Collaboration, Education and Action How to Get Involved Volunteers Anyone? Consider Chairing an event for the SB SIG Immediate need for: –New forum, virtual 3-part series

45 Advancing Government through Collaboration, Education and Action Human Capital SIG Bill Fischer, Chair Lisa Taylor, Vice Chair Debbie Brown, Program Chair Bob Clarke, Communications Chair

46 Advancing Government through Collaboration, Education and Action SIG Overview Human capital issues – leadership, development, strategic workforce planning, and innovation – cut across all technology areas 2013 HC Government Advisory Panel: Kimberly Hancher, EEOCPeter Shelby, NRO Thomas Mulhern, DOIKarlease Kelly, USDA Randy Bergquist, JusticeJeri Buchholz, NASA Miriam Cohen, NRC Coordination with: –Cross-SIG collaboration –Chief Human Capital Officers (CHCO) Council –Chief Learning Officers (CLO) Council

47 Advancing Government through Collaboration, Education and Action Activities & Opportunities for Engagement Monthly meetings/panel discussions focus on best practices and trends of interest to our community –Workforce planning –The inter-generational workforce –HRIT consolidation –Emerging learning technologies –IT enablement as a core competency for federal executives Quarterly GAP Meetings –Late Nov/Early December targeted

48 Advancing Government through Collaboration, Education and Action How to Get Involved Contact any of the SIG Officers: Bill Fischer Lisa Taylor Debbie Brown Bob Clarke

49 Advancing Government through Collaboration, Education and Action Advanced Mobility Working Group (AMWG) Brad Nix, Government Vice Co-Chair David Yang, Industry Co-Chair

50 Advancing Government through Collaboration, Education and Action AMWG Overview Mission To foster collaboration and communication on issues regarding mobile computing in the Federal Government, including citizen services, remote connectivity, employee services, workforce productivity, digital publishing, and enterprise mobility. For more information:

51 Advancing Government through Collaboration, Education and Action What We’ve Done AMWG deliverables in support of Digital Government Strategy Commercial Services Report –Document on private sector use of apps supported DGS 5.4 2013 Mobile Security Forum –Mobile Security event held on April 17, 2013 supported DGS 9.1 Delivery of Commercial Mobile Apps White Paper –Delivery of Commercial Apps into Federal Environment supported DGS 5.4 BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) Repository –AMWG portal for BYOD case studies & best practices supported DGS 3.3 2012 Industry Survey on the Federal Digital Government Strategy White Paper 2012 Mobility Forum & Executive Report

52 Advancing Government through Collaboration, Education and Action Activities & Opportunities for Engagement Strategy and Planning 1.Acquisition 2.Policies & procedures 3.Mobile EA Implementation 1.APIs 2.Mobile apps 3.BYOD/MDM/MAS 4.Security 5.Connectivity Adoption and Training 1.User experience 2.Outreach and collaboration Sectors 1.Health 2.Defense 3.Intel 4.Citizen services Focus Areas and Tasks

53 Advancing Government through Collaboration, Education and Action How to Get Involved Co-chairs: DJ Kachman, Bryan Coapstick, Vice Co-chairs: Brad Nix, David Yang, Communications Chair: Tim Harvey, ACT-IAC SIG Director: John Shaw,

54 Advancing Government through Collaboration, Education and Action SIG Impact Guided and championed by government, SIGs offer government & industry participants: Impact across the association & beyond the boundaries of our day jobs, Access to a wide network of colleagues, Education about critical, emerging topics, Deepened understanding of issues, Collaboration with Government and industry to address some of the toughest challenges facing Government. If your company is already an ACT-IAC member or if you work for the Government, participation in the SIG community is free.

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