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Complementary Use of Modern Spectroscopy and Theory in the Study of Rovibrational Levels of BF 3 Robynne Kirkpatrick a, Tony Masiello b, Alfons Weber c,

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Presentation on theme: "Complementary Use of Modern Spectroscopy and Theory in the Study of Rovibrational Levels of BF 3 Robynne Kirkpatrick a, Tony Masiello b, Alfons Weber c,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Complementary Use of Modern Spectroscopy and Theory in the Study of Rovibrational Levels of BF 3 Robynne Kirkpatrick a, Tony Masiello b, Alfons Weber c, and Joseph W. Nibler a a Department of Chemistry, Oregon State University b Pacific Northwest National Laboratory c National Institute of Standards and Technology, MD

2 Goals and Methods Push the limits of experiment to see how closely ab initio methods model experiment Use isotopic substitution to gain additional information about molecular potentials  How? Use modern, high resolution (0.0015 cm -1 ) spectroscopy to study “simple” molecules of high symmetry, such as BF 3

3 Raman and IR active modes of group D 3h AX 3 molecules 2 4 3 E (R, IR) A 2  (IR) E (R, IR) 1 Exclusively Raman Active A 1

4 Consider SO 3 -- an intriguing molecule! 32 S 16 O 3 S O 3 1065.51066.51067.5 Raman Shift / cm -1 1065.51066.51067.5 34 S 16 O 3 32 S 16 O 3 1 CARS Q-Branch

5 32 S 18 O 3 34 S 18 O 3 1002.51003.51004.51005.51006.51007.5 Raman Shift / cm 1067.5 1002.51003.51004.51005.51006.51007.5 Raman Shift / cm 32 S 18 O 3 34 S 18 O 3 What causes this complex structure? 1 CARS Q-Branch Q 1 ≠    J(J+1)+(  C 1 -  B 1 )K 2 + higher terms

6 Perturbations to 1 (SO 3 ) deduced using the CARS Q-Branch 1 A 1 ' Fermi resonance Coriolis l-resonance 2 4 (l=0) A 1 ' 2 2 A 1 ' 2 4 (l=2) E ' 2 + 4 E '  Let’s examine the CARS Q-Branches of 10 BF 3 and 11 BF 3

7 CARS Experiment Vibrational energy, i Anti-Stokes (AS) energy, S    0 S A Sample Induced dipole in sample ↔ Non-Linear optical interaction ↔  E +  2 +  E ( 0 ) E ( 0 ) E (S ) CARS Intensity ·Monitor CARS beam ·Scan Stokes beam · Keep green beam at a constant frequency

8 ◦ Long pulse → Very high spectral resolution (~0.001 cm -1 ) Tunable Ring dye laser Integrator Nd: YAG PMT Photodiode I 2 cell Sample Filter Ar + laser Dye cell Amplification of Stokes beam Computer Experimental Setup ◦ Nd:YAG output locked to single frequency

9 Predict structure according to: Q 1 = 1 +  B 1 J(J+1)+(  C 1 -  B 1 )K 2 + higher terms With intensities I ~ C g(J,K) (2J+1) exp[-hF 0 (J,K)/kT]) Significant perturbations not evident for 10 BF 3 

10 IR studies on BF 3 (Masiello, Maki, Blake) give 1 parameters indirectly from various transitions: Ground State Energy 1  E'      2 ''     E'

11 1 Q-Branch of 10 BF 3 What do we predict for 11 BF 3 ?

12 ≈0.2 cm -1 Interesting Frequency Shift Observed with Isotopic Substitution at the Center of Mass!

13 Due to an unrecognized Fermi resonance? Due to changes in anharmonicity constants? 1413121111 2 1 2xxxx  1 Shift: ► IR data ► ab initio calculations Answer these questions by making use of

14 Ask: How well do Measured x ij ’s and isotopic shifts correspond to results of ab initio (Gaussian 03) calculations? ► Instruct Gaussian 03 to compute anharmonicities (and other ro-vibrational parameters) using the anharm option and B3LYP/cc-pVTZ Problem : anharm only works for asymmetric tops Solution: Small distortion (0.0002 Å ) of one BF 3 bond

15 Vibrational constants in cm for 10 BF 3 and 11 BF 3 constantexp.theoryexp.theory  1 897.243889.306897.327889.306 x 11 -1.158-1.120-1.169-1.120 x 12 -3.374-3.673-3.318-3.621 x 13 -4.479-4.676-3.607-3.765 x 14 -3.115-3.081-3.879-3.818 1 885.645877.473885.843877.673  1 -  1 11.59711.83311.48311.633 1 ( 10 BF 3 ) - 1 ( 11 BF 3 )-0.198exp. -0.200theory 10 BF 3 11 BF 3 1413121111 2 1 2xxxx  (Hard to get) (Easy to get) What about other anharmonic shifts?

16 Anharmonic shifts (cm -1 ) 10 BF 3 constantExp.B3LYP/Exp.-calc % diff cc-pVTZ.  1 - 1 11.611.8 -0.2 -2.0  2 - 2 4.1 0.0  3 - 3 25.225.6 -0.4 -1.5  4 - 4 2.92.8 0.1 3.1 Conclusion: theory gives excellent values for anharmonic shifts!

17 Vibration-rotation constants in cm -1 for 10 BF 3 Constant Exp.Theory %Diff BeBe 0.3460.3421.2  1  10 3 0.6850.6761.2  2  10 3 -0.119-0.138-16.4  3  10 3 1.5111.5120.0  4  10 3 -0.509-0.513-0.7 CeCe 0.1730.1711.2  1  10 3 0.3430.3381.4  2  10 3 -0.281-0.291-3.7  3  10 3 0.8890.8672.5  4  10 3 0.1080.08918.0 Coriolis constants  33 z 0.7770.812-4.5  44 z -0.806-0.812-0.7 B v = B e –  i  i (v i + d i )+ higher terms

18 Rotational distortion constants (cm -1 ) for ground state of 10 BF 3 Exp.Theory % diff D J x 10 7 4.3034.243 1.4 D JK x 10 7 -7.593-7.471 1.6 D K x 10 7 3.5703.482 2.5 H J x 10 12 1.3321.335 -0.2 H JK x 10 12 -5.089-5.154 -1.3 H KJ x 10 12 6.1906.311 -1.9 H K x 10 12 -2.432-2.490 -2.4 Since parameters are well-determined by theory, can we ab initio calcs. to accurately assess the potential surface?

19 We can be confident such higher order terms in the potential are well-defined by ab initio calculations. 10 BF 3 11 BF 3 modek ii k iii k iiii K ii k iii k iiii 1889.3-23.70.8889.3-23.70.8 2711.4---1.3683.5---1.2 31511.552.04.31457.949.24.1 4476.94.20.4 475.04.30.4...QkQkQkV 4 iiiii 3 iiii 2 iiii  k ii  ↔  i  k iii, k iiii  ↔  x ii

20 Symmetric BF stretch Out-of-plane bend

21 In-plane bend Anti-symmetric BF stretch

22 Conclusions ● CARS spectra of BF 3 confirm validity of 1 parameters deduced indirectly from IR studies ●  1 - 10 1 shift reproduced by ab initio calculations ● BF 3 parameters (D’s, H’s,  ’s, x’s,  ’s, …) in excellent agreement with ab initio anharmonic values ● Results indicate theory can give very useful estimates of higher-order parameters needed for the analysis of complex ro-vibrational spectra.

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