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Published bySheila Whitworth Modified over 10 years ago
High Redshift Quasar Survey Survey Science Group Workshop, 2013 High1 Resort Yiseul Jeon, Myungshin Im, W.-K. Park, J. H. Kim, M. Karouzos, J.-W. Kim, S.-K. Lee, H. Jun, C. Choi, D. Kim, D. Kim, J. Hong, M. Hyun, and Y. C. Taak Center for the Exploration of the Origin of the Universe (CEOU), Astronomy Program, Dept. of Physics & Astronomy, Seoul National University
Contents I.Introduction History of our Universe High Redshift Quasars II.Method of Study Multi-wavelength Data Color Selection Current Status III.Summary
I. Introduction
Neutral Hydrogen Recombination First Star/First Galaxy/First SMBH z ~ 20 Reionization z ~ 10 Robertson et al. 2010 BB Dark Age Reionization Galaxy Formation Galaxy Formation History of our Universe
Quasar - An energetic active galactic nucleus - Powered by an accretion disc High Redshift Quasar - One of the brightest objects - Useful for investigating the early universe - >50 quasars at z>5 discovered High Redshift Quasars Intrinsic Properties of early SMBHs Mass Growth of SMBHs & Evolution of QLF Environmental Effect due to Quasars Reionization of IGM Artist's impression of quasar GB1508+5714 (z=4.3)
1. Growth of Super Massive Black Holes
1) SMBH at z~7 SMBH of 10 9 M ⊙ already exists age ~0.8 Gyr
1. Growth of Super Massive Black Holes 1) SMBH at z~7 First SMBH already exists age < 1 Gyr → must have formed at very early time. 2) Redshift Desert at 5<z<6 Due to limitations of current selection technique 10 9 M ⊙ z~6 10 10 M ⊙ z~5 Chiu et al. 2005 r-i i-z ←z=5.5 ←z=5.2 x10 increase during 0.5Gyr
1. Growth of Super Massive Black Holes 1) SMBH at z~7 First SMBH already exists age < 1 Gyr → must have formed at very early 2) Redshift Desert at 5<z<6 Due to limitations of current selection Cause of SMBH Growth unknown More samples required
Robertson et al. 2010 IGM attenuation (Madau 1996) ↓ 2. Reionization of Intergalactic Medium BB Dark Age Reionization Galaxy Formation
2. Reionization of Intergalactic Medium Gunn-Peterson trough Fan et al. 2006 Robertson et al. 2010 z=6.13 z=5.93 z=5.83 Fan et al. 2006
Robertson et al. 2010 Willott et al. 2010 ◇ SDSS main △ SDSS deep stripe ● CFHQS Quasar Luminosity Function at z~6 At z>10: First stars (e.g., Kashlinsky et al. 2005) At z~6: Star Forming Galaxy vs. Quasar At z<2.5: mostly by AGNs (e.g., Haardt & Madau 1996) ? 3. Evolution of Quasar Luminosity Function
→ New technique with New Deep/Wide survey data Limitations of Previous Studies Redshift Desert at 5<z<6 and Discovery of z~7 Quasar New selection technique Various Luminosity Range Deep Survey Data Larger Sample Size Wide Survey Data Redshift Redshift M 1450 SMBH Mass Growth HI Fraction in IGM QLF at z~6
II. Method of Study
Quasar candidate selection i z Y J H K 3.6 4.5 e.g.) z~7 quasar (blue) i)z Drop-out ii)Bluer Y-J than Brown Dwarf(green) iii)Power-law SED + Quasars Δ Model Brown Dwarfs + Star-forming galaxy + Passive Evolving Galaxy
Quasar candidate selection 1. Match multi-wavelength catalogues 2. Select quasar candidates using color-color diagram 3. Remove spurious objects by eyeball rejection 4. Do photometry on original images 5. Imaging follow-up 6. Spectroscopy of remaining candidates
Quasar candidate selection OpticalNIRIR - SDSS - CFHTLS-Wide (a) - CQUEAN Is & Iz (b) - UKIDSS LAS & DXS (c) - IMS (b) - Spitzer Space Telescope Ch 1 & Ch 2 (a) 3 mag deeper than SDSS z-band (b) available only for CEOU (c) only accessible to UKIDSS collaboration - Multi-wavelength catalogues
On-going High-z Quasar Survey of CEOU Redshift5—6666~7 Data SDSS UKIDSS LAS CQUEAN Is & Iz SDSS UKIDSS LAS SEGUE BOAO J UKIRT J CFHT MegaPipe IMS(UKIRT J/Y) UKIDSS DXS SWIRE Field SDSS DR7 UKIDSS LAS DR7 SEGUE 2 ELAIS-N1, ELAIS-N2, Lockman Hole, EGS, COSMOS, VIMOS Area [deg 2 ]~4000~1000~130 Depth [AB]z < 19.5J < 19.2z err < 0.1J err < 0.15J < 22.5
Quasar Selection at 5<z<6 Redshift5—6666~7 Data SDSS UKIDSS LAS CQUEAN Is & Iz SDSS UKIDSS LAS SEGUE BOAO J UKIRT J CFHT MegaPipe IMS(UKIRT J/Y) UKIDSS DXS SWIRE Field SDSS DR7 UKIDSS LAS DR7 SEGUE 2 ELAIS-N1, ELAIS-N2, Lockman Hole, EGS, COSMOS, VIMOS Area [deg 2 ]~4000~1000~130 Depth [AB]z < 19.5J < 19.2z err < 0.1J err < 0.15J < 22.5 Redshift gap at 5<z<6: due to the limitations of current filter system
Quasar Selection at 5<z<6 Camera for QUasars in EArly uNiverse (CQUEAN) with custom designed Is and Iz filters at McDonald 2.1m ←CQUEAN Spectroscopic Follow-up Observation 2.5 nights at KP-4m (2012B) 3 nights at KP-4m (2013A) 3 nights at NTT (2013A)
Quasar Selection at 5<z<6 2.5 nights at KPNO 4-m telescope
Quasar Selection at z~7 Redshift5—6666~7 Data SDSS UKIDSS LAS CQUEAN Is & Iz SDSS UKIDSS LAS SEGUE BOAO J UKIRT J CFHT MegaPipe IMS (UKIRT J/Y) UKIDSS DXS SWIRE Field SDSS DR7 UKIDSS LAS DR7 SEGUE 2 ELAIS-N1, ELAIS-N2, Lockman Hole, EGS, COSMOS, VIMOS Area [deg 2 ]~4000~1000~130 Depth [AB]z < 19.5J < 19.2z err < 0.1J err < 0.15J < 22.5 Mauna Kea @May 2009
Quasar Selection at z~7 The most distant known quasar at z=7.085 (Mortlock et al. 2011) Ongoing & Future Optical/Near-IR Surveys Willott et al. 2010 Intermediate-wide medium-deep survey is needed. UKIRT NIR Survey !
IMS Fields FieldRADec Area (deg 2 ) Optical Coverage (mag/deg 2 ) NIRIR XMM-LSS02:21:20-04:3011 CFHTLS-W1 (35 MegaPipe z-fields, z ~ 25AB/72deg 2,i- band for many fields), NOAO DWS, Maidanak Y-band UKIDSS DXS+UDS (3.75, JK) IMS (7.5, J) SWIR E CFHTLS-W208:54-04:1527 CFHLTLS-W2 (19 MegaPipe z-fields, z~25AB/49 deg2) IMS (27, YJ) Lockman Hole10:45:0058:0012 CFHT MegaPipe Archive (15 fields, i-data in limited area), Subaru (~18 fields, I = 26 AB, B=27AB) UKIDSS DXS (6.75, JK) IMS (5.25, J) SWIR E EGS14:1754:3038 CFHTLS-W3 (44 MegaPipe z-fields, z~25ABmag/49 deg2, i-band data too) IMS (38.25, YJ) ELAIS-N116:11:0055:0014 CFHT MegaPipe (9 fields, z~25AB mag) Subaru Deep I (18 fields (5 deg2) UKIDSS DXS+UDS (9, JK) IMS (4.5, J) SWIR E ELAIS-N216:36:4841:01:455 CFHT MegaPipe (6 fields, z~25 AB mag), Subaru Deep I (18 fields (5 deg2) IMS (5.25, J) SWIR E VIMOS22:1700:2025 CFHLTLS-W4 (20 MegaPipe z-fields, z~25AB/16 deg2, i- band data available too UKIDSS DXS+UDS (9, JHK) IMS (15.75, YJ)
Quasar Selection at z~6 Redshift5—6666~7 Data SDSS UKIDSS LAS CQUEAN Is & Iz SDSS UKIDSS LAS SEGUE BOAO J UKIRT J CFHT MegaPipe IMS(UKIRT J/Y) UKIDSS DXS SWIRE Field SDSS DR7 UKIDSS LAS DR7 SEGUE 2 ELAIS-N1, ELAIS-N2, Lockman Hole, EGS, COSMOS, VIMOS Area [deg 2 ]~4000~1000~130 Depth [AB]z < 19.5J < 19.2z err < 0.1J err < 0.15J < 22.5
NIR spectrum by IRTF, SpeX Redshift5—6666~7 Data SDSS UKIDSS LAS CQUEAN Is&Iz SDSS UKIDSS LAS SEGUE BOAO J UKIRT J CFHT Megapipe UKIRT J UKIDSS DXS SWIRE Field SDSS DR7 UKIDSS LAS DR7 SEGUE 2 ELAIS-N1, ELAIS-N2, Lockman Hole, EGS, COSMOS, VIMOS Area [deg 2 ]~2000~1000~40/200 Depth [AB]z < 19.5J < 19.2z err < 0.1J err < 0.15J < 22.5 Color-Color Diagram (1) From SEGUE data confirmed by HET and follow-up NIR spec. at IRTF (2) From UKIDSS LAS data confirmed by Magellan Quasar Selection at z~6
Quasar candidate selection Confirm as Quasar! Calculate redshift by identifying redshifted Lyman break and UV emission lines Measure SMBH mass using UV emission lines such as CIV λ1549 Investigate Lyman alpha forest to understand the ionization state of IGM - Spectroscopy of candidates
III. Summary
Limitations of Previous High-z Quasar Survey 1. Growth of SMBH 2. Reionization of IGM 3. Evolution of quasar LF Deep/Wide Survey Data with New selection technique –SMBH evolution –IGM ionization process CQUEAN/UKIRT Thank you
On-going High-z Quasar Survey of CEOU Redshift5—6666~7 Data SDSS UKIDSS LAS CQUEAN Is & Iz SDSS UKIDSS LAS SEGUE BOAO J UKIRT J CFHT MegaPipe IMS(UKIRT J/Y) UKIDSS DXS SWIRE Field SDSS DR7 UKIDSS LAS DR7 SEGUE 2 ELAIS-N1, ELAIS-N2, Lockman Hole, EGS, COSMOS, VIMOS Area [deg 2 ]~4000~1000~200 Depth [AB]z < 19.5J < 19.2z err < 0.1J err < 0.15J < 22.5 Published<524171 Prediction* (increasing) ~40 (x10) <10 10 0 —10 2 (x50) 10 0 —10 1 (x10) *assuming continuous density evolution of the high-z quasar LF (Willott+10)
Redshift SMBH Mass Growth Redshift5—6666~7 Published<524171 Prediction~40<1010 0 —10 2 10 0 —10 1 ① Accretion from Seed BH If BH mass increases by accretion with Eddington rate, where t Edd = 0.45 Gyr and ε is the radiative effiency From seed mass of 10 2 M ⊙, it takes 0.9 Gyr. And From 10 5 M ⊙, 0.5 Gyr. (Volonteri10) Not enough for 10 9 M ⊙ at z~7 ② By Galaxy Merger Possible from SAM in ΛCDM (Li+07) Existence of the most massive SMBH
Redshift SMBH Mass Growth HI Fraction in IGM Redshift5—6666~7 Published<524171 Prediction~40<1010 0 —10 2 10 0 —10 1 Abrupt transition? (Fan+06) Continuous process? (Becker+07)
Redshift Redshift M 1450 SMBH Mass Growth HI Fraction in IGM QLF at z~6 Redshift5—6666~7 Published<524171 Prediction~40<1010 0 —10 2 10 0 —10 1 Also, QLF of 5<z<6 and z~7 → Our research will contribute towards the understanding of the evolution of SMBHs and the IGM ionization state at the early Universe.
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