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Antenatal Screening Dr Emma Parry CMFM

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1 Antenatal Screening Dr Emma Parry CMFM
Clinical Director Maternal-Fetal Medicine National Women’s Health

2 What is Screening? A pathway, not a test
Screen: an apparatus used in the sifting of grain, coal etc Shorter Oxford Dictionary A pathway, not a test Screening is a health service in which members of a defined population…are offered a test to identify those who are more likely to be helped than harmed by further tests… to reduce the risk of a disease or its complications. ( National Health Committee 2003)

3 Criteria to be satisfied for screening
Condition is suitable for screening There is a suitable test There is effective treatment for the condition There is high quality evidence (RCTs etc) that mortality/morbidity is reduced Potential benefits of screening outweight any harms caused The Health care system is capable of supporting all necessary parts of the screening pathway There is consideration of social and ethical issues There is consideration of cost-benefit issues

4 What is a screening programme?
A coordinated system of: Pretest counselling Testing with follow up Quality assurance audits of test performance Post test counselling Audits of detection rates Audits of patient satisfaction Regular review and updating as necessary

5 Effect of choice of cut-off on test performance x minimises false positives z minimises false negatives

6 Screening Tests Sensitivity a/(a+c) test Specificity d/(b+d) test
condition Sensitivity a/(a+c) test Specificity d/(b+d) test +ve pred value a/(a+b) cond -ve pred value d/(c+d) cond Prevalence condition in population (a+c)/(a+b+c+d) LR+ = sens/(1- spec) LR- = (1-sens)/spec present absent a b c d +ve test -ve

7 Current Standard Screening Programmes
Infection: Rubella Hepatitis B Syphilis Malformation: Aneuploidy Structural Syndromic Red Cell Antibodies

8 Variable Screening Programmes
HIV Thalassaemia CMV Smear Swabs for infection

9 Areas of Difficulty Consistency of approach to counseling
Aneuploidy Screening Evolving results Soft markers on anomoly scan Multiple pregnancy Diabetes Late Booker High risk result: normal karyotype HIV: late booker/ in labour

10 OSCAR in Calgary* One Stop Clinic for Assessment of Risk Southern Alberta Centre for MFM (NT clinic + Astraia) + (DELFIAXpress + Lifecycle) = OSCAR Woman departs Woman arrives Post-test counselling Pre-test counselling* Free b HCG PAPP-A Risk Assessment Blood sample Ultrasound Examination *1-1 counselling, video, pamphlets U/S data Invasive testing usually not same day

11 Areas of Difficulty Consistency of approach to counseling
Aneuploidy Screening Evolving results Soft markers on anomoly scan Multiple pregnancy Diabetes Late Booker High risk result: normal karyotype HIV: late booker/ in labour

12 Aneuploidy Screening Evolving results Soft markers on anomoly scan
Multiple pregnancy Diabetes Late booker High risk result: normal karyotype

13 2nd Trimester USS markers
Concept of prior risk Can include Maternal age NT +/- NB, TR Serum analytes: 1st +/or 2nd trimester Bayseian technique to allow risk adjustment ‘USS soft markers lead to a small increase in detection malformations and large increase in false positives’ Boyd et al, Lancet 1998

14 Hypoplastic NB (16/40<3.0mm)* (20/40<4.5mm)* Increased NF X17
Absent NB X83 Hypoplastic NB (16/40<3.0mm)* (20/40<4.5mm)* Increased NF X17 Echogenic bowel X6 Short femur X2.7 Short humerus X7.5 Pyelectasis X1 Increased NF if previous NT less likely to indicate aneuploidy. Need to consider early hydrops or cystic hygroma Bethune 2007 Aus Radiol 51;

15 Echogenic intracardiac focus
Micro-calcifications in papillary muscle No effect per se Small association Trisomy 21 in high risk No increase in unselected populations LR X 1 CP cysts Associated with Trisomy 18 Will nearly always have another feature eg clenched hands Bethune 2007 Aus Radiol 51;

16 Aneuploidy Screening Evolving results Soft markers on anomoly scan
Multiple pregnancy Diabetes Late booker High risk result: normal karyotype

17 Aneuploidy Screening Evolving results Soft markers on anomoly scan
Multiple pregnancy Diabetes Late booker High risk result: normal karyotype

18 Nuchal Translucency

19 Nuchal Translucency Designed for low risk women (<40 years?)‏
USS measurement TA or TV Registered user (FMF)‏ Ongoing audit 11+3 to 13+6 Bayes theory Result is a RISK- not a diagnostic test Trisomy 13 and 18 Detection for Trisomy 21 is 85%

20 Nuchal Translucency Nasal Bone Tricuspid Regurgitation
Fronto- Maxillary facial angle DV Soft tissue thickness Aberrant subclavian artery Others?

21 Increased NT + Normal Karyotype
15% 46.2% 19.0% 64.5% >6.4 30% 24.2% 10.1% 50.5% 50% 18.5% 3.4% 33.3% 70% 10.0% 2.7% 21.1% A&W Major Anom Fetal Death Chrom Abn NT (mm)‏

22 Case 1 44 year old grand multip Keen to avoid invasive testing
Pacific islander All NVD Keen to avoid invasive testing NT 1.1mm = T21 risk 1:143

23 Case 1 Combined with 2nd trimester screen Risk T21 1:140 Risk T18 1:8
A-FP, Oestriol, free bHCG Risk T21 1:140 Risk T18 1:8 Risk NTD 1:2900

24 Case 2 Primigravida age 29 Unplanned pregnancy but wanted
Epilepsy on Valproate 1000mg Family history Talipes

25 Case 2 Wants Screening NT risk 1:2500 Routine 2nd trimester screening
Risk T21 1:5400 Risk T18 1:12000 Risk NTD 1:4

26 Case 2 Anomoly scan at 18/40 Difficult views
Lemon shape head and banana cerebellum 3D volumes = Sacral open NTD with cord tethering

27 Case 3 37 year old primigravida Fertility treatment Low risk NT
Very low risk combined Risk 1 in 8000 At anomoly scan Nasal bone short?



30 Why screen for aneuploidy?
Provide information about risk to patients Describe choices for invasive testing Ensure this information is accurate Reassure the majority of women at an early stage Include most affected pregnancies in a ‘high risk’ group

31 Advances in screening for trisomy 21
1st Trimester free hCG ONTD Screening 1st Trimester Nuchal Translucency free hCG Combined NB / TR / DV Mat age ADAM12 / PP13 '80 '85 '90 '95 '00 '05 Integrated Sequential Second trimester: AFP Only Total hCG 1st Trimester PAPP-A

32 Maternal Serum analytes
1st Trimester PAPP-A Free B-HCG 2nd Trimester Alpha Fetoprotein ) ) Oestriol ) Triple Test) Free B-HCG ) ) Inhibin-A ) Quadruple Test

33 First trimester screening for trisomy 21
Maternal serum free ß-hCG & PAPP-A 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 -3.5 -2.5 -1.5 -0.5 0.5 1.5 2.5 3.5 Free ßhCG (SD) % Trisomy 21 20 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 -3.5 -2.5 -1.5 -0.5 0.5 1.5 2.5 PAPP-A (SD) % Trisomy 21 Normal Normal Detection rates at 12 weeks are similar to those at 16 weeks Biochemical changes are independent of fetal NT thickness NT, free ß-hCG and PAPP-A identifies 90% of cases for FPR of 5%

34 Second trimester screening for trisomy 21
Detection rates 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 -3.5 -2.5 -1.5 -0.5 0.5 1.5 2.5 3.5 Free ß-hCG & Inhibin A % 20 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 -3.5 -2.5 -1.5 -0.5 0.5 1.5 2.5 AFP & uE3 % Tr 21 Tr 21 FPR 5% 59% 63% 67% 72% MA and AFP & hCG MA and AFP & hCG & uE3 MA and AFP & ß-hCG MA and AFP & ß-hCG & uE3 MA and AFP & ß-hCG & uE3 & IA Cuckle 2001 DR 65%

35 So what does it all mean? Combined 1st Trimester screening
NT + 1st trimester analytes Integrated Screening NT + 1st & 2nd trimester analytes Sequential Screening High risk invasive testing Low risk 2nd trimester analytes Contingent Screening Moderate risk 2nd trimester analytes Very low risk (eg <1:1500) no further testing

36 Which approach is best? Acceptable false positive rate and unnecessary intervention Acceptable false negative and risk of failure to detect aneuploidy Patient acceptability Early results Later results, increased accuracy Concept of evolving risk Cost & availability non-invasive testing Late bookers Invasive testing issues Availability Complications

37 Combined first trimester screening
Author Gest (wks) N Detection rate Krantz et al 2000 5,809 30/33 (91%) Bindra et al 2002 14,383 74/82 (90%) Spencer et al 2000; 2003 11,105 23/25 (92%) Schuchter et al 2002 4,802 12/14 (86%) Wapner et al. 2003 8,514 48/61 (79%) Perni et al. 2006 4,883 20/22 (91%) O’Leary et al. 2006 22,280 50/60 (83%) Total 71776 257/297 (87%) In meta-analysis of 77,000, 82% DR for 5% FPR

38 FASTER Trial: Trisomy 21 n=86, Normal n=32,269
FPR DR Integrated: w NT & PAPP-A 15-18w AFP, hCG, E3, IA 4.9% 88% Sequential: w NT & PAPP-A, ßhCG Risk >1 in 30 positive(1.2%) Risk <1 in 30: 15-18w AFP, hCG, E3, IA 5.1% 92% In the SURUSS study and other centres, integrated has achieved higher DR (89-90%) for lower FPR (2.5%). Odds affected if + 1:9. The FASTER study has been criticised for it’s methodology. Contingent: w NT & PAPP-A, ß-hCG Risk >1 in 30 positive (1.2%) Risk 1/30 to 1/1500 (23%): 15-18w AFP, hCG, E3, IA 4.5% 91% Cuckle, Malone, Write et al 2008

39 Induced abortion-related maternal mortality:
USA 10 8 6 Deaths / 100,000 abortions 4 4 Miscarriage rates very similar amnio and cvs now 2 0.5 Gestation (wks)) Bartlett et al 2004

40 Why screen for aneuploidy? Options for Screening:
What is Screening? Why screen for aneuploidy? Options for Screening: Maternal serum analytes Ultrasound markers 1st Trimester 2nd Trimester Combining tests Horizon scanning New tests New techniques

41 2nd Trimester USS markers

42 2nd Trimester USS markers
Concept of prior risk Can include Maternal age NT +/- NB, TR Serum analytes: 1st +/or 2nd trimester Bayseian technique to allow risk adjustment ‘USS soft markers lead to a small increase in detection malformations and large increase in false positives’ Boyd et al, Lancet 1998

43 Hypoplastic NB (16/40<3.0mm)* (20/40<4.5mm)* Increased NF X17
Absent NB X83 Hypoplastic NB (16/40<3.0mm)* (20/40<4.5mm)* Increased NF X17 Echogenic bowel X6 Short femur X2.7 Short humerus X7.5 Pyelectasis X1 Increased NF if previous NT less likely to indicate aneuploidy. Need to consider early hydrops or cystic hygroma Bethune 2007 Aus Radiol 51;

44 Echogenic intracardiac focus
Micro-calcifications in papillary muscle No effect per se Small association Trisomy 21 in high risk No increase in unselected populations LR X 1 CP cysts Associated with Trisomy 18 Will nearly always have another feature eg clenched hands Bethune 2007 Aus Radiol 51;

45 Why screen for aneuploidy? Options for Screening:
What is Screening? Why screen for aneuploidy? Options for Screening: Maternal serum analytes Ultrasound markers 1st Trimester 2nd Trimester Combining tests Horizon scanning New tests New techniques

46 New Tests ADAM 12 PAPP-A New markers?
Earlier gestation increases accuracy: 8/40 Repeated testing New markers?

47 An extra serum marker: ADAM12
Performance <11 weeks: Test Sens FPR A % 1.5% A12 / BhCG/ PaPPA 85% 1.5% Triple biochem / NT 92% 0.8% Laigaard et al / 2006

48 New Techniques Bloodspots Simplified blood collection and transport
Eliminates broken transport tubes Reduced biohazard Eliminates need for centrifugation Can be finger prick or venous sample Can be self-sampling or by a phlebotomist Suitable for large scale automation and regional screening modalities

49 OSCAR in Calgary* One Stop Clinic for Assessment of Risk Southern Alberta Centre for MFM (NT clinic + Astraia) + (DELFIAXpress + Lifecycle) = OSCAR Woman departs Woman arrives Post-test counselling Pre-test counselling* Free b HCG PAPP-A Risk Assessment Blood sample Ultrasound Examination U/S data *1-1 counselling, video, pamphlets Invasive testing usually not same day

50 Screening for Aneuploidy
Good reasoning Complex haphazard introduction of tests Tests initially hailed ‘100% accurate’ Have we opened Pandora’s box?

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