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Sponsored by the Department of Water Resources Agriculture Water Management Plan Guidebook Webinar Discussion of AWMP Guidebook to Meet New SBx7-7Agricultural.

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Presentation on theme: "Sponsored by the Department of Water Resources Agriculture Water Management Plan Guidebook Webinar Discussion of AWMP Guidebook to Meet New SBx7-7Agricultural."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sponsored by the Department of Water Resources Agriculture Water Management Plan Guidebook Webinar Discussion of AWMP Guidebook to Meet New SBx7-7Agricultural Water Management Planning Requirements October 11, 2012

2 Topics of the Presentation Background Substantial Changes Guidebook Organization Walk through 2

3 Guidebook History 3 TimelineActionOutcome August, 2011Draft Guidebook outline presented to ASCNo comments received February 1, 2012 Draft Guidebook workshopSome clarification comments received. Substantive comment from NRDC regarding the need for a process to determine technical feasibility for conditional EWMPs March 21, 2012 Updated Draft Guidebook informed California Water Commission: GB to include guidance for CVPIA contractors on supplemental water measurement information September 10, 2012 Revised GB based upon DWR's determination that additional details and information were necessary October 8, 2012 Revised GB based on workshop/webinar comments Reorganized structure, clarified language, addressed specific questions

4 Use of this Guidebook Guidebook Objectives 4

5 Complete AWMP 5 LegislationGeneral ContentsAWMP Applicability SB X7-7 Part 2.8 Article 1AWMP requiredDates and notification of preparation 10826 (Article 2)Plan ContentsWhat must be in an AWMP 10827 (Article 2)AWMC-MOU provisionSubstitute for 10826 10828 (Article 2)USBR provisionSubstitute for 10826 Article 3Adoption and Implementation of Plan Public participation, submittals SB X7-7 Part 2.55 SB X7-7 10608.48EWMPs10608.48(d) Reporting in AWMP Other CCR 597Ag Water Measurement Regulation 597.4(e) Reporting in AWMP

6 Substantial Changes September 10, 2012 v. October 8, 2012

7 General Changes 7 ActionRationale 1Organizational changesChecklist and AWMP Template moved up front, Tables moved to Appendix. Based on comments from the workshop and to help clarify what is to be included as the plan contents 2Language changesLanguage changed throughout to clarify requirements. Based on comments from the workshop and to help clarify what is to be included as the plan contents 3All ‘Optional’ categories/headings removedSee above. 4Article 3 requirements added to AWMC- MOU and USBR discussion Added to sections to clarify non-plan content requirements based on discussions and revisions to clarify requirements in general. 5OtherBasic editing for consistency, clarity, grammar, and others

8 Specific Changes Summary 8 SourceComment/RequestDone? Workshop/ AWMC Date submitted v. date adopted ; corrective Action for non-compliant water measurement devices date Yes USBR“CVPIA/RRA water conservation plan” to “CVPIA/RRA water management/conservation plan” Yes USBREdits to Table A ; previous mgt. historyNo USBRAppendix 6.5 Table, Item 35 add descriptionYes USBRAppendix 6.7 - wording changed from “For the updated 2011 Standard Criteria, see:” to “For the most current Standard Criteria, see:” Yes P &P Consulting Group Typos/grammar editsYes Tracy SlavinReference to ag. water software on page 56 be removedNo: after cur. DWR North Central Region Office “Recommended Tables" should not be in an appendixNo: conflict

9 Specific Changes Summary 9 SourceComment/RequestDone? NRDCRequest for a definition of ‘present value’ and ‘technically feasible’ No: definition beyond scope NRDCClarification of Locally Cost EffectiveYes AWMCMajority of comments were for clarification of required v. not required Yes: see General Changes AWMCCertain table/data suggestions that may be onerous to suppliers See General Changes AWMCCreation of an Optional section for all optional itemsNo: optional categories removed from outline AWMCFunding available v. funding providedFixed AWMCRequest for figure on Ag. Water Meas Compliance and AWMP Added AWMCStakeholder developed ‘success stories’ potential conflictEdited AWMCReferences to specific links at websites beyond DWR’s control Suggestion incorporated AWMCUnnecessary language on page 85 Section E regarding BMPs lack of methods or standards – suggest removal No

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