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1 Small Business Innovation Research Small Business Technology TRansfer Kathryn Packard, JSC SBIR/STTR Technology Infusion Manager Texas SBIR/STTR Summit.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Small Business Innovation Research Small Business Technology TRansfer Kathryn Packard, JSC SBIR/STTR Technology Infusion Manager Texas SBIR/STTR Summit."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Small Business Innovation Research Small Business Technology TRansfer Kathryn Packard, JSC SBIR/STTR Technology Infusion Manager Texas SBIR/STTR Summit & Conference – Austin, Texas January 19, 2012

2 2 NASA Participating Centers Ames Research Center Dryden Flight Research Center Johnson Space Center Stennis Space Center Marshall Space Flight Center Kennedy Space Center Langley Research Center Glenn Research Center Goddard Space Flight Center (White Sands Testing Facility) (Wallops Flight Facility) Jet Propulsion Laboratory

3 3 Human Explorations and Operations Aeronautics NASA SBIR/STTR OCT Transition Science SBIR is an integral part of the new Space Technology Program, and will continue to build on a rich history and invest in both ideas and small companies across the Nation. The Center Chief Technologists will enhance the coordination between the SBIR/STTR programs and Mission Directorates on topic development, selection and reporting processes.

4 4 11/13/09 Note: * Center functional office directors report to Agency functional AA. Deputy and below report to Center leadership. National Aeronautics and Space Administration September 2011 Science Mission Directorate Chief, Safety and Mission Assurance Kennedy Space Center Marshall Space Flight Center Langley Research Center Stennis Space Center Johnson Space Center Dryden Flight Research Center Goddard Space Flight Center Glenn Research Center Jet Propulsion Laboratory Ames Research Center Mission Support Directorate Administrator Deputy Administrator Associate Administrator  Chief of Staff  Associate Deputy Administrator  Associate Deputy Administrator for Policy Integration  Assistant Associate Administrator Chief Engineer Chief Health and Medical Officer Chief Financial Officer* Chief Information Officer* Chief Scientist Chief Technologist Diversity and Equal Opportunity Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs* International and Interagency Relations EducationCommunications* Small Business Programs General Counsel Advisory Groups NAC and ASAP Inspector General Internal Controls and Management Systems Human Capital Management Strategic Infrastructure Headquarters Operations NASA Shared Services Center Procurement Protective Services NASA Management Office Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate Reporting Structure Administrator Deputy Administrator Associate Administrator Human Exploration and Operations Mission Directorate Organization Structure:

5 5 SBIR/STTR Background – Program Purpose The statutory purpose of the SBIR/STTR Programs is to strengthen the role of innovative small business concerns (SBC)s in federally-funded research or research and development (R/R&D). Specific program purposes are to: (1)Stimulate technological innovation; (2) Use small business to meet Federal R/R&D needs; (3) Foster and encourage participation by socially and economically disadvantaged SBCs, (4) increase private sector commercialization of innovations derived from Federal R/R&D, thereby increasing competition, productivity and economic growth, (5) and through STTR encourage cooperative research and development with non-profit research institutions, such as a universities; with the primary objective of facilitating the transfer of technology from research institutions through the entrepreneurship of small business contracts

6 6 NASA Strategic Approach Every technology development investment dollar is critical to the ultimate success of NASA’s mission – Ensure alignment and integration with Mission Directorates’ priorities – Investments should be complementary with technologies being pursued by other OCT investments and partnerships Mission Directorates’ programs and projects prime contractors other agency SBIR/STTR investments Ultimate objective is to achieve infusion of critical technologies into NASA’s Mission Directorates’ – flight programs/projects – ground or test systems – or other uses to advance NASA’s mission Mission Directorates establish high priority needs and existing gaps – High priority needs are developed into topics for the annual solicitation – Subtopics may be clustered to support the development and maturation of critical technologies for infusion

7 7 Inherent Challenges of Space Systems Surviving Launch Conditions: high g-load, vibration, payload fairing, deployment Functioning in Extreme Environments: radiation, temperature, gravity, vacuum Limited Power Availability High Degree of Autonomy and Reliability Long Range Communication and Navigation

8 8 SBIR/STTR: 3-Phase Programs (FY11 solicitations) Phase 1 – Feasibility study – $125K Contract Award – 6 months duration (SBIR) – 12 months duration (STTR) Phase 2 – Technology Development – 2-Year Contract Award – $750K (SBIR/STTR) – $150K Phase-2E / Phase 3 Bridge Option plus matching non-SBIR funds Phase 3 – Technology Infusion/Commercialization Stage – Use of non-SBIR Funding Agreements – Ability to award sole-source contracts without further need for Justification Other than Full and Open competition; (No JOFOC) based on specific SBIR authority

9 9 Budget and Award Numbers SBIRFY09FY10FY11FY12** Millions of $113.4124.1 116 Phase 1 Awards335366450260 Phase 2 Awards14315221585 Phase 2E AwardsN/A 2580** ** estimates STTRFY09FY10FY11FY12** Millions of $13.614.1 14 Phase 1 Awards32424540 Phase 2 Awards16182710-14 ** Phase 2E AwardsN/A 0TBD** Phase I FY12= 125K Phase II FY12= 750K Phase IIE FY12= 250K

10 10 SBIR/STTR Agency Funding FY2010 ~2.6 B 10 *Others Indicate: DHS, DoC, DoT, EPA, ED, USDA,

11 11 Who Participates in NASA SBIR? 11 Number of Employees NASA SBIR Phase I 2009 Firms are typically small and new to the program About 1/3 are first-time Phase I awardees. Small hi-tech firms from across the country.

12 12 SBIR FY2011 Solicitation Program Content Aeronautics Research TopicTopic Title A1Aviation Safety A2Fundamental Aeronautics A3Airspace Systems A4Aeronautics Test Technologies A5Integrated System Research Project (ISRP) Science TopicTopic Title S1Sensors, Detectors and Instruments S2Advanced Telescope Systems S3Spacecraft and Platform Subsystems S4Low-Cost Small Spacecraft and Technologies S5Robotic Exploration Technologies S6Information Technologies Space Operations Topic Topic Title O1Space Communications O2Space Transportation O3Processing and Operations O4Navigation Exploration Systems TopicTopic Title X1In Situ Resource Utilization X2Propulsion X3Life Support and Habitation Systems X4Extra-Vehicular Activity Technology X5Lightweight Spacecraft Materials and Structures X6Autonomous Systems and Avionics X7Human-Robotic Systems X8High-Efficiency Space Power Systems X9Entry, Descent, and Landing (EDL) Technology X10Cryogenic Propellant Storage and Transfer X11 Radiation Protection X12Exploration Crew Health Capabilities X13Exploration Medical Capability X14Behavioral Health and Performance X15Space Human Factors and Food Systems X16Space Radiation X17In-flight Biological Sample Preservation and Analysis

13 13 2011 Aeronautics Research Topics Aviation Safety Fundamental Aeronautics Airspace Systems Aeronautics Test Technologies Integrated System Research Project (ISRP)

14 14 2011 Science Topics Sensors, Detectors, and Instruments Advanced Telescope Systems Spacecraft and Platform Subsystems Low-Cost Small Spacecraft and Technologies Robotic Exploration Technologies Information Technologies

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