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1 Mathematics New Senior Secondary. 2 Mathematics Curriculum (S4-6) Module 1 Calculus and Statistics Module 1 Calculus and Statistics Module 2 Algebra.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Mathematics New Senior Secondary. 2 Mathematics Curriculum (S4-6) Module 1 Calculus and Statistics Module 1 Calculus and Statistics Module 2 Algebra."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Mathematics New Senior Secondary

2 2 Mathematics Curriculum (S4-6) Module 1 Calculus and Statistics Module 1 Calculus and Statistics Module 2 Algebra and Calculus Module 2 Algebra and Calculus focuses on the applications of mathematics focuses on the understanding of mathematics Compulsory Part Extended Part Structure of Curriculum

3 3 Syllabus of Compulsory Part S4 (7 lessons per week) Quadratic Equations in One Unknown Functions and Graphs Exponential and Logarithmic Functions Equations of straight lines More about Polynomials More about Equations More about Trigonometry: except 3D problems Variations Basic properties of circles Locus Equations of circles

4 4 S5 (4 lessons per week) Inequalities and Linear Programming More about graphs and functions Permutation and combination More about Probability Measures of dispersion Uses and Abuses of Statistics S6 (4 lessons per week) Arithmetic and geometric sequences and their summations More about Trigonometry (II) : 3D-Problems Revisions

5 5 Extended Part For the extension syllabus in Mathematics, you may either select: –Module One (M1) : Calculus and Statistics –Module Two (M2) : Algebra and Calculus The extended syllabus will be covered in S5 and S6. One M1 and two M2 classes will be offered. The quota of each class is 35.

6 6 Extended Part Your mathematics results in S4 mainly determines your rank in the selection process.

7 7 Module 1: Calculus and Statistics S5 Module 1 (4 lessons per week) Foundation knowledge Differentiation and its applications Integration and its applications Further probability Discrete random variables, probability distribution, expectation and variance S6 Module 1 (3 lessons per week) Binomial, geometric and Poisson distributions and their applications Normal distribution and its applications Point and interval estimation Revisions

8 8 Module 2: Algebra and Calculus S5 Module 2 (4 lessons per week) Foundation knowledge Limits and differentiation Integration S6 Module 2 (3 lessons per week) Applications of definite integration Matrices and systems of linear equations Vectors Revisions

9 9 For students who do not have extension In S5 & S6, Only 4 Mathematics lessons per weekOnly 4 Mathematics lessons per week Tutorial lessons will be scheduled weekly within timetableTutorial lessons will be scheduled weekly within timetable Drilling exercises will be providedDrilling exercises will be provided Teachers will serve as tutors to provide guidance on the subjectTeachers will serve as tutors to provide guidance on the subject

10 10 UniversityProgrammeRequirement HKUBusiness Administation (Information Systems) M1 or M2 is required EngineeringM1 or M2 is required Actuarial ScienceM1 or M2 is required BioinformaticsM1 or M2 is preferred ScienceM1 or M2 is preferred University Entrance Requirement

11 11 University Entrance Requirement UniversityFacultyProgrammeRequirement CUHKBusiness Administration Insurance, Financial and Actuarial Analysis M1 or M2 is required Quantitative FinanceM2 is required EngineeringElectronic EngineeringM1 or M2 is required Computer EngineeringM1 or M2 is required Information EngineeringM1 or M2 is required Mathematics and Information Engineering M1 or M2 is preferred ScienceRisk Management Science M1 or M2 is required MathematicsM1 or M2 is preferred PhysicsM1 or M2 is preferred

12 12 University Entrance Requirement UniversityFacultyRequirement HK Poly UApplied ScienceM1 or M2 is preferred Construction and Land Use M1 or M2 is preferred EngineeringM1 or M2 is preferred Health StudiesM1 or M2 is preferred

13 13 UniversityFacultyProgrammeRequirement USTSciencePhysical SciencesAdvised to complete M1 or M2 EngineeringAdvised to complete M1 or M2 University Entrance Requirement

14 14 Implementation Schedule TaskTimelinePIC Inform students on the syllabus and selection criteria After Mid-year TestMiss Man Distribution of selection formOn parents’ dayClass Teacher Counseling of studentsFeb – April 2010Mathematics teachers Submission of selection formApril 2010Class Teacher Release of resultsJuly 2010

15 15 Q&A

16 16

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