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M2 Power Standards Content Area Roll Out Workshops Facilitators: Theron Blakeslee Marty Couretas Carmela D’Alessandro Amy Kilbridge.

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Presentation on theme: "M2 Power Standards Content Area Roll Out Workshops Facilitators: Theron Blakeslee Marty Couretas Carmela D’Alessandro Amy Kilbridge."— Presentation transcript:

1 M2 Power Standards Content Area Roll Out Workshops Facilitators: Theron Blakeslee Marty Couretas Carmela D’Alessandro Amy Kilbridge

2 What are Power Standards? They are the enduring understandings and key skills of the subject. They are the culmination of a student’s work at that grade level. They give students power to confront real world problems and leverage for learning more advanced content.

3 More about the M2 Power Standards The M2 power standards organize the content expectations to help teachers focus on what's really important. The related learning targets (related GLCEs) need to be learned on the way to mastering the power standard.

4 More about the M2 Power Standards Often the wording is simplified to make the meaning clearer. The content is not really reduced -- it is focused. When the power standards are considered as the main learning targets for a grade, the task of learning seems simpler, and more coherent.

5 An Example from ELA Grade 3 E3.1 Narrative Text: Develop essential reading strategies for narrative text. (folktales, fables and realistic fiction) (R.NT.03.01,02,03,04) Related Learning Targets: Identify and describe character’s thoughts and motivations and explain how characters express attitudes about one another (R.NT.03.01,03) Identify and describe the basic elements and purpose of a variety of narrative genre including folktales, fables and realistic fiction. (R.NT. 03.02)

6 Example from ELA Grade 3 Explain how authors use literary devices (prediction, personification, point of view, setting etc.) (R.NT.03.04) Identify story level themes, main idea and lesson/moral. (fable). (R.NT. 03.03) Recognize the structures (point of view, metaphor, etc.) and elements that influence the purpose of the message. (added in the interest of best practice)

7 Ideas for working with Power Standards There are many ways you might use the power standards documents in your departments, buildings or districts. You’ll experience some of those activities today.

8 Focus on your content area We’ll break-up into content area groups to look closely at the power standards documents. Think of a unit you teach and find a power standard that closely relates to it. Compare it to the GLCE document and rewrite the power standard and learning targets in student friendly language.

9 Continue working in content area groups How would you use these Power Standards documents? In groups, write your ideas on chart paper Hang your chart paper on the wall and take a break - walk about - look at chart paper from other groups

10 Continue working in content area groups Power Standards lend themselves to Big Ideas, Essential Questions and Performance Assessments Using a planning template, write down the Big Ideas, Essential Questions and possible Performance Assessments for the Power Standard and related learning targets that you “unpacked” earlier.

11 Closing /power_standards.html /power_standards.html Questions? Feedback

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