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Jean-Louis Roujean CNRM / Météo-France

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1 Jean-Louis Roujean CNRM / Météo-France

2 DSSF daily cycle

3 DSSF Validation Strategy
Validation with in-situ data: Carpentras, Roissy Other ground stations: Data access to be coordinated with other SAFs Satellite product inter-comparison (SAFs,…) Comparison with model output (ECMWF)

4 Validation with in situ measurements

Clear Sky Clear Sky AOT 440nm X10-3 Cloudy Sky Cloudy Sky


7 Comparisons with in-situ measurements (period 2004-2006)
Stat à 2006 Clear sky : bias : 5 W/m2 stdev : 40 W/m2 Cloudy sky : Bias : 5 W/m2 stdev : 115 W/m2

6 Stations in Europe ( ) 4 Stations in Africa (2006) Overestimation of the radiation in clear sky situations (potentially due to aerosol effect) bias=5W/m2 stdev=40W/m2 bias=45W/m2 stdev=75W/m2 absolute absolute bias=5W/m2 stdev=115W/m2 bias=-2W/m2 stdev=125W/m2 absolute absolute

9 Validation of DSSF over France with RADOME network (8 km)

10 Yearly profile (2006) of DSSF for 2 contrasted sites Carpentras (Provence) & Roissy (Paris airport)
ECMWF: -> under-estimate (clear) & over-estimate (cloudy)

11 DSSF Validation : NIAMEY (from RADAGAST project, ARM mobile station)
March, 2 May, 12 July, 1

12 DSSF Validation : AGOUFOU (CESBIO data)
January, 13 March, 2 May, 12

13 Comparison of DSSF SAF-LAND / ECMWF – August 2005
> Tracking of convective zones -> Less radiation

14 Daily DSSF (DIDSSF) Comparison between daily cumulative DSSF (DIDSSF) (left) and ECMWF forecast product (SSRD) over France at different dates during June 2009.

15 Comparison between daily cumulative DSSF (DIDSSF) (left) and ECMWF forecast product (SSRD) over France at different dates during June 2009.

[0.4µm,0.7µm] 16-day average MSG Albedo MODIS albedo projected on SEVIRI grid [0.7µm,4µm] over Europe (from to ) [0.3µm,4µm] 10-25 juin 2006

17 Comparison MSG with MODIS

18 MSG – MODIS : absolute difference MSG – MODIS : relative difference
VISIBLE Broad-Band June 10, 2005 MSG – VIS-DH SAF Land – Quality Flag MSG – MODIS : absolute difference MSG – MODIS : relative difference

19 MSG – MODIS : absolute difference MSG – MODIS : relative difference
NIR Broad-Band June 10, 2005 MSG – NIR-DH SAF Land – Quality Flag MSG – MODIS : absolute difference MSG – MODIS : relative difference

20 Statistical results (bias/stdev) between broadband albedos MSG et MODIS over Europe
Bias is negligible except VIS = (due to aerosols ?) Standard deviation : 0.015 for VIS 0.030 for NIR

21 Albedo Time Series: Evora
0.6µm 0.8µm 1.6µm [0.4µm,0.7µm] [0.3µm,4µm] [0.7µm,4µm]

22 Albedo Time Series: Barrax
0.6µm 0.8µm 1.6µm [0.4µm,0.7µm] [0.3µm,4µm] [0.7µm,4µm]

12-27 juillet 2006

24 MSG – MODIS : absolute difference MSG – MODIS : relative difference
VISIBLE Broad-Band July 19, 2006 MSG – VIS-DH SAF Land – Quality Flag MSG – MODIS : absolute difference MSG – MODIS : relative difference Bias = 0,047 ; RMSE = 0,026

25 ALBEDO TIME SERIES (Agoufou; Mali)
X10 for AOT Modis SW-DH albedo SAF-Land albedo Observed albedo Rainfall The temporal evolution of the albedo estimate is related to the evolution of surface properties (typically rainfall). The spurious fluctuations appear to be caused by aerosol effects.

26 ALBEDO TIME SERIES (Banizoumbou; Niger)
The temporal evolution of the albedo estimate is related to the evolution of surface properties (typically rainfall). The spurious fluctuations appear to be caused by aerosol effects.

27 ALBEDO TIME SERIES (Niamey; Niger)
The temporal evolution of the albedo estimate is related to the evolution of surface properties (typically rainfall). The spurious fluctuations appear to be caused by aerosol effects.

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