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SAVE-ODYSSEE MONITORING TOOLS FOR ENERGY EFFICIENCY IN EUROPE Energy efficiency index ODEX B Lapillonne,, K Pollier, Enerdata D Bosseboeuf, ADEME Septembre.

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Presentation on theme: "SAVE-ODYSSEE MONITORING TOOLS FOR ENERGY EFFICIENCY IN EUROPE Energy efficiency index ODEX B Lapillonne,, K Pollier, Enerdata D Bosseboeuf, ADEME Septembre."— Presentation transcript:

1 SAVE-ODYSSEE MONITORING TOOLS FOR ENERGY EFFICIENCY IN EUROPE Energy efficiency index ODEX B Lapillonne,, K Pollier, Enerdata D Bosseboeuf, ADEME Septembre 2004

2 Why energy efficiency indices? Provide more relevant indicators for energy efficiency evaluation of final consumers at the overall level or at sectoral level (industry, households, transport) Therefore, provide alternative indicators to the indicators currently used (energy intensity for all final consumers, for industry and for transport; consumption per dwelling for households),that include the influence of many factors not linked to efficiency (structural changes, lifestyles,…)

3 Energy efficiency index at sectoral level  For industry, transport and households : aggregation of unit consumption indices by sub-sector (or end-use / equipment) in one index for the sector on the basis of the weight of each sub-sector in the sector consumption  Unit consumption by sub-sector can be expressed in different units so as to be as close as possible to energy efficiency evaluation : toe/ dwelling, kWh/appliance, toe/ton, litre/100km ;  Energy efficiency improvement index decreases (e.g 85 in 2000  15% energy efficiency improvement

4 Energy efficiency index for final consumers: Odex  Odex calculated by weighting each sectoral index with the share of each sector in the final energy consumption (26 sectors used: 7 in transport, 9 for households and 9 in industry, 1 in services)  Odex above all based on statistics  Odex a detailed top down approach  Odex to be extended to total consumption (ie including transformations)

5 Energy efficiency is regularly improving: Energy efficiency is regularly improving: 0.8%/year between 1990 and 2002 in the EU 15; larger gains in industry with 1.1%/ yr ; no progression for households since 1996

6 Energy efficiency index in selected EU-15 countries

7 Energy efficiency is improving all countries Energy efficiency is improving all countries Energy efficiency gain 1990- 2002

8 Energy efficiency index for industry   Evaluation carried out at the level of 9 branches : 4 main branches: chemicals, food, textile & leather and equipment goods; 3 energy intensive branches: steel, cement and pulp & paper 2 residual branches: other primary metals ( ie primary metals minus steel), other metallic minerals ( ie non metallic mineral minus cement)   Unit consumption expressed in terms of energy used   per ton produced for energy intensive products (steel, cement, and paper)   per unit of production index for the other branches

9 Energy efficiency trends for industry Energy efficiency trends for industry Energy efficiency progress : 12% in the EU15 ; increased gain since 1997 Revised indicator

10 Energy efficiency index for households Energy efficiency index for households Calculated on 8 end-uses/appliances : heating, water heating, cooking, 5 large appliances (refrigerators, freezers, washing machine, dishwashers and TV) Indicators used:  Heating: unit consumption per m2 at normal climate (toe/m2)  Water heating: unit consumption per dwelling with water heating  Cooking: unit consumption per dwelling  Large elec. appliances: specific consumption per appliance (kWh/year)

11 Energy efficiency trends for households Energy efficiency trends for households About 10 % energy efficiency progress between 1990 and 1996 in the EU15 ; no progress since; regular improvement for large appliances Calculated over 8 end-uses and appliances

12 Energy efficiency index for transport: Calculated on 7 modes : cars, trucks & light vehicles, air (domestic), rail, water, motorcycles and buses Indicators used:  cars: specific consumption in litres/km  trucks & light vehicles : unit consumption per ton-km  air : unit consumption per passenger-km  rail,water : unit consumption/pkm or tkm  motorcycles, buses: toe/vehicle

13 Energy efficiency trends for transport: Energy efficiency trends for transport: Regular energy efficiency improvement in the EU 15 since 1993 ( 0.7% year); light slow down since 1999 because of road transport of goods Calculated over 7 modes of transport

14 Energy efficiency index and final energy intensity: EU-15 More regular trend for the index Depending on the period different trends

15 Progress of energy efficiency index and final energy intensity (1990-2002)

16 Yearly variation of energy efficiency index, final energy intensity and GDP: role of business cycles Efficiency index less sensitive to business cycles All indicators at normal climate

17 The efficiency index is not only a descriptive indicator, but an explanatory indicator Energy consumption change per dwelling in the EU15

18 Energy efficiency index: conclusion   The energy efficiency index Odex is already available for all EU-15 countries and Norway   It is calculated with the same methodology on the basis of the same indicators for each country, developed in a consensual way within the ODYSSE project   Used by all participants: national report on energy efficiency trends and energy efficiency profiles (available on www.odyssee- ).   Odex will be extended to the total consumption, including energy transformations   Can be easily extended to new EU members (www.ceec-

19 Annex 1 Coverage of the ODEX by country   25 to 26 indicators are used for the EU15 and 8 countries (Austria, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, UK) (7 in transport, 9 for households and 8/9 in industry, 1 in services )   17-18 indicators for Finland, Spain, Sweden and Norway (main difference is the large appliances or details by road vehicles).   15 indicators for Belgium, Ireland Portugal and Luxembourg

20 Annex 2: Energy efficiency index for transport :alternative calculation Calculated on 4 modes: road, air (domestic), rail, water Indicators used:  road: unit consumption per car equivalent  trucks & light vehicles : unit consumption per ton-km  air : unit consumption per passenger-km  rail,water : unit consumption/pkm or tkm Countries: Belgium, Ireland,Portugal, Sweden, Luxembourg

21 Annex 3 Energy efficiency index for households : alternative calculation Calculated on 2 end-uses: heating, water heating  Heating: unit consumption per m2 at normal climate (toe/m2)  Water heating: unit consumption per dwelling with water heating Case of :Spain, Sweden, UK, Finland, Greece, Norway Calculated on total consumption (without end-use) :  Unit consumption of fossil fuels (non electric) per m2 at normal climate (toe/m2) Case of : Belgium, Ireland, Portugal, Luxemburg

22 Annex 4: Energy efficiency index Example of calculation Energy efficiency index 1990199119921993 Spce heating100989590 Other uses100107113115 Total100102 100 IE 90 = 100 IE 91 = IE 90 x (98 x 0.60 + 107 x 0.40 = 102 IE 92 = IE 1991 x (95/98 x 0.59 + 113/107 x 0.41) = 102 IE 93 = IE 1992 x (90/95 x 0.55 + 115/113 x 0.45) = 100

23 Energy efficiency and final energy intensity: France More regular trends for the index All indicators at normal climate

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