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HIV-1 virion accumulation and ATP-induced release in human primary monocyte-derived macrophages AIDS Immunopathogenesis Unit Vita-Salute San Raffaele University,

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Presentation on theme: "HIV-1 virion accumulation and ATP-induced release in human primary monocyte-derived macrophages AIDS Immunopathogenesis Unit Vita-Salute San Raffaele University,"— Presentation transcript:

1 HIV-1 virion accumulation and ATP-induced release in human primary monocyte-derived macrophages AIDS Immunopathogenesis Unit Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, Milan, Italy Francesca Graziano PhD Student Poster n°WEPDA0103

2 Macrophage Virion synthesis & accumulation CD4 + T cell Cell Death What is the nature of HIV-containing vacuoles? What else is contained in addition to HIV virions?

3 ATP P2X7 Receptor Permeabilized plasma membrane Pyroptotic/Necrotic Pathway Exosome Pathway Microvesicles Pathway Autophagic Pathway HIV-1 Hypothesis: Are the intracellular HIV-1 virions released by extracellular ATP stimulation, like IL-1  ? IL-1 β ? The IL-1  Release Pathway. A potential model for HIV-1 infection of Mø?

4 MODEL (I): Chronically infected promonocytic cell line U1 (2 copies of integrated virus/cell). N=8 * *** oxATP ATP HIV-1 1 min.5 min.10 min. Untreated oxATP ATP N=3 * * IL-1  N=8 uPA prevents virion release from PMA stimulated U1 cells uPA: urokinase-type Plasminogen Activator ATP induces a release pathway in stimulated U1 cells

5 Alternatively Activated M2-MDM Classically Activated M1-MDM IL-4 IFN-  MDM N=18 MODEL (II) HIV-1 Infection of primary monocyte-derived macrophages (MDM) N=25 MDM 10’20’ 30’ M1-MDM M2-MDM 10’20’ 30’10’20’ 30’ Untreated ATP ATP induces the release of HIV virions from HIV-1 infected MDM p24 UN 1 mM ATP FSC MDM UN 1 mM ATP M2-MDM ATP reduces the intracellular amount of HIV-1 virions 16,79,63 20,2 6,78 1 representative of 7

6 Conclusions HIV-1 virions accumulate in intracellular vacuoles in differentiated U1 cells and primary MDM. ATP promotes the release of IL-1  and HIV-1 virions in both cell types. These results suggest that HIV-1 exploits the microvesicle pathway to be released from infected macrophages.

7 Acknowledgements AIDS Immunopathogenesis Unit Guido Poli Massimo Alfano Elisa Vicenzi INSPE Division of Neuroscience Roberto Furlan Livia Garzetti Humanitas Clinical and Research Center Massimo Locati Poster N° WEPDA0103

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