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Sustainable neighbourhood VAUBAN (Freiburg) CASE STUDY.

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Presentation on theme: "Sustainable neighbourhood VAUBAN (Freiburg) CASE STUDY."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sustainable neighbourhood VAUBAN (Freiburg) CASE STUDY

2 Vauban - History - Vauban is a sustainable neighborhood in the city of Freiburg which is located in the south western German region -Baden-Württemberg - Built in 1937/38, as a militaristic German base - In 1954, the French army took over the military facilities (Vauban barracks), and moved from Germany only in 1992 (after the peace agreement) - The aim of the city: the transformation of Vauban in a residential sustainable neighborhood with high density and heterogeneous population


4 SUSTAINABLE NEIGHBOURHOOD VAUBAN “ENERGY PILLAR ” Vauban has achieved a significant reduction in the energy required for heating buildings in three ways. a) architectural solutions of compact architectural design of 3-4 storey blocks. b) establishing a low-energy standard, which is legally binding for all residential structures (65 kWh/m2). c) advanced "avant-garde" energy techniques -established the first "passive multi-apartment block" and the first multi-apartment complex with "PlusEnergy standard" -more than 200 bulidngs which have standard of "passivne house" (15kWh/m2), "zero energy" or "PlusEnergy" - cluster of small solar energy cooperatives

5 - Local biomass plant CHP (80% of the fuel through the trees from nearby forests, 20% from gas supply) - Biogas – from the “black water" “ENERGY PILLAR ” SUSTAINABLE NEIGHBOURHOOD VAUBAN

6 Vauban neighbourhood community COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT IN VAUBAN -methods to stimulate behaviour change towards sustainable lifestyle-

7 Vauban neighbourhood community -implemented methods to stimulate behaviour change towards sustainable lifestyles- “Baugruppen” (= building cooperatives) with the cooperative concepts have been built most of the structures in Vauban …also the first “passive multi-dwelling building” in Germany role of the municipality: sets (with the consensus of the community in Vauban) the “Low-energy Housing Construction” standard (65 kWh/m2 ) standard for all the buildings in Vauban Food cooperatives one main Vauban food cooperative » Quartiersladen«, several smaller scale autonomous self-managed organic food shop, food markets at the main “neighbourhood square” with the collaboration with local organic food farmers

8 Vauban neighbourhood community -implemented methods to stimulate behaviour change towards sustainable lifestyles- “Forum Vauban” - the community platform link between the Vauban community and the municipality of Freiburg link between all neighborhood associations and local residents has established a kind of mini neighborhood parliament in the community center "Haus 37" neighborhood residents, monthly discuss and vote for community related topics “Car sharing initiatives”

9 -heterogeneous multi-purpose community space “Haus 037” -convergent central square (market) -green spaces, public spaces -road closures, bike trails -clearly defined boundaries of neighbourhoods SUSTAINABLE URBAN DESIGN ELEMENTS SUSTAINABLE NEIGHBOURHOOD VAUBAN

10 COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT IN VAUBAN -implemented methods to stimulate behaviour change towards sustainable lifestyles- “Multitude of activities and initiatives that strengthen the identity of the local community” various local association have implemented several initiatives for different target groups for underprivileged, children, families, elderly people, for people with special needs, etc. Organized by neigbourhood central association “Stadtteilverein Vauban” (ex Forum Vauban) Some exmples of initiatives: Vauban Library, Working groups (“Market”, Youth”, “Transport”, “Environmental protection”, Vaumobil (a mobile information center), Vauban sports, Cinema, etc

11 COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT IN VAUBAN -implemented methods to stimulate behaviour change towards sustainable lifestyles- CO-OWNERSHIP OF SOLAR PANELS  is the successful key factor towards behavioral change towards sustainable lifestyle Cooperatives of renewable energy sources 65 % of energy consumptions in the neighbourhood Vauban derive from the local “solar plant cooperatives“ regular meetings, discussion about the re-investments, maintenance, etc

12 COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT IN VAUBAN -implemented methods to stimulate behaviour change towards sustainable lifestyles- Co-managing (by the community) the “theme” for the public spaces The municipality let the neighborhood community the decision of how to utilize the “common public spaces” between the buildings (between their homes)  The result could be a park, a flower garden, a food garden, a “community oven” etc. Local neighbourhood newspaper Forum Actuel

13 VAUBAN NEIGHBOURHOOD COMMUNITY COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT IN -implemented methods to stimulate behaviour change towards sustainable lifestyles- EDUCATION – constant learning processes Wulf Daseking (main city planner of Freiburg): “The most important action to conserve and multiply the “Vauban green principles” is transmitting the values to next generations”. In the elementary school and nursery of Vauban they have many sustainable development workshops about conscious lifestyles, recycling, reducing the consumption etc. Forum Vauban organizes (in the community center Haus 037) many seminars, workshops, community meetings where they inform the resident and discuss about the topics related to Vauban (recycling, energy consumption, etc.)  role of local newspaper “ Vauban Actuel”

14 VAUBAN NEIGHBOURHOOD COMMUNITY COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT IN -implemented methods to stimulate behaviour change towards sustainable lifestyles- EDUCATION – constant learning processes towards more informed and sustainable consumer behavior. Waste Consulting and Teaching: The Freiburg’s waste disposal management concept of 2008 defines "avoidance before recycling before depositing" as the future strategy. Since 1994, Freiburg’s sanitation company (ASF) has been organizing several initiatives to reduce the amount of waste: -Eco-Station, courses and guided tours, -a "Garbage Theatre" for elementary school children, -competitions and teaching units, such as "Ideas, not Waste" or "Children and the Agenda 21"

15 VAUBAN NEIGHBOURHOOD COMMUNITY COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT IN -implemented methods to stimulate behaviour change towards sustainable lifestyles- Neighborhood Vauban waste managment is under the “Freiburg waste management scheme” -grants for using textile baby diapers, -discounts for collective waste disposal schemes -discounts for people who compost their green waste. Freiburg’s incentives for behavior change (for recycling):


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