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ROI in OHS Case Studies from the Alfred Gavin Horrigan AMREP Precinct Manager October 2014.

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1 ROI in OHS Case Studies from the Alfred Gavin Horrigan AMREP Precinct Manager October 2014

2 Monash History@The Alfred Monash University established 1958 First students enrolled in 1961 Clinical Sciences Building established at the Alfred in 1964 First Professors of Medicine/Surgery appointed in 1968 Huge growth of academic activity over last forty years Central & Eastern Clinical School transformed into: - Central Clinical School (Alfred) - Eastern Health Clinical School (Box Hill Hospital) - School of Public Health & Preventive Medicine (Alfred/MMC/Caulfield Campus/Southbank)

3 Monash Alfred Metrics - 2013 $112.9m total budget $50.1m research income/$32m competitive $8.5m commercial income 1,234 journal articles/25 book chapters 499 FTE staff/641 adjuncts/joint appointees/visiting academics 306 HDR students/36 completions 39 BMS/27 BBioMedSci/BSc/BBiotech honours students Significant UG load - MBBS, Medical Law & 346 BHS students with service teaching in Immunology, Human Pathology, Nutrition 563 PG coursework enrolments (256 MPH students) 300 short course enrolments (10 courses) 16,500 m 2 of leased space

4 Alfred Site – Ariel View

5 Central Clinical School – structure, activities & key risks ACBD Anaesthesia Surgery/NTRI Immunology Gastroenterology Infectious Diseases Medicine MAPrc Van Cleef Centre UMED Laboratory based clinical/translational research Research training Undergraduate teaching Key risks: Hazardous equipment Chemicals Cryogenics Manual handling Staff/student turnover

6 School of Public Health & Preventive Medicine – structure, activities & risks ACC ASPREE CORE MHCRI (MMC) DEPM DFM (AIFM) Dry laboratory clinical/translational research Research training Undergraduate teaching Postgraduate teaching Key risks: Ergonomics Manual handling Office hazards (‘trips & slips’) Home visits

7 Alfred Case Studies 1.Structure – creation of ‘Laboratory Operation Officer’ roles 2.Technology – providing access to OHS resources & onboarding 3.Training – improving access & timeliness Framed within a challenging context due to: Size – high number of staff/students, large area to cover (16,500 m 2 ) Complexity – off-site campus, range of activities & partners… etc. Geographical spread – four sites/seven buildings Identity crisis issues – ‘us or them?’ (especially with respect to Alfred Health)

8 Alfred Case Study 1: Structure Changes CCS safety resources reviewed & restructured in 2012 Two LOO positions created reporting to HOD/working closely with TSM/PM Paid roles encapsulating a mix of lab management/OHS Outcomes: Creation of ‘local OHS champions’ has increased awareness & compliance Increased resources for OHS (1.0FTE to 1.8FTE) Improved local focus on safety – OHS in PD/defined part of role Safety & lab management dovetail ideally Reduced OHS burden on researchers/academic & research support staff Increased hazard & incident & near miss reporting Improved communication via school & department meetings & lab user groups Variable systems, procedures & effort have been standardised Induction & training is occurring Systems & procedures are constantly being drafted, reviewed & updated Accurate OHS records are being maintained

9 Alfred Case Study 2: Technological Change CCS has implemented a comprehensive OHS Intranet SPHPM & CCS have implemented electronic ‘onboarding’ systems Outcomes: The Intranet is a ‘one stop shop’ for safety related information

10 Alfred Case Study 2: CCS Intranet

11 Alfred Case Study 2: Technological Change CCS has implemented a comprehensive OHS Intranet SPHPM & CCS have implemented electronic ‘onboarding’ systems Outcomes: The Intranet is a ‘one stop shop’ for safety related information Identifies key OHS contacts Provides easy access to local information & links to university policy ‘Living, breathing’ document being continually updated Supported by lab based OHS folders containing induction & training records, risk assessments, safe work instructions, chemical manifest hard copies, GMO lists and other relevant documents

12 Alfred Case Study 2: Technological Change CCS has implemented a comprehensive OHS Intranet SPHPM & CCS have implemented electronic ‘onboarding’ systems Outcomes: The Intranet is a ‘one stop shop’ for safety related information Identifies key OHS contacts Provides easy access to local information & links to university policy ‘Living, breathing’ document being continually updated Onboarding provides a framework for ‘holistic’ induction

13 Alfred Case Study 2: SPHPM Onboarding

14 Alfred Case Study 2: Technological Change CCS has implemented a comprehensive OHS Intranet SPHPM & CCS have implemented electronic ‘onboarding’ systems Outcomes: The Intranet is a ‘one stop shop’ for safety related information Identifies key OHS contacts Provides easy access to local information & links to university policy ‘Living, breathing’ document being continually updated Onboarding provides a framework for ‘holistic’ induction Supports OHS (& other Monash required) compliance training Properly introduces new starters to their workplace & colleagues Ensures ergonomic assessment of workstation occurs on commencement 12 week checklist ensures workplan developed & training needs identified

15 Alfred Case Study 3: Training OHS training lacked focus prior to 2012 Training was a department, centre unit responsibility If training occurred it was lab/technically focussed Outcomes: Training is now recognised as vital to creating a safe & healthy workplace Greater focus on Monash online OHS training & follow-up Induction focuses on the local area & the lab (where relevant) More training including specialty training is being provided ‘on-site’ to get around the ‘tyranny of distance’ (to Clayton) OHS training for managers & supervisors regularly conducted Mental Health First Aid training has been conducted (School/MMs) Both schools developing their own training matrix with monitoring via BI

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