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Advanced Ceramics Laboratory SPACE TECHNOLOGY PROJECTS.

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Presentation on theme: "Advanced Ceramics Laboratory SPACE TECHNOLOGY PROJECTS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Advanced Ceramics Laboratory SPACE TECHNOLOGY PROJECTS

2 RASTAS SPEAR Earth-return capsule for the Marco Polo mission will encounter tremendous heating on its return through the atmosphere at 45000km/hour

3 RASTAS SPEAR: Expected trajectory and heat flux of earth return capsule

4 RASTAS SPEAR Demonstrator Heat Shield - “Made in Greece”

5 RASTAS SPEAR Demonstrator Heat Shield with regolith sample sphere

6 RASTAS SPEAR: Plasma jet test at CIRA/Scirocco at 5MW/m2 and 4Mach jet

7 PULCHER New small positioning rockets for satellites, probes and space stations

8 PULCHER: mini rockets based on the Bombardier Beetle!

9 PULCHER: Bipropellant rocket from the Apollo programme Combustion chamber is the narrow grey part in the middle The Pulcher rocket will be similar

10 PULCHER: Bipropellant rocket Ceramic fibre-Ceramic matrix Combustion chamber S. Schmidt et al, Acta Astronautica 55 (2004) 409 – 420

11 COSMIC SHIELD Protection against Galactic Cosmic Rays

12 COSMIC SHIELD: Particle shower in the atmosphere created by a Galactic Cosmic Rays

13 COSMIC SHIELD: All human missions will require shielding against Galactic Cosmic Rays

14 COSMIC SHIELD: Human bases require shielding against Galactic Cosmic Rays

15 COSMIC SHIELD: New nano-magnet composite material shield against Galactic Cosmic Rays Anisotropic MNP’s HDPE (nCH 2 ) matrix (with hydrides, not shown) Incident high energy charged particles

16 HybridTPS A ceramic-ablator composite Thermal Protection System SHS MgO + spinel+ Phenolic ablator Hybrid TPS

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