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© Copyright 2006 POSC PWLS Update Aberdeen, Scotland June 21, 2006.

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1 © Copyright 2006 POSC PWLS Update Aberdeen, Scotland June 21, 2006

2 © Copyright 2006 POSC PWLS A set of industry-standard dictionaries –curve classes, tool classes, property types,... A set of dictionaries of company-defined mnemonics –services, tools, channels,... –classified by reference to industry standard dictionary entries

3 © Copyright 2006 POSC PWLS Website your log + PWLS => standard descriptions for your log's service, tools, and channels your log database + PWLS => search for logs using non-proprietary keys

4 © Copyright 2006 POSC PWLS Process Industry standard dictionaries maintained by POSC community, administered by POSC Company-defined dictionary content managed by respective companies, facilitated by POSC Classification of company-defined mnemonics submitted by respective companies, validated by industry

5 © Copyright 2006 POSC Current Work in Progress Update PWLS curve classes, property types from WITSML 'realtime' (MWD) class dictionary Incorporate PWLS curve classes into WITSML wellLog channel classifications Recent proposal for managed dictionary of curve and parameter definitions, e. g. for use as LAS dictionaries

6 © Copyright 2006 POSC PWLS Change Requests Joined and Interpreted Mnemonics Source: Shell

7 © Copyright 2006 POSC Well Logs: Business Issues Huge numbers of curves (information overload) Most oil company customers only load a small sub-set of curves into their data stores Huge numbers of curves (information overload) Most oil company customers only load a small sub-set of curves into their data stores Complex naming at BOTH Curve and Tool level Confusing even to petrophysicists Others got lost years ago! Complex naming at BOTH Curve and Tool level Confusing even to petrophysicists Others got lost years ago! Hard to find up to date information in public domain Isolated lists, complex language Hard to find up to date information in public domain Isolated lists, complex language Expert (petrophysicist) and generalist users have different requirements

8 © Copyright 2006 POSC Information Overload - Business Value Most Commonly Loaded Rarely Loaded Loaded Curve Names Load Frequency High Business Value Most oil company customers only load a small sub-set of curves into their data stores Medium Business Value Loaded for specialist applications Note: Business Value does not take account of usage. It deals with the ‘average’ case

9 © Copyright 2006 POSC Company: Service Class: Tool Series: Service-Channel Xref: Channel/Curve (Mnemonic): Tool Class: Curve Class:

10 © Copyright 2006 POSC Company: Service Class: Tool Series: Service-Channel Xref: Channel/Curve (Mnemonic): Tool Class: Curve Class: Generic Name : Function Modifier(s) : Pure Property : Technique: Object : Query simple specific

11 © Copyright 2006 POSC Examples of Company Curve Classifications Company (and Code) Curve Mnemonic Curve DescriptionBusiness Value Curve Class Baker 150GRGamma RayHIGHGamma_Ray Schlumberger 440 SPSpontaneous PotentialHIGHSpontaneous_ Potential Baker 150CALCaliperHIGHCaliper Baker 150RDDeep resistivityMEDDeep_ Laterolog_ Resistivity Baker 150RSShallow resistivityMEDShallow_ Laterolog_ Resistivity Baker 150RMLLMicro-laterolog resistivityHIGHMicro_ Laterolog_ Resistivity

12 © Copyright 2006 POSC For Oil Company Generated Curves Recommended Curve Mnemonics

13 © Copyright 2006 POSC Company: POSC (1000) Service Class: Joined, Interpreted Tool Series: Joined, Interpreted Service-Channel Xref: Channel/Curve (Mnemonic): Tool Class: Curve Class:

14 © Copyright 2006 POSC PWLS Joined (1 of 3) Company (and Code) Curve Mnemonic Curve DescriptionBusiness Value Curve Class POSC 1000ACAcoustic SlownessHIGHAcoustic_Slowness POSC 1000AC_SHEARShear SlownessHIGHShear_Slowness POSC 1000AC_SHR_CALCalibrated Shear Acoustic Slowness HIGHShear_Slowness POSC 1000AC_SHR_BPGeophysical Shear Acoustic Slowness HIGHShear_Slowness POSC 1000AC_COMPCompressional Slowness HIGHCompressional Slowness POSC 1000AC_CMP_CALCalibrated Compressional Acoustic Slowness HIGHCompressional_Slown ess POSC 1000AC_CMP_GPGeophysical Compressional Acoustic Slowness HIGHCompressional_Slown ess POSC 1000AC_IMPAcoustic ImpedanceHIGHAcoustic_Impedance

15 © Copyright 2006 POSC 2004 Shell Change Requests In summer 2004, Shell presented an alternate set of joined and interpreted curve mnemonics at PWLS meetings Shell and POSC staff analyzed the similarities and differences, resulting in a set of Change Requests 6 Change Requests –Were posted for comment –Were resolved based on comments received Accepted changes constitute Version 2.1 update

16 © Copyright 2006 POSC Curve Naming Standards in Shell Presenting To POSC SIG 6/2004 Collating Existing Documents 8/2003 Creating Virtual Team (Domain Experts & Data Managers) 9/2003 Endorsed by Discipline Leadership Team 3/2004 Discussing PWLS Change Request with POSC 12/2004 Joined Curves Calculated / Interpreted Curves Internal: Implementing External....

17 © Copyright 2006 POSC Shell Curve Naming Standards vs. PWLS V2.0 Joined & Calculated Curves SIMILARITIES: Most maps comfortably DIFFERENCES: Terminology: – DT vs. AC Granularity: – PWLS V2 Porosity does not have classes Net or Net Effective – HC Saturation does not have any subclass – Water Saturation does not have any subclass except Flushed Zone – Resistivity Depths of Investigation does not differentiate Shallow and Micro Scope: – PWLS does not cover RFT pressures, TVD, FLD, LITH, Cased Hole, etc. – Shell does not cover Minerals, Drilling Bit Size, etc. Flexibility: – Shell allows local specific for Volume Fractions – Shell allows interpretation method as the suffix for all Calculated Curves

18 © Copyright 2006 POSC Change Requests and Results 1.Acoustic: – Add Stoneley Slowness curve – Accepted – Replace AC with DT – Not Accepted 2.Resistivity: – Differentiate Shallow and Micro – Accepted 3.Permeability: – Replace LPERM with PERM – Accepted 4.Porosity: – Remove Total Porosity. Use generic Porosity instead – Not Accepted – Add Effective, Net Effective – Accepted 5.HC Saturation: – Add Net, Effective, Effective Net, and Flushed Zone – Accepted 6.Water Saturation: – Add Net, Effective, and Effective Net - Accepted

19 © Copyright 2006 POSC PWLS V2.0 – Use in Shell Petris is working on implementing PWLS v2.0 standard for Raw Curves in Recall by Shell’s request; – Plan to implement PWLS v2.0 for Raw Curves Names in Recall Standard Data Dictionaries – Shell Global Standard on Joined and Calculated Curves implemented in Global Recall Data Dictionaries; Deviations to PWLS V2.0 need to be revisited Shell is working on: – How and to what extend to use PWLS V2.0 (Raw Curves) Property Types Attributes – Mapping between: TechLog Curve Family Recall Curve Types PWLS Property Types – Targeting to find alignment by end of 2005

20 © Copyright 2006 POSC PWLS Joined (1 of 3): Change Results Company (and Code) Curve Mnemonic Curve DescriptionBusiness Value Curve Class POSC 1000ACAcoustic SlownessHIGHAcoustic_Slowness POSC 1000AC_SHEARShear SlownessHIGHShear_Slowness POSC 1000AC_SHR_CALCalibrated Shear Acoustic Slowness HIGHShear_Slowness POSC 1000AC_SHR_BPGeophysical Shear Acoustic Slowness HIGHShear_Slowness POSC 1000AC_COMPCompressional Slowness HIGHCompressional Slowness POSC 1000AC_CMP_CALCalibrated Compressional Acoustic Slowness HIGHCompressional_Slown ess POSC 1000AC_CMP_GPGeophysical Compressional Acoustic Slowness HIGHCompressional_Slown ess POSC 1000AC_STONEStoneley SlownessHIGHStoneley_Slowness POSC 1000AC_IMPAcoustic ImpedanceHIGHAcoustic_Impedance REMOVED

21 © Copyright 2006 POSC PWLS Joined (2 of 3) Company (and Code) Curve Mnemonic Curve DescriptionBusiness Value Curve Class POSC 1000BIT_SIZEBit SizeHIGHNom_Borehole_Size POSC 1000CALICaliperHIGHCaliper POSC 1000DENDensityHIGHBulk_Density POSC 1000DEN_GPCalibrated Geophysical Density HIGHBulk_Density POSC 1000GRGamma RayHIGHGamma_Ray POSC 1000NEUNeutron PorosityHIGHNeutron_Porosity POSC 1000PRPoisson RatioHIGHPoisson_Ratio POSC 1000TIM_DEPTime DepthHIGHTime POSC 1000VP_VSCompressional to Shear Acoustic Velocity Ratio HIGHCompressional_Shear _Velocity_Ratio

22 © Copyright 2006 POSC PWLS Joined (3 of 3): Change Results Company (and Code) Curve Mnemonic Curve DescriptionBusiness Value Curve Class POSC 1000KPotassiumHIGHPotassium_Concentration POSC 1000GRKTPotassium Plus ThoriumHIGHGamma_Ray_Minus_Ura nium POSC 1000THThoriumHIGHThorium_Concentration POSC 1000UUraniumHIGHUranium_Concentration POSC 1000PEFPhotoelectric FactorHIGHPhotoelectric_Factor POSC 1000SPSpontaneous PotentialHIGHSpontaneous_Potential POSC 1000RES_DEPDeep ResistivityHIGHDeep_Resistivity POSC 1000RES_MEDMedium ResistivityHIGHMedium_Resistivity POSC 1000RES_SHAShallow ResistivityHIGHShallow_Resistivity POSC 1000RES_MICMicro ResistivityHIGHMicro_Resistivity POSC 1000RTFormation ResistivityHIGHFormation_Resistivity POSC 1000RXOFlushed Zone ResistivityHIGHFlushed_Zone_Resistivity

23 © Copyright 2006 POSC PWLS Interpreted (1 of 2): Changes Company (and Code) Curve Mnemonic Curve DescriptionBusiness Value Curve Class POSC 1000PERMPermeabilityHIGHPermeability POSC 1000PERM_NETNew Log-derived Perm.HIGHPermeability POSC 1000PORPorosityHIGHPorosity POSC 1000POR_EFFEffective PorosityHIGHEffective_Porosity POSC 1000POR_NETNet PorosityHIGHPorosity POSC 1000POR_EFF_NETEffective Net PorosityHIGHEffective_Porosity POSC 1000POR_TOTTotal PorosityHIGHTotal_Porosity POSC 1000SHYDHydrocarbon SaturationHIGHHydrocarbon_Saturation POSC 1000SHYD_EFFEffective Hydro. Sat.HIGHHydrocarbon_Saturation POSC 1000SHYD_NETNet Hydro. Sat.HIGHHydrocarbon_Saturation POSC 1000 SHYD _EFF_NETEffective Net Hydro. Sat.HIGHHydrocarbon_Saturation POSC 1000SHYD_XOFlushed Zone Hydro. Sat.HIGHHydrocarbon_Saturation POSC 1000SWWater SaturationHIGHWater_Saturation POSC 1000SW_EFFEffective Water Sat.HIGHWater_Saturation POSC 1000SW_NETNet Water SaturationHIGHWater_Saturation POSC 1000SW_EFF_NETEffective Net Water Sat.HIGHWater_Saturation POSC 1000SX_XOFlushed Zone Water Sat.HIGH Flushed_Zone_Water_Saturation NOT REMOVED

24 © Copyright 2006 POSC PWLS Interpreted (2 of 2) Company (and Code) Curve Mnemonic Curve DescriptionBusiness Value Curve Class POSC 1000VANHYDAnhydrite VolumeHIGHAnhydrite Volume Fraction POSC 1000VCLAYClay VolumeHIGHClay Volume Fraction POSC 1000VCOALCoal VolumeHIGHCoal Volume Fraction POSC 1000VDOLODolomite VolumeHIGHDolomite Volume Fraction POSC 1000VHALITEHalite VolumeHIGHHalite Volume Fraction POSC 1000VLIMELimestone VolumeHIGHLimestone Volume Fraction POSC 1000VSANDSand VolumeHIGHSand Volume Fraction POSC 1000VSHALEShale VolumeHIGHShale Volume Fraction

25 © Copyright 2006 POSC PWLS Change Requests (new) 1. Generic Curve Classes 2. New Curve Classes Source: CDA

26 © Copyright 2006 POSC Information Overload - Business Value Most Commonly Loaded Rarely Loaded Loaded Curve Names Load Frequency High Business Value Most oil company customers only load a small sub-set of curves into their data stores Medium Business Value Loaded for specialist applications Note: Business Value does not take account of usage. It deals with the ‘average’ case

27 © Copyright 2006 POSC Company: Service Class: Tool Series: Service-Channel Xref: Channel/Curve (Mnemonic): Tool Class: Curve Class:

28 © Copyright 2006 POSC Company: Service Class: Tool Series: Service-Channel Xref: Channel/Curve (Mnemonic): Tool Class: Curve Class: Generic Name : Function Modifier(s) : Pure Property : Technique: Object : Query simple specific

29 © Copyright 2006 POSC Examples of Company Curve Classifications Company (and Code) Curve Mnemonic Curve DescriptionBusiness Value Curve Class & Generic Curve Name Baker 150GRGamma RayHIGHGamma_Ray [GR] Schlumberge r 440 SPSpontaneous PotentialHIGHSpontaneous_ Potential [SP] Baker 150CALCaliperHIGHCaliper [CAL] Baker 150RDDeep resistivityMEDDeep_ Laterolog_ Resistivity [RES_DEP] Baker 150RSShallow resistivityMEDShallow_ Laterolog_ Resistivity [RES_SHA] Baker 150RMLLMicro-laterolog resistivityHIGHMicro_ Laterolog_ Resistivity [RES]

30 © Copyright 2006 POSC Draft Change Requests… PWLS Generic Curve Name CDA CS-3 Generic Curve Type = CURVE_ + Comment / Change Request CAL Caliper matches DEN Density matches INCChange Request: Add Curve Class = Inclinometry NEUNEUTRONAlias: Neutron GRNGRAlias: Natural Gamma Ray NMR Nuclear Magnetic Resonance matches RES, RES_DEP, REF_MED, RES_SHA, RES_MIC RESGranularity Difference

31 © Copyright 2006 POSC Draft Change Requests… PWLS Generic Curve Name CDA CS-3 Generic Curve Type = CURVE_ + Comment / Change Request AC, AC_COMP, AC_SHEAR SONAlias and Granularity Differences; sonic (SON) with acoustic (AC) SP Spont. Potential matches TEMP Temperature matches TIMEChange Request: Add Time DIP, GR_MINU, K, MNR, PEF, PERM*, POR*, RT, SHYD, SIGMA, SW, TH, U, V* OTHERNB: CDA also use QUARANTINE to data pending further work

32 © Copyright 2006 POSC Next Steps Review and refine change requests with CDA. Produce change request document. Post change requests with 6 to 8 week comment period; conduct conference call within Geology / PWLS community. Evaluate feedback Accept uncontested change requests and cycle contested ones for reconsideration. Publish updated Standards and promote usage.

33 © Copyright 2006 POSC Alan Doniger POSC Chief Technology Officer 24 Greenway Plaza Suite 1000-B Houston, TX 77046-2401 +1 713 267-5124 phone +1 713 784-9219 fax

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