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Dental Hygiene Education “Competency-Based” Dental Accreditation Commission Foothill Dental Hygiene –Program Competencies –Integrated into Curriculum –ePortfolios.

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Presentation on theme: "Dental Hygiene Education “Competency-Based” Dental Accreditation Commission Foothill Dental Hygiene –Program Competencies –Integrated into Curriculum –ePortfolios."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dental Hygiene Education “Competency-Based” Dental Accreditation Commission Foothill Dental Hygiene –Program Competencies –Integrated into Curriculum –ePortfolios as Evaluation

2 Four Core Competencies Process of Patient Care Health Ed. Strategies Infection & Hazard Control Ethical & Legal Considerations

3 Portfolio Guidelines Competencies updated Quarterly –Orientation for reviewer –Reflection Evidence-based –References to sources

4 Evaluation of portfolios Quarterly –Lead instructor for 1 st or 2 nd year cohort. At the end of 2 years –Two to three faculty Rubrics & projects reviewed annually

5 What was learned … Pros –Career Tool –Articulation for B.S. –Students track progress –Program Review Considerations –Clarity of Guidelines –Faculty must buy-in –Consistent evaluation –Professional vs. “social” –Technology Skills

6 Dental Hygiene Video Interviews with students and instructor end of February of 2009.

7 Dental Hygiene ePortfolios Graduates of 2009 Aviv Alberts YongJun Ahn

8 Questions? Thank you for joining us today!

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