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MyWIDA GEN II Overview Dr. Richard Shirkey

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Presentation on theme: "MyWIDA GEN II Overview Dr. Richard Shirkey"— Presentation transcript:

1 MyWIDA GEN II Overview Dr. Richard Shirkey
UNCLASSIFIED MyWIDA GEN II Overview Dr. Richard Shirkey Team Leader: Weather Risk Awareness Team , DSN Weather Risk Awareness Team Jim Brandt Leelinda Dawson Terry Jameson Jeff Johnson Steve Kirby Dr. Dave Marlin Richard Padilla Dave Sauter Jeff Swanson Richard Szymber Subing Zeng WIDA 2012 13-15 March Approved For Public Release Distribution Unlimited

2 IWEDA (Integrated Weather Effects Decision Aid)
History IWEDA (Integrated Weather Effects Decision Aid) Initially developed by ARL for the Integrated Meteorological System (IMETS) circa 1990 IWEDA v2 minor improvements accredited AF rule set accredited & extended Army rule set 2006 Centralized Rules Data Base (CRDB) established IWEDA v3 DCGS-A weather available on the Joint Environmental Toolkit (~FY12) mission oriented highly detailed UNCLASSIFIED

3 History (cont’d) MyWIDA v1 MyWIDA v2 laptop version of IWEDA v2 2010
available now MyWIDA v2 web-service or stand-alone available end of FY12 integrated Atmospheric Impacts Routing (AIR)* Excel formatted rules * FY13 availability UNCLASSIFIED

4 Threshold criteria for MyWIDA rules
Compares critical thresholds (rules) against forecast for determination of weather impacts on various systems (weapons, sensors, personnel, sub-systems) Threshold criteria for MyWIDA rules Original rules contained in the CRDB military systems FOUO Versions under development Dept. of Homeland Security Civilian UNCLASSIFIED

5 GEN II – MyWIDA v2 Addressing new needs Portable Flexible
Providing a Customized Capability to Determine Critical Weather Impacts for Field Operations Portable Web Service / Web App Flexible customizable rules Excel format CRDB (available on AKO) user input allowed and saved locally forecast availability AFWA / GFS or WRF • NCEP / WRF AFWA / WRE-N* • DPG / 4DWX AFCCC / Climatological* • FNMOC / NOGAPS* UKMO* 3D/4D visualizations via Google Earth New apps such as ground/aviation weather routing tools (AIR) Data formats aligning with industry standards (XML, KML, etc.) * FY13 availability UNCLASSIFIED

6 MyWIDA v2.1 Web Services Area Of Interest Service (AOIS) – Allows user to request forecast gridded weather model data for a specific region and time duration. Threshold Evaluation Service (TES) – Evaluates an environmental threshold (e.g., wind speed > 15 kts) against a grid of environmental data and returns the results of 0 (false) or 1 (true) and are eventually translated into red/amber/green UNCLASSIFIED

7 MyWIDA v2.1 Web Services Rules Evaluation Service (RES) – Evaluates a system rule (one or more thresholds) against a grid of environmental data and returns the impact level (e.g., marginal or severe) Impact Overlay Service (IOS) – Creates a Keyhole Markup Language (KML) string from a grid of impact level(s) for display via a map server (e.g., Google Earth, OpenLayers, etc.) in 2D or 3D UNCLASSIFIED

8 Area Of Interest Service (AOIS)
-20.0 -78.0 -10.0 -60.0 UNCLASSIFIED

9 Area Of Interest Service (AOIS)
3-02 3-02 -20.0 -78.0 -10.0 -60.0 3-02 UNCLASSIFIED

10 MyWIDA v2.1 Application GUI UNCLASSIFIED

11 MyWIDA v2.1 3D View 3D Visualization of Impacts for 2 layers via Google Earth UNCLASSIFIED

12 MyWIDA: GEN II Customization
Some situations/equipment require forecast resolution not currently available MyWIDA v2 will allow a user to “fat finger” input data Allows for real-time response Can be supplied with custom-tailored rule sets for special users/applications (e.g., Aerostat, UBE, IED, etc. rules) UNCLASSIFIED

13 MyWIDA: A step beyond IWEDA
Summation MyWIDA: A step beyond IWEDA Web Service / Web App Weather Routing Tool (Aviation + Ground) Rules in Excel format ability to modify/add rules & assets ability to save rules locally user defined thresholds GUI optional accesses of CRDB Rules weighting scheme JMBL pull & ingest forecast grids WRF, GFS, WRE-N, 4DWX, NOGAPS, UKMO Multiple users Multiple AOIs V&V via Network Integration Evaluation

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