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Electromagnetic Battle Manager (EMBM)
Unclassified//For Official Use Only Electromagnetic Battle Manager (EMBM) Coalition Joint Spectrum Management Planning Tool (CJSMPT) Mar 2013 Unclassified//For Official Use Only
Problem Statement CENTCOM issued Joint Urgent Operational Need (JUON) for Spectrum Operations at Tactical Level to deconflict CREW and Blue Force Comms (BFC) Provide tactical level units with software that can: Perform quick analysis of CREW against BFC frequencies Predict interference events Recommends a mitigation strategy and resolution Generate reports and graphically represent affected BFC systems Provide all Joint Electromagnetic Spectrum Managers with current spectrum mission software
EMBM System Overview Description
EMBM provides an integrated RF spectrum planning and management capability that enables automation of the spectrum management process. Models and simulates the Electromagnetic Battlespace (EMB) as it pertains to ongoing missions. EMBM capabilities mapped to Joint SM processes (CJCSM C) Enhance Spectrum Management Lifecycle for Joint Task Force (JTF) and lower echelons Tactical EW and RF Interference prediction and mitigation using modeling and simulation
EMBM/CJSMPT History JMUA & Field Assessment, Completed Feb 2009 CENTCOM issues Joint Urgent Operational Need Statement (JUONS) for Spectrum Operations at Tactical Level to de-conflict CREW and Blue Force communications; Jul 2005 CERDEC began CJSMPT JCTD in response to CENTCOM JUONS, Mar 2006 2007 2008 2005 2009 CJSMPT v2.1 V&V, Completed Aug 2009 2006 2010 Phase I SW – EW De-confliction Focus, Completed Jun 2007 CJSMPT Assessment in OIF, Completed Oct 2007 CJSMPT v2.1 Deployment, Began 2 Nov 2009 CJSMPT Admin & Client v2.1.1 FQT, Sep 2010 2011 May 12, 1 Yr Effort on CJSMPT v2.1.2 Initiated May 2011 CJSMPT v2.1.1 CCB, 2-3 Feb 2010 1 Oct 12, EMBM R&D Program initiated in CERDEC based on CJSMPT baseline – targeting transition to GEMSIS – LM Prime EMBM 3 Spiral Reviews to prepare for FQT (Dev moving “in House”) 2012 EMBM Operational Assessment (OA) Monthly SME reviews and preparation for JMUA (Most of 2008) 2013 ATEC OA Capabilities and Limitation Report (CLR) Released
EMBM Value Added Enables Division Level and Below Planning and Prioritization of spectrum requirements Follows Current Joint Operational Spectrum Processes (CJCSM) Maximizes spectrum usage through automated spectrum planning, collaboration, deconfliction and reuse Identifies and provides mitigation when available to reduce the risks to personnel and equipment through early mitigation of frequency fratricide. Provides analysis on mobile (air & land) platforms providing solutions which reduce reliance on “more spectrum” requirements. Provides the capability to mitigate Counter IED Jammers from friendly RF systems, which is a critical JIEDDO requirement Enables effective Joint Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations (JEMSO) at all levels (Concentrating on Division level and below)
CJCSM 3320.01C Spectrum Management
EMBM CAPABILITIES Policy generation / enforcement SFAF Templates exchanged hierarchically Gather Spectrum Requirements Simplified UI with automation for Unit and Net building Spectrum Summary Aggregate requirements via data collaboration Define Electromagnetic Operational Environment (EMOE) AOI based – EMB available through automated updates Pub-7 Compliant with SXXI Automatic SFAF population using SDR and user data Assignments follow SXXI guidance per the SFAF Modifications automatically provided based on changes Nominate and Assign Frequencies Suggest specific frequencies for assignment taking into account user defined and collaborated plans. Determines and optimizes spectrum based on changing requirements – can support the identification of a re-use plan JCEOI Special outputs to send spectrum plan to JACS Automatically builds the MNL and resources in JACS Perform EW Deconfliction Predict incidents of tactical Interference prior to mission execution Movement and CREW device included Resolve/Report Interference SPA can suggest modifications to spectrum plan to minimize interference on a mission by mission basis CJCSM C Spectrum Management Lifecycle Steps Define Policy Gather Requirements Develop EMS Summary Define EMOE Obtain EMS resources Develop SM Plan Nominate & Assign Generate JCEOI Develop JRFL EW Decon Resolve Interference Report Interference
EMBM v1 Architecture Diagram
EMBM Analysis User Interface (AUI) - C# - Spectrum Data Repository (SDR) – Client DB -MS SQL2008-R2 Data Access Spectrum Plan Advisor (SPA) Transitioning to C# Communications Effects Simulator (CES) -C/Fortran executable- Maps -Flat Tile Files- DKO-S (PASS/DDS) (SDR-Master DB) SXXI Windows MDI Messages Spectrum Usage Plan File I/O Interference Metrics Recommended Plan Scenario Data Interference Report EMBM Client runs on: MS Windows XP MS Windows Vista MS Windows 7 Data Requests Frequency Assignments Emitter Characteristics CREW Data SDR Data Interchange (SDI) Peer To Peer Hierarchical SDR Download Task Force Editor (TFE) Spectrum Plans Unit Location update Network Definition ARAT JETS Spectrum Data CREW data Emitter Data Visualizer – Worldwind Java jar – Force Loc/Mgmt EW Effects 2D / 3D User Interaction Localhost Analysis & Report Generator (ARG) Spectrum (EMB, Assignments, etc..) Interference Spectrum Resource Manager (SRM) Policy Mgmt Assignment Mgmt EMBM Admin runs on: SDR ADMIN 7
Frequency Dependent Rejection
Spectral Overlap Approaches: Complex combination of factors: Radio waveform types Antennas (height, pattern, polarization), Transmit (power, frequencies, bandwidths, emission curve (side-lobes, harmonics), Receive (filters, sensitivity), Propagation losses (distance, terrain, etc) Duty cycles, durations, traffic levels, number of nodes, Inter-modulation, etc... Simple Overlap Method Used for Interference Estimation spectral overlap Determine extent of channel overlap, side-lobe, harmonic energy, sensitivity Calculate radio waveform-to-waveform interference factor Account for severity relative to combination of waveforms involved 2D interaction matrix Power de-rating/coexistence factor Calculate antenna loss Calculate propagation loss Aggregate over all transmitters within range of receiver(s) and compare: Radio2Radio Sensitivity <> Pwr * Overlap * Losses * Factors Integrated Overlap
EMBM Equipment Overview
Hardware Requirement (Baseline) Dell Latitude E6500 Intel Core 2 Duo T9400, 2.53GHz 4 GB RAM & 160GB Hard Drive Minimum HW/SW requirements for EMBM 2.2 GHz Duo Core uP 2 GB RAM & 20 GB Hard Drive AGM Win 7 or AGM Win Vista Supported interface Software EMBM Client Software v2.1.2 (collaboration) ACES v3.1 (Master Net List, Resources and Net IDs) Spectrum XXI Software Spectrum XXI-O (Ready Post OA)
Current Collaboration with PM IEW&S
Working with HQDA G3 Electronic Warfare Division, Joint Spectrum Center J3, TRADOC, and ASMO to socialize EMBM among EW community Investigating leveraging EMBM for EW Planning Participating in discussions regarding the coordination of spectrum and electronic warfare planning Personnel matrix to PM IEW&S providing technical guidance for EWMPT (POR for PM IEW&S)
Potential Enhancements to EMBM for EW Planning
EMBM provides a spectrum planning and analysis foundation that could be built upon to provide additional EW functions such as Planning and Collaboration RF Coverage and Propagation Analysis EA Effectiveness Simulation and Prediction Provide Combined Spectrum / EW Common Operational Picture with CPOF Interface U.S. Army CERDEC (SAFM) has almost completely taken over the configuration management and development of EMBM “IN HOUSE” with government developers.
Future Propagation Models
In coordination with other offices, CERDEC has been developing propagation models for urban and rural environments to meet today’s needs for efficient spectrum management: An Integrated Urban Propagation Program Consisting of: A Long-Range simplified analytical Urban Propagation Model (UPM) An Urban model that accounts for terrain effects in a mixed urban/terrain environment Short–range (up to 500m) simplified Urban Propagation Model (UPM) The long-range and short models are integrated into a single program Rural A model that accounts for the scattering effects in rural environment Has been integrated with TIREM
EMBM Summary Enables effective Joint Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations (JEMSO) at Division level and below Supports all phases of CJCSM C Spectrum Management Process Only spectrum mission planning tool that automatically includes CREW devices and Blue Force Comms using ARAT CREW for the purpose of spectrum operations. EMBM Database (SDR) consolidates and logically links all data needed for spectral analysis, planning and mitigation of Comms and EW systems SDR being sustained by CERDEC temporarily EMBM is due to transition to GEMSIS this year World-Wide SDR ready for trial runs – supporting limited deployment Useful for both Operations and Engineering Spectrum Support CERDEC is currently using EMBM for modeling and simulation in support of SSRA Utilized at NIE (SOS-I) to support for Spectrum requests, RF coverage analysis, etc. Provides a viable foundation for additional capabilities such as more detailed Electronic Warfare Battle Management Planning
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