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C2-SENSE WP2 Bojan Božić, Gerald Schimak, Refiz Duro C2-SENSE WP2 Meeting Paris. 2015-01-20.

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Presentation on theme: "C2-SENSE WP2 Bojan Božić, Gerald Schimak, Refiz Duro C2-SENSE WP2 Meeting Paris. 2015-01-20."— Presentation transcript:

1 C2-SENSE WP2 Bojan Božić, Gerald Schimak, Refiz Duro C2-SENSE WP2 Meeting Paris. 2015-01-20

2 WP2 - User Requirement Analysis, System Analysis and Design  Partners (79 PM):  AIT (21),  LUTECH (18),  PIAP (14),  SRDC (13),  SAGEM (10),  Regola (2)  IP (1),  Time frame:  M1-M36 2 1/14/15

3 Overall Task  Task 2.1 Scientific and Technical Management (AIT)  Task 2.2 Survey of the State of the Art Technologies and Architectures (PIAP)  Task 2.3 Gathering User and Technical Requirements of C2-SENSE Architecture (AIT)  Task 2.4 Conceptual Design of C2-SENSE Architecture (SRDC) 3 1/14/15

4 Status Overview  Task 2.1 Scientific and Technical Management (AIT)  Management (Reporting, Monitoring)  Task 2.2 Survey of the State of the Art Technologies and Architectures (PIAP)  Overview and survey of previous Commission supported projects (version 1)  State of the Art document (version 2)  Task 2.3 Gathering User and Technical Requirements (AIT)  Requirements specification document (v1 – overview)  Requirements database with web interface  Requirements specification document (v2)  Task 2.4 Conceptual Design of C2-SENSE Architecture (SRDC)  Version 1  Version 2 4 1/14/15

5 Encountered Problems  Delayed start of workpackage due to Kick Off Meeting mid of May  Limited and late partner feedback regarding collection of use cases and requirements  Some re-planning was needed -> decision to provide V2 of deliverables!  Late delivery of V2 of State-of-the-Art deliverable.  Input to Requirements Database  Project communication  Please improve participation in Teleconfs  Editing deliverables: improvement of quality needed (Deliverable-Templates, Quality Assurance?? – who is responsible?) 5 1/14/15

6 Deliverables  D2.1 Survey of the State of the Art Technologies and Architectures V2:  Responsible: PIAP  Due: M7 (October)  Delivered in November (delayed)  D2.2 User and Technical Requirements of the C2-SENSE Architecture V2:  Responsible: AIT  Due: M8 (November)  Delivered in November  D2.3 Conceptual Design of the C2-SENSE Architecture V1:  Responsible: SRDC  Due: M8 (November)  Delivered in November  D2.3 Conceptual Design of the C2-SENSE Architecture V2:  Due: M9 (December)  Delivered in December 6 1/14/15

7 Outcome 7 1/14/15  D2.1  Complete state of the art analysis (related projects, technologies, tools, and standards)  D2.2  Database with technical user requirements (functional/non-functional)  C2-SENSE relevant use cases (in UML)  D2.3  Component and class diagramms describing the conceptual design of the C2-SENSE architecture

8 Challenges  Matching the deadlines  Two deliverables end of November!  Input from State-of-the-Art deliverable could not be integrated into Requirements Document V2  -  Recommendation: Refer in WP3 to D2.1 where ever possible when you use a specific Software/Technology/etc. for your developments in the specific WP3 tasks.  Project communication  Editing deliverables: improvement of quality needed (Deliverable-Templates, Quality Assurance?? – Reviews…who is responsible? List of Reviewers) 8 1/14/15

9 Decisions from Vienna and Bari  Re-planning of WP2 deliverables and deadlines:  Deliver second version of D2.1 in M7 with improved quality of content (including relevant tools, technologies, projects and standards for C2- SENSE) – delivered in M8  Split D2.2 in two deliverables:  Version 1 has been delivered in time (begin of August) containing an overview of first requirements and use cases and the methodology for requirements collection  Version 2 has been delivered in time (end of November) containing a full list of technical requirements, user requirements and use cases together with a full detail database with all requirements (due in M8)  Setup of the Requirements DB  Split D2.3 in V1 (delivered in M8 – end of November) and V2 (delivered in M8) and integrate new requirements and technologies   Implementation can start as planned in M9 9 1/14/15

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