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English Identity British Future’s (ICM) poll findings on Englishness, October 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "English Identity British Future’s (ICM) poll findings on Englishness, October 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 English Identity British Future’s (ICM) poll findings on Englishness, October 2013

2 Can you name the day and month of the following national days?

3 Thinking specifically about St Patrick's Day and St George's Day, which if either, do you feel is more widely celebrated in Britain today?

4 Should people in England celebrate St George's Day as much as we celebrate St Patrick's Day?

5 Are there any reasons why St George's Day isn't celebrated more than it currently is? Please select up to three.

6 In England should the St George's flag be flown...?

7 Which of the following people connect with you as a spokesperson for England today? Please select up to three.

8 Which, if any, of the following politicians speaks convincingly for England today? (Respondents were allowed to select up to 3 choices)

9 Which of the following comedy characters best represents Eglishness?

10 English characteristics: reality or stereotype?

11 To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement: 'Paying more attention to Englishness will help to unite communities and bring us all together'?

12 The Majority of people see themselves as both English and British, however more people say they are English first rather than British first

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